chapter 42

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It did not take long before my father passed away and i seemingly, shut down. I noticed the occasional visits of Death keeping an eye out on me. I sat outside on the rusty swings staring at into the edge of the forest.

Not sure what i was hoping for.

It was a familiar lake only a few minutes away from my backyard. But this time it was frozen and the night has fallen over, the moonlight shinning against the solid surface.

My feet wobbled in the unknown skates attached to my feet, tightly clutched onto the boys cold arm as he guided me around the ice lake. He pulled me after him, gliding around laughing at my wobbly feet as i several times crashed my butt against the floor.

"Please dont let go." The words passed my lips inbetween laughs, my full focus on my feet until coming to a stop.

Hes hands tightly held onto my elbows, steadying my body much smaller to hes. Hes smile danced across hes face, a sparkle flashed over hes eyes. Slowly placing hes cold hand on my flushed red cheeks.

"I will never let go." With that he leaned in pressing hes lips into mine, suprisingly were not as cold as expected.

I sighed leaving my eyes completely shut. The weather cooled down, something lightly landing on the tip of my nose. Slowly opening my eyes only to see my entire back garden completely covered under white blanket snow. Every strand of grass frosted over, the seats covered with fallen snow and more still falling.

I smiled lifting up my lifeless body, the grass crunching under my heavy boots catching a snowflake in the palm of my hand.

"You fell straight down in your backside after we shared a first kiss." Lifting up my head in the sitting position to see a tall figuer, leaning against the tree that marked the beginning of the forest.

I burrowed my eyebrows together staring at the stranger that began walking closer to me, placing himself on the ground infront of me. My gaze never left him as he played with hes hands, covering hes hooded face. He tilted hes head to one side making me glance in that direction.

There stood a little snowman with a red scarf and big round glasses that looked way too familiar, making me giggle. When i looked back hes face was longer hooded.

Whiteish blonde hair, deep blue eyes and pale skin met my eyes. White tattoos stretched across one side of hes face and a crooked smile that made my insides turn.


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