chapter 3

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20 second start..

He's husky voice spoke at the back of my mind as i dodged several corner's of the dimly lit corridors.

Alway's enjoyed watching me run away, desperately trying to find my way out. I was he's prey while he was the hunter. The sudden drop of temperature made my breathe appear infront of my face.

"Here Kitty Kitty," The siniter voice floated right behind me as i came to a dead end.

This place is like a maze. I have nowhere to hide.

"I was hoping you would run further, your the best part of my day," He's cold breath slid against my neck.

But I didnt make a move as my body slowly moved hitting a hard wall. My heart roughly pounted against my chest, my entire body shaking with fear.

The voice at the back of my head begged me to run, dodge he's lean body and let my feet carry me instead i did the complete opposite.

"Run little mermaid," Tilting my head back to get a full view of he's body reaching over me.

"No," He's head tilted at the new words passing by my lips like a puppy hearing new sound's.

A scythe suddenly appeared by he's siden, making my eyes go wide. On the rare occasion i got to see he's face but only several feature's and i could never put together he's full image.

He's long fingers curled against the scythe right before he swung it aiming for my head. Just in time crouching down he hit the mirror behind me instead.

"Not so brave anymore are we ?," He let out a mocking laugh as I crawled under he's legs.

Pushing myself away from him as he ran the blade of he's scythe around my hair. Tear's threathened to escape my eye's, my body frozen on the ground.

"I alway's loved seeing the fear in your eye's." Excitment laced over he's word's at the delight of he's daily chore of attempting to kill me.

The chuckles passing hes lips got me out of my trance to realise something was different. My light brown and blonde hair were suddenly turned into a midnight black.

"What have you done !" I cried out in despare running my hands over my head.

"I always knew you would look much more attractive with dark hair." He felt so proud of he's actions.

While I wanted to leave out a blood curling scream at the sudden pain on my chest. He could alway's trigger that pain under my giant scar right between my ribcage.

"I shall come back tomorrow baby girl." He's breath slid down my neck as he whispered into my ears.

With that he disappeared leaving me on my knees and hands gasping for air.

What have you done mom ? Let my nightmare end already.

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