How Taehyun fell in love.

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Taehyun's Pov

Love. The word I never actually believed. It's not that I was a heartless person, it's just that i never believed that word. I love my family. I love myself. I love my members. I love MOA but i had never thought of the word 'love' romantically for anyone. Not for a girl or for a boy. I was sure that i'm not asexual. I was not even straight, gay or bisexual. Then what was i? I realized about my sexuality after meeting Beomgyu hyung. I didn't realise at first that i have blindly fallen for that guy but things made me realise that i actually were.

Beomgyu hyung was the last to join the group. He was really handsome when i saw him. Completely an idol face. He's still handsome. In fact more than he was that day and is actually an idol. I liked how Beomgyu hyung looked in a complete heterosexual way. But his attitude towards us, how friendly and positive he was made me want to be friends with him. He always gave off a warm vibe. Seeing him smiling would always made me warm inside. He was the most charasmetic human on Earth ( still is) and the person with the biggest heart.

Years passed. It was finally the date when we debut. We all became really close. Yeonjun hyung was really nice, he always took care of me. Soobin hyung, the leader always checked how we are and always took importance to everyone's opinion. Hyunning Kai was and still is my bestfriend. We clicked really well. Beomgyu hyung was Beomgyu hyung. Awesome and loving as always.

We were really tensed but we finally debuted. We were really excited and were quiet nervous as we are gonna be idols and it's gonna take a lot. We have to do more hardwork. Still we were very happy. We got lots of good remarks. I was happy. We went out to celebrate.

We went to a very fancy restaurant and Bang-pd said that he will pay for us. So we were really happy to have a good meal freely! We talked a lot about how it was on the stage with people watching us. Some were happy some were judgy. It was completely a new experience. It was thrilling and exciting. Suddenly Beomgyu hyung started to cry. When we heard that we were debuting, we had an emotional breakdown but then we laughed it off amd ordered chicken. I was shocked when he started crying. I asked him, "Hyung, are you okay?" Everyone looked at Beom hyung. He said with quevering voice that he was okay. Though he actually wasn't. Yeonjun hyung asked, " Are you really okay?" Soobin hyung started hugging him. And Hyuka sang, "Don't cry~. Beom hyung~ if you cry, i'll cry too." Hyung tried to smile but he just couldn't stop crying. I put my hand on hyung's back and caressed his back and said, "Hyung? Is something wrong? You want to go home?" Beomgyu smiled and wiped his tears ans said, " Guys happy tears. I'm so happy. I just couldn't contain it anymore. When we were trainees, we would always think about ' when will we debut' and now we finally debuted. It still feels surreal. I can't believe that i'm not a trainee anymore. I can't believe that i'm actually gonna be an idol and also being in a team with you guys. Seriously, we worked hard together that's why we succeeded. Thank you guys. Love you. Today is apparently the best day of my life."

Just then, i realised that i was in deep shit called love and not for anyone but for him. I fell in love with Beomgyu hyung. He looked so passionate and etheral that i just wanted to look at him talking forever. Actually i can stare at him forever. I mean he's gorgeous and he has the biggest heart. I don't know why a simple speech made me love him but it did. I was 'romantically' in love with him. And guess what? It sucks to be in love with your bandmate.

After debuting, we were told that we would have to flirt with ourselves because fangirls like that. Everyone's reaction was 'ah'.

Hyuka says, "Yikes, i have to flirt with Taehyunnie?!"

I say, " Don't steal my lines, doofus." Hyuka laughed.

Beom hyung says, " We have to flirt with each other? Woahh. Yeonjun hyung? Soobin hyung? Wah. I can't flirt with these grandpa's. Hyuka is like a baby. I don't flirt with babies. So Taehyunnie, flirt with me?"

I was completely off guard. I almost choked on my saliva.

I asked, " What?"

He repeated, " Flirt with me."

I would've blushed if i didn't face somewhere else but I said, " It would be so weird. We are like brothers."

Still we had to flirt. I was too embarrased to flirt with him. He understood which was okay but it turned out worse when I saw him flirting with Hyuka...I got jealous. So i started to flirt with him on stage. It wasn't that hard. I was just being myself. I behaved with him exactly how i felt for him. He was too dumb to realise it. It really sucked to be in love with your bandmate. I would get jealous everytime he flirted with another member or MOA at fansigning. It was really hard not to show it as we are always surrounded by camera.

First book!

Hope yall like it. Sorry for the grammers.. English ain't my first language but I love TaeGyu too much so why not!

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