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I woke up this morning cramping

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I woke up this morning cramping. As soon as my feet touched the floor my water broke. I can't see my feet but I'm assuming that's what it was.

Parker is at work and Judson is in school. Just great I grab my phone and call Parker.

📞Hey beautiful what's up?

📞Parker, it's time! My water just broke.

📞Oh shit! I'll be there soon hang on.

I sit back down on the bed and try to breathe until I hear Parker running up the steps.

"Hey, can you stand up?" He asked.

"Yeah just slowly because I keep having contractions." I wince in pain.

"Can I pick you up and carry you instead?" He asked.

"You can try but we need to go like now please," I said.

Before I know it Parker has me up in his arms carrying me down the steps and out to the truck. He must have pulled it out of the garage and put his bike in before coming in.

We race down the road toward the hospital which is still a good five minutes away which I feel like I can't make it.

"Parker you need to call your mom to pass along the news. I'll dial the number you talk though," I said.

📞Parker, what's up?

📞Mom, it's time! I'm on my way to the hospital with Raylee. Her water broke.

📞Ok, keep us posted it could be a while. Raylee we love you hang on ok sweet girl?

📞She's shaking her head mom she can't talk but I'll keep you posted we are at the hospital now.

📞Ok, I will pass on the news and don't worry about Judson he will be with us. Love you.

📞Thanks love you too.

We pull up at the hospital and Parker jumps out and runs inside to get someone. A lady comes out with a wheelchair and they get me in it and Parker goes to park the truck.

I get asked so many questions as they are taking us up to the baby floor. They are hooking me up to monitors when the Doctor walks in and they begin checking me.

"Well you are three centimeters and you have to get to ten. It will be a slow process but I will be back to check on you in a bit." He said.

"Three? Oh Parker it's going to be a long night. I'm going to start a group text to let everyone know." I said.

"It's ok beautiful by the end of this our beautiful girl will be here." He smiles and leans down and kisses my head.

Hours pass by slowly so it seems and finally after 12 am the doctor checks me, and I'm finally at ten centimeters and so ready to push.

After seven pushes Sarah Elise enters the world weighing 7lbs 2oz with a head full of dark hair like Parker. But there is no denying she is my child she looks like me.

I look over at Parker and he is crying wiping his eyes as they lay Sarah on my chest wiping her down. I can't help but cry its such a relief that she is here.

I watch as Parker cuts the cord and the nurse takes Sarah away to clean her up. "You did so good beautiful."

I smile up at him as he leans down to kiss me the nurse brought Sarah back and placed her in my arms. Parker leans down and kisses her head.

"Our family is out in the waiting area you think maybe we should let them all in?" Parker asks.

"Yeah, you should probably go get them all. I know its a bunch." I laugh kissing the top of Sarah's head.

Parker walks back in the room with his parents, Maxine, Lynn & Mick with Justin and Judson and then Milly and Jimmy and last but not least Koral.

"Oh, Raylee she looks just like you." Maxine cries looking at Parker holding Sarah.

Nadine and Keith look so happy watching their son hold his daughter. I smile around the room looking at all these people just wishing I would see the one person that I cant... Mom.

Mick bawled like a baby when he got to hold Sarah. He's taking this grandpa thing to heart and I find it so cute. Lynn brought Sarah a really cute outfit too.

Koral brought her a teddy bear and explained that Tammy was at work that's why she didn't come.

Two hours later the room cleared out and I was trying to breastfeed my baby. It was difficult at first but she was beginning to latch on and that was a relief.

Parker was sitting at my bed watching her suck. "You know I'm a little jealous." He laughed.

"Parker what in the world. This isn't sexual this hurts." I laugh.

"I'm going to count down until I can have sex with my beautiful wife." He said.

A couple of days later we were able to go home and when I walked upstairs into Sarah's room I know Tammy had been here because the room is finished and it looks so good.

"Parker, did you let Tammy in here to finish this?" I ask.

"Yeah the day you went into labor I let her in to finish it. She did a great job." He said.

"It's beautiful," I said looking around laying Sarah in her crib.

Parker wraps his arms around me and kisses the side of my head. "Look how beautiful she is. She looks just like her momma."

"She is perfect isn't she?" I smile looking down at our daughter.

"Mom is coming over to bring us some food but secretly she just wants to see the baby." Parker laughs.

"I could eat. I'm always hungry but I can't use the excuse of eating for two anymore." I laugh.

"I can put another baby in you if you want." He laughs.

"Parker I just had a baby a couple of days ago I think we need to wait." I laugh.

He caresses my face in his hands. "Whenever your ready so am I. I love you so much Raylee."

"I love you too Parker." I smile.

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