Ch 5 🌸

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When my eyes locked with his as he walked by I knew I needed to apologize to him for bumping into him early

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When my eyes locked with his as he walked by I knew I needed to apologize to him for bumping into him early. The last thing I need in this town is the enemy.

"Can you guys excuse me? I need to speak to someone." I smile.

"Sure we saw you checking out the hottie." Koral laughs.

I walk over to the bar where the guy is sitting and strike up a conversation and what do you know his dad owns the parts store right near Kabloom.

"I appreciate you offering to help Parker but I really have no idea what I'm going to do. I was left everything mom had and I want to do right by her business but I don't know if handing it over to Maxine and leaving is whats right anymore." I sigh.

"You have to do what your heart tells you to. If you staying and running Kabloom will make your heart happy then stay. I know your mom will be proud of you either way." He smiles at me.

"Thanks, Parker! Well, I better get back to my friends but I wanted to apologize for bumping into you and just running away." I laugh.

"It's ok! Cya around Raylee." He smiles at me and winks.

I walk back to the table to Koral and Tammy smiling from ear to ear. "Oh, you were over there a while! What in the world! Did you get his number???" Koral asks.

"No I was apologizing to him I ran into him early and I just wanted to say sorry. His name is Parker and his dad owns the parts store near Kabloom." I said.

"Whats Kabloom?" Tammy asks.

"The flower shop downtown. It was my mom's store." I said.

"I'll fill you in later Tammy. Sorry, Raylee she doesn't know everything yet and I'm sure you don't want to talk about it now." She said.

"It's ok I don't mind. My mom owned the flower shop and she passed away a few days ago. So I had to come back here to handle things." I said.

"Oh Raylee I'm so sorry I didn't know," Tammy said sadly.

"It's ok you didn't know and I went to the bank today and that's how I met Koral and she invited me out," I said.

"So where did you live then?" Tammy asks.

"California I was there going to college. I actually graduated a week or so ago but mom was to sick to come so I live-streamed it for her.

I had no idea she was as sick as she was until Maxine told me but anyways now I'm back with a house that's paid for, some money, a new truck, and the flower shop." I said.

"Wow that's a lot to take on and I'm sure you weren't planning on coming back here after graduation were you?" Tammy asked.

"No, I had planned to stay in California. I graduated with plans on looking for a job but I'm glad I didn't with all of this happening." I said.

"Well if nothing else that guy is cute and he keeps looking over at you." Koral giggles.

"I don't know guys he was sweet but he may be doing that to get in my pants and I'm not ready for any of that," I said taking the last sip of my beer.

"I know one thing about him if its who I think it is he rides a Harley," Koral said.

"A motorcycle? That makes him even sexier to some." Tammy giggles.

"You girls are fun to be around but I gotta get going home I have some things to do and have to be back at the flower shop early in the morning. Here is my number put it in your phones and text me when you want to get together again." I smile at them.

We exchange numbers and I hug both of them and head out the door. Walking over to my truck I hear someone walking faster behind me and I turn around and its Parker smiling. "Hey!" I smile at him.

"Raylee I wanted to get your number before you go and maybe we can become friends." He smiles.

"I would like that Parker." I smile as he hands me his phone and I enter my number and he calls me so I will have his number too.

"I look forward to hearing from you Raylee and you be careful going home in that sharp ass truck." He smiled.

"Thanks, momma left it to me." I drop my head a second and then look back up at him.

"Please don't cry. Do you need me to follow you home?" He asks.

"I'm good but thank you." I sniff.

"Come on I'm not a stalker I'll follow you home just to make sure you get home safe." Parker smiles.

"Ok thank you Parker I appreciate it." I smile opening the truck door and jumping up in it. I watch him walk over to a Harley and straddle it. God, he looks sexy putting on his gloves and helmet.

I pull out onto the road and he's right behind me. It doesn't take long to get to momma's house and as I pull in the driveway he pulls in behind me and leaves his bike running and removes his helmet.

"Thanks for following me home Parker." I smile.

"Your welcome! Text me if you need anything." He said smiling and putting his helmet back on and backing out of the driveway.

I wave at him and unlock the door. What just happened? I'm here grieving and that guy put a smile on my face and I know absolutely nothing about him.

I head upstairs and change my clothes and then back down to the kitchen to pop some popcorn and grab a drink and head to the couch when my phone beeps.

📱In case you wanted to know I made it home safely too.

I can't help but giggle. I smile at my phone and pick it up to respond.

📱I'm glad you made it home safe. Thank you for following me home!

I lay my phone down and pop a piece of popcorn in my mouth.

Oh mom I miss you so much and in a matter of a day, I've made a few friends. I hope I'm doing what you wanted me to do.

 I hope I'm doing what you wanted me to do

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