Ch 39🏍

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Damn, I didn't think Raylee had all that in her

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Damn, I didn't think Raylee had all that in her. I look over at Mick and smirk.

"Damn that girl is a fireball." He said.

"That's my heart, Mick." I smiled over at him as she walked out the door and into my arms.

"Are you ok beautiful?" I ask as I wrap my arms around her.

"I am now. I feel better now that I got that off my chest." She said smiling at me.

"Raylee you little fireball." Mick laughed as we followed him over to his desk.

"So now what?" I ask as we sit down.

"Well when Jeff and Clarissa are released they know about the restraining orders and if they come within five hundred feet of you they can be arrested. Same for Verna.

"Was that in effect this morning when she came to Kabloom?" I ask.

"Yeah, it was I didn't know she came there. I can pick her up." Mick said.

"The little brother Judson also showed up at the body shop and said he was being forced to come and talk to me. I asked where he lived and he said over on sixth with them but he was on Raylee's side. But I don't know if we can trust him." I said.

"So how many more kids are there?" Mick asked.

"I asked Judson that and he said they have another sister Milly," I said.

"I think I'm going to pay him a visit and see what side he's really on and if truthfully on Raylee's I'll get him to help us," Mick said.

We stood up and all walked outside. "Thank you Mick for letting me see him." Raylee smiled.

"Anytime! I'll be in touch." He said walking back inside.

"Can we stop and get some food? I'm starving." She said to me getting in the truck.

"Anything you want beautiful." I pull out and head to get some food.

Once back at Raylee's we take our food to the kitchen and sit on the bar stools.

"You think Judson was being honest about being on my side?" She asked.

"He seemed it. The poor kid was terrified having to come in and make something up. I felt bad for him." I said picking up my burger.

"I don't want to think anything yes or no until Mick talks to him." She said finishing her burger.

I lean over and kiss her cheek. "I love you Raylee," I said.

She blushed and bit her lip. "I love you too Parker." She smiled.

"Doesn't feel weird to say maybe some pressure off my back." I laughed.

"I was thinking the same thing. Can we go swing outside?" She asked.

"Yeah come on let's head out and check the pool too," I said following her outside.

"Wow, it looks so good. I will give it to Wes he sure knows what he doing." Raylee laughs as she sits in the swing.

"Yeah, he does. Maybe we can have that pool party this weekend? That gives people a couple of days to prepare." I said.

"That sounds like fun. Let's do a group text include your parents and Zack and Wes and then Mick and his family and Maxine and her family and I'll even invite Koral and Tammy and Gert and Lily and we can order some bbq and just eat and swim." She smiled.

"Ok you invite Koral and Tammy and Maxine and family and also Gert and Lily and I'll get the others," I said.

After we send our text we decide to run down to the bbq place and put in our order. After leaving the bbq place Raylee asked if we could stop by the graveyard.

We pull up and she sighs. "I just need to talk to momma. I need to come back and bring her some peony's." She said smiling at me.

"Would you like to go alone?" I asked her.

"No, it's fine come with me please." She said as she got out of the truck.

We walk down to the fresh dirt and flowers laying on top. Raylee sits down on the ground and plays with some of the flowers.

"Hey, momma! I miss you and we have been finding some of your stashes. I know you brought Parker into my life and I'm happy about that. But could you somehow make dad and his clan stay away from us." She laughs and plays with more flowers.

"I hope it's pretty in heaven and you are having a good time up there. I wish you were here with me. I decided to keep kabloom open with Maxine and Nadine's help." she said.

I sit down behind her on the grass behind her and pull her in close. "You rest Sarah I'm taking care of your girl," I said kissing the side of her head.

Raylee leans back on my chest and just takes a deep breath. I squeeze her in tighter.

"I'm ready if you are Parker. I just felt like I needed to talk to her and feel close to her." She sniffed.

"I'm sorry this is the only way you can be close to her Raylee." I kiss the side of her head and get up off the ground and pull her up.

"Thank you but I don't have any other choice. Do you think Jeff and them will leave me alone now?" She asked.

"I wish I knew beautiful but I sincerely doubt it. They want money and they aren't going to stop." I said.

"I refuse to pay them off because even though I have more money than I can do with I won't give them one sent." She said getting back in the truck.

"I would be mad if you did even though it's not my money if you did they would just keep coming back over and over for money and that's not going to keep happening," I said pulling out onto the road.

When we pull up at the house Mick is standing in the driveway leaning against his cop car.

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