Ch 15 🌸

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Kissing the casket one last time broke my heart into pieces and my dad showing up showing his ass has me so mad but I'm not going to let him ruin this day for momma

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Kissing the casket one last time broke my heart into pieces and my dad showing up showing his ass has me so mad but I'm not going to let him ruin this day for momma.

Parker is something else standing up to my dad like that and taking care of me. I don't know how to thank him for everything.

After Parker helps me get in the truck I just stare at the casket. Once he's inside he asked if I was ready to go but I wasn't. I wanted to watch them lower her into the ground.

"Do you mind if we wait? I want to see them lower her down in the ground. I know it sounds morbid but I want to make sure my so-called father doesn't show back up." I said.

"Its fine with me Raylee whatever you want to do," I say looking over at her.

"I appreciate what you did back there. The asshole didn't even recognize me." I sniff wiping at my eyes.

Before I could say anything else they lowered momma into the ground and started to shovel dirt on top of her. "I think I'm ready Parker," I said.

"Alright is there anywhere you want to go?" He asked.

"No just home to eat some leftover dumplings and maybe lay down a bit. I still don't feel myself." I said.

"Alright, then let's get going." He said.

Once back at the house he clicks the button and pulls my truck into the garage so that it looks like no one is home in case my dad comes back.

We get out of the truck and walk through a door that leads inside of the house to the kitchen.

"I can heat up the dumplings if you want to go and change into something more comfortable." He said to me grabbing the dumplings out of the fridge.

"Ok sounds good I'll be right back." I run up the steps to my room and grab a t-shirt and a pair of shorts to slide on and throw my dress across momma's bed.

Once back downstairs Parker had our dumplings heated up and bowls sitting on the bar. "Do you want water with this?" He asked.

"No, I think I would like a coke please." I smile at him getting up on the barstool.

"That sounds good to me as well. So Zack will be here after 5 pm and he's going to set everything up and you can have monitors in any room you want." He said.

"Maybe in the den since I'll spend the most time in there and that way I will know if anyone is at the door," I said.

"You can have monitors wherever you want them." He said.

"I just don't want to be obsessed with them and if I hear anything I can always go down to look," I said.

"Do you know how to use a gun?" he asked.

"I do because of living in California and I even own one it's pink." I giggle when I see his eyes get big.

"I wasn't expecting that but I'm glad to incase you need to use it sometime." He said.

After we eat we went outside outback where there is an inground pool but it looks like it hasn't been cleaned or taken care of in years.

"I wish this was clean and I could swim. Do you know of anyone who I could pay to work on it?" I ask Parker.

"My crazy Ass friend Wes is a pool guy and believe me what you see on the tv about old women sleeping with the pool guy is true. But I think he can fix it for you." Parker laughs.

"Really? He sleeps with all the married women?" I giggle.

"He will sleep with anything that moves so please don't look at him." He said.

"Pfft, that wouldn't happen with me because I respect myself and don't do stuff like that," I said.

"Let me text him and I'll have him come over and take a look and get a price."

"Sounds good to me and Parker I really appreciate all you have done for me I don't know how to repay you besides with money," I said.

"As I told you I don't want your money Raylee just being friends is nice. And please when you meet my friends I don't act like that." He laughs.

"I promise not to hold it against you." I giggle.

I walk into the den and sit down to watch some tv and Parker follows me. "It shouldn't be long until Zack gets here." He said leaning his head back on the couch.

"Maybe we have time for a cat nap before he gets here." I smile over at him leaning my head back on the couch too.

We doze off to sleep and wake up to the doorbell ringing. Parker looks at me and he's close to my face we must have dozed laying our heads together.

"I better go get that. Come out when you want to meet Zack." Parker said

Hw opened the door to say hi to Zack and realize its Jeff again. "What the fuck man how many times do I have to tell you?" Parker said.

"I'm looking for umm my daughter Ray." He said.

"There is no Ray that lives here just me so I suggest you leave before I introduce you to my handgun. The next time you come back I'm calling the police." Parker yells.

"I want to see my daughter," Jeff said.

"I don't know what to tell you but shes not here man. As you see its just me." Parker said.

I can hear the loud talking and I know that it couldn't be Parker's friend so I stay hidden in the den. Maybe I should go out and tell him what I think of him and he goes away once I realize that it's my father again.

Parker slams the door and turns around and I'm standing right there. "Was that my father again?" I ask.

"Yeah, that piece of shit I told him if he comes back he will meet my gun. He wanted to talk to Ray." He said.

"Ray my ass no one has ever called me that. Maybe I should have confronted him. I heard him at the funeral saying I owed him money I don't owe him shit Parker." I said

"It's ok I believe you and I don't think we have seen the last of him, unfortunately," Parker said.

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