Ch 8 🏍

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I pull up to my parent's house and look down at the flowers

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I pull up to my parent's house and look down at the flowers. Well, they survive I laugh to myself.

I walk into the house "Mom it's me! Where are you?" I ask.

"I'm in the kitchen honey!" She said.

I walk in carrying the flowers and her eyes light up. "Are those for me?" She smiles.

"Of course mom! I hadn't been over in a while and I thought I should. Dad said you liked daisies and that you were sad over Sarah." I said.

She hugs me and puts the flowers in a vase. "I am sad over Sarah's death I miss her so badly already." She sniffs.

"Well then I must tell you that I met her daughter yesterday," I said.

"You met Raylee? Is she here already?" She asked.

"Yeah we literally bumped into each other in the bakery but then we had a drink together in the bar and she's been very upset. I think Maxine is helping her though." I said.

"She's a very beautiful young lady huh?" Mom smirks.

"That she is mom. She did tell me to tell you she was making arrangements today and she would let me know. I think it's just a graveside rite but she thought you may want to be there." I said.

"Oh yes, I would love to go. To of just bumped into her you sure know a lot. Tell me about it." Nadine smiled.

"Well after our drink the other night I followed her home to make sure she got there ok and we exchanged numbers and have texted a little bit," I said.

She sits a bowl of chicken and dumplings in front of me. "Here I'm sure your hungry. Sounds like you like her." She said.

"Thanks, mom I am starved but yeah I like her and would like to get to know her better. She is overwhelmed with everything and the business." I said.

"Where is she staying?" Nadine asks.

"She's living at her mom's house. She left her everything she owned and she's undecided on what to do if she wants to stay or go back to California." I said while taking a bite.

"Well, I hope she stays around, and if not I hope she gives Maxine Kabloom. I would be glad to go and help them if needed." She said.

"I will pass that along to her in case they need some help. She's trying to learn flowers but she doesn't know many." I laugh.

"Well, honey it will take her a while. But it would be a joy to help. Just let her know ok? Because I'm sure you will talk to her again." She laughs.

My phone beeps and I reach in my pocket and pull it out and smile. "It's her. You talked her up mom."

📱I just wanted to let you know arrangements have been made for momma. It will be the day after next at 10 am at the graveyard next to my nana and pop pop. I'm sure your mom knows where that is Briers's cemetery.

📱I will let mom know. How are you doing?

📱I'm so so the guy at the funeral home pissed me off but I'll get over it. Did your mom like her flowers?

📱I'm sorry that he did. Want to talk about it? And yeah she loved the flowers.

📱Nah I'm good I'm just annoyed. I just wanted to let you know.

📱Ok if you're sure. I'm over moms eating some chicken and dumplings. I could bring you some if you want later.

📱Those are my fav but I won't impose. I'm good with a bag of chips. Enjoy the time with your mom and I'll talk to you later.

"Mom do you think I could take her some dumplings? She said they are her favorite but shes good with her bag of chips." I said.

"Oh, honey of course I have plenty you know how much food I make." She said.

"She said gravesite rites is the day after tomorrow at 10 am at the Briers cemetery," I said.

"Oh yeah, I know where that is. Are you going to go, son?" She asks.

"Yeah, I would like to go be there for her. Everyone needs a friend. Shes made two friends already a girl from the bank and that girls friend." I said.

Mom grabs a container and fills it full of dumplings and chocolate cake she made. "Here takes her some of my homemade cake as well. Do you want a piece now or share a piece with her?" She asked.

"I'll share a piece with her. Thanks, mom for doing this. I couldn't imagine not having you or dad. Wait does she have a dad?" I ask.

"Yeah, he's a piece of shit! Pardon my language but he left her mom and cheated on her and has several kids with a couple of other women. Sarah disliked him so much. He came around recently wanting money but she of course didn't give it. I sure hope that he doesn't try to come around now." She said.

"Maybe she will talk to me about it I'm not sure though. What's his name you know?" I ask.

"I'm pretty sure its Jeff. He has several kids but I don't think he ever had anything to do with Raylee. He only comes around wanting money. If I know Sarah the way I do she would of left Raylee a letter telling her don't give him anything." She said.

"That really sucks I can't imagine how she's feeling. Thanks for the food mom I'm going to stop it by to her even if she doesn't want to talk. Love you, mom!" I kiss her cheek and grab the goods and head out to my bike.

I put the food into a saddlebag and head toward Raylee's house. I pull into the driveway and I see the truck so I know she's home. I grab the food and head to the door and knock.

When she opens the door she smiles when she sees my face "Hi." I said smiling her.

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