Ch 13 🌸

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I'm on the edge listening to Parker talking to the person who showed up earlier which would be my so called dad

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I'm on the edge listening to Parker talking to the person who showed up earlier which would be my so called dad. When Parker comes back he told me all that happened and that I need better locks and a security camera and outside lights.

"My best friend Zack he installs security systems and cameras. I will talk to him tomorrow about setting you up." Parker said.

"I appreciate all of your help because you don't have to." I smile over at him.

"Yeah even though you put sticky ice cream on my forehead I'll forgive you." He laughs.

I smirk over at him and throw a gummy worm at him. "Do you want to watch the rest of this movie? I need my mind off of everything and especially what's happening tomorrow." I said.

He catches the gummy worm in his mouth and shakes his head yes. I start the movie back up and snuggle down under a blanket watching the movie. Parker scoots over and grabs my blanket.

"Can I have some? I'm a little cold." He laughs

"Here sure, you can have some." I smile over at him. I'm trying hard not to fall asleep but my eyes are so heavy that I doze off a few times until I fall asleep.

I feel my body being lifted up off the couch and in a pair of strong arms being carried up the steps to mommas room. Parker lays me on the bed and begins to remove the pictures we looked through the night before and put them over on the dresser.

"Raylee I'm going to lay on the couch and get some sleep ok?" He said.

"No need for that this bed is huge just lay down like last night it's fine I promise," I said sleepily.

"Are you sure Raylee? I respect you and would never want you uncomfortable." He said.

"It's fine Parker get in the bed." I giggle and turn over and fall back to sleep.

The next morning around 8:30 my alarm goes off. I'm glad I set it before I got sleepy last night. I turn over to stretch and see Parker beside me still asleep. Gosh, why can't I have his eyelashes?  He really is handsome and I'm happy to of made friends with him.

I get up and go to the bathroom to shower before waking him up. I get out with a towel wrapped around me and brush my teeth and put on a little makeup and waterproof mascara and a little gel in my hair.

I walk out of the bathroom to see Parker sitting on the side of the bed. His mouth drops open when he sees I'm only in a towel.

"I'm sorry Parker I forgot to take clothes in the bathroom with me and I thought you would still be asleep," I said.

"Oh, I don't mind the view." He laughs and stands up and walks over to me and pinches my cheek.

"Is it ok if I go take a shower now? Then after you get ready we will head over to my place so I can get clean clothes." He said.

"Ok, I just need to pick out a dress, "I said picking up two black dresses trying to decide.

"Pick the one on the right its prettier." He smiles.

The black one he chose has more lace on the hem and around the shoulders and shows just a tad of cleavage.

"Parker I can't get on your motorcycle in a dress." I laugh.

"I thought maybe we could take your truck." He laughed.

"Well that makes more sense and you can park your bike in the garage." I'd hate for my dad to come back and do something to it." I said.

He steps out of the bathroom with wet hair. "Ok, I'm ready when you are." He said walking over to the dresser for his wallet and phone and keys.

"I'm ready I'm a low maintenance kinda girl." I laugh.

"I like that. Some girls look like straight-up pumpkins." He makes an ugly face.

"Haha yeah, I've seen a few of those at college but that's not for me." I smile following him downstairs.

Walking outside I can't help but look around making sure my dad is nowhere to be seen. I watch Parker open the garage and put his bike inside and lock it back.

"You ready to go Raylee?" He asked.

"Sure how about you drive? I just don't feel like it." I said walking to the passenger side.

"I don't mind driving. I don't know if I can though because I'm used to my motorcycle." He laughs jumping up in the truck and backing out onto the road.

I watch houses and cars pass by and I'm just all wrapped up in my head missing my momma. I try to keep a smile on my face but it's hard.

"Raylee are you ok?" He reaches over for my hand and holds it.

"Yeah, I'm just thinking of momma and how much I miss her that's all." I sighed.

"It's ok to miss your momma. It just shows you are human. But she talked about you all the time and how proud she was of you. I heard her talking to Gloria about you often." He said.

"She was proud of me going to college but I should have just stayed around here and went to college and lived with her. I have missed out on four years of her life." I sniff.

Parker squeezes my hand tighter. "It's going to be ok Raylee because I will be a shoulder for you to cry on."

"I appreciate you Parker and for being my friend you don't have any idea how much this means to me."

"You don't have to keep thanking me. But do remind me to call Zack when we get to my apartment." He said.

I watch him pull into a brick set of condos. Its a nice area and plenty of parking. Its just two condos attached so not so noisy either.

"You have a nice place. How are the neighbors?" I ask.

"Actually Zack and Wes live next door. They are my best friends and I would assume Zack is at work or I would go knock on the door. His car isn't here." He said.

"Oh well, that's cool to live that close to your friends," I said.

"Sometimes but they throw wild parties and I can't say much about it." He laughs.

We get out of the truck and walk up the sidewalk to his front door. I'm so shakey on my feet I feel like passing out.

"Parker I don't feel so good," I said before it all went black.

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