Ch 26 🌸

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Once in the room with Ricky, I let Parker do all the talking

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Once in the room with Ricky, I let Parker do all the talking.

"So that's why she wants the CD's," Parker said.

"I'm sorry to hear about your mom Raylee she was always smiling and a ray of sunshine when I would pick up flowers for my wife," Rick said.

"I love hearing things about her and thanks for helping me," I said.

"No problem so do you know how much you want to put in a cd?" He asked.

"I do I have it in my duffle bag. Five hundred thousand in each please." I smile.

"Come again? You have it in your bag?" Rick asks.

Parker picks up the duffle bag and opens it handing the first five hundred thousand over to him.

"Alrighty then." Rick laughs "I can see you are serious."

"I am Rick. My momma worked too hard for this and I want to keep it safe. "I said.

"I drew up two CD's for you containing five hundred thousand each. Now we just need to have the money counted and then you can sign and be good to go." Rick said.

"Ok sounds good," I said looking at Parker and he reaches out for my hand.

"Is there anyone you want on this CD besides you?" He asked.

"You mean that can come to get the money out or something? No one right now. Can I change that later if I choose?" I ask.

"Yes, you can." He said shuffling the money until it's all counted. "Ok let's go out front with all this and get it signed and the money put up," Rick said.

We stand up and follow him out with the duffle bag and I sign the forms that needed be and hand all the money over to him. "You are good to go. Thank you for your business. Parker tells your dad hi for me." Rick said.

"Sure will and we appreciate it, Rick," Parker said heading to the door. Once in the truck, he asked what I want to do.

"I want to take the pictures she wrote on along with her letter into the safety deposit box and then we will work on the others and find more money and prob find a hiding spot I'm not sure but that makes me nervous having all that money lying around," I said.

"I don't blame you let's get that done and then we can look for more treasure." He said smiling over at me.

Once back at the house I gather stuff up and we take back off on the bike to the bank. Once that's done we stop at an ice cream shop and eat a cone before heading back to the house.

Pulling into the driveway we pull our gear off and head into the house. "Ok let's get another clue. I turn the picture over and it reads.

~You hated twinkle twinkle little star after all the lessons.~

"Ohhh the piano in the basement," I said walking down the steps. I walk over to the piano and lift the lid nothing but keys. I lift the top and nothing there so then I lift up the seat and there were stacks of money. I hand them to Parker.

"Here is another three hundred thousand." He said waving it at me as he follows me back upstairs. I pick up another card.

~Do you remember what Momma's favorite cereal is?~

"Oh, it's gotta be in the kitchen. Shredded wheat was her thing. Let's look in the pantry." I said pulling a box out and opening it to find it full of cash no cereal.

"Shit this is three hundred more thousand Raylee," Parker said.

"I'm worried if anyone knows of this money." I sigh.

"Well my mom and she would have told Maxine." He said.

"Yeah your right this was her thing and she knew how I loved scavenger hunts." I smile at him.

Parker's phone beeps.

"Oh, it's Wes he has your liner and wanted to know if he could come on over and work on the pool."

"Oh, that sounds great to me. Tell him to come on." I smile.

Parker texted him and he said he would be by in an hour.

My phone starts ringing

📞Hey, Maxine what's up?

📞I just wanted to warn you Clarissa was just here looking for you again. I told her to try California and not come back. Then Nadine threatened to call Mick. She left in a hurry.

📞They are really trying my patience but thanks for letting me know Maxine.

📞No problem sweetie. Bye


"I swear that bitch I'm ready to pull her hair out with my hands," I said.

"Who Raylee?" He asks.

"Clarissa she was back at the shop and Maxine told her to check California and your mom threatened to call Mick and she ran out." I sigh

"Don't let her get to you ok? That's what they are trying to do to get your attention. I wouldn't doubt if she doesn't come back here." Parkers said walking over to me.

I fall into his arms and he hugs me tight and we just stand silent in the kitchen and it's comfortable here in his arms.  He kissed the top of my head and rubs my back.

I pull back and look up at him and pull him in for a kiss. Something I have never done before is initiate anything.  He doesn't seem to mind he wraps his arms around me tighter and sits me on the counter and stands between my legs kissing me more aggressively biting my lip.

He squeezes my ass as he deepens the kiss slipping his tongue in my mouth. I pull at the back of his hair as his hands are on my thighs and I'm feeling things I've never felt before down below.

His hands inch up closer and his thumbs are inches away from touching a place no one has been before when the doorbell rang.

I laugh against his lips as he pulls away. He leans in for one more kiss and walks to the door. I jump off the counter and try to wipe my mouth and straighten my clothes up before Wes walks in.

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