All Falls Down

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Author's Pov:

Beomgyu wakes up in an empty bed. Yeonjun's not in the bed. He sees the clock and it's 9.00 am already. They are free today, at least till 7 pm. From today they will have schedules in the night.

Beomgyu freshens up and goes straight to the kitchen to find something to eat. There he sees Yeonjun doing something in the cabinet. Beomgyu hugs him by the back and puts his chin on Yeonjun's shoulder.

"Why did you leave?" Beomgyu asks in his groggy voice.

"I was hungry." Yeonjun replies.

"I missed you when I woke up~" Beomgyu says.

"But you didn't miss me when you went out with Taehyunie." Yeonjun states, still making his breakfast.

Beomgyu was surprised at Yeonjun sudden statement.

"What?" Beomgyu asks.

Yeonjun just smiles and goes to sit on the table to eat his cereal.

"You neither called me nor texted me." Yeonjun says eating his cereal.

Beomgyu felt a little guilty.

"I'm sorry that I couldn't. You know I only like you~" Beomgyu whines to Yeonjun.

Yeonjun smiles and pecks Beomgyu.

"It's okay baby. I was just teasing~" Yeonjun laughed.

Beomgyu pouts and kisses Yeonjun again.

"By the way, I had quiet a fun with Soobin too. We watched a series and ordered pizza." Yeonjun says, making Beomgyu jealous.

"Yah, how could you?" Beomgyu pouts.

"Yah, you also spent the whole day with Taehyunie~" Yeonjun says back.

"You!" Beomgyu tackles Yeonjun by hugging him close and captures his lips in a passionate kiss.

On that moment, Taehyun enters the room. And gets his heart broken for the 1000th time. He just stared at his love of life kissing someone else, though he was just laying in the grass under countless stars beside him. It hurts him so much. He just wants it to stop. For long will he hurt like this? No answer.

He moves past them and gets the grape juice from the fridge.

Beomgyu sees Taehyun from the corner of his eyes and pulls away.

Yeonjun was confused.

Yeonjun followed Beomgyu's gaze. Then he realised that someone was there that's why he stopped but Taehyun didn't say anything so why?

Beomgyu here was confused himself too. Like why did he stop the kiss? Taehyun didn't say anything. He just somehow felt like to stop that. He doesn't know why he felt guilty to kiss Yeonjun in front of Taehyun. He had the best time of his life yesterday with Taehyun but that doesn't mean anything. Beomgyu doesn't jump into conclusions, he thinks maybe he's just embarrass to kiss his boyfriend in public. Yeah that's it. And nothing else.

Days pass like this. YeonGyu being clingy and sappy boyfriends. Taehyun and Soobin trying really hard not to break out in front of them. And Hyuka is just tired of everything.

But some things changed. Beomgyu became more affectionate with Taehyun. Nothing even special happened that day. Just them spending the time together. No 'almost kiss' moments. Just them being them. Even Beomgyu doesn't know what happened, he just liked being with Taehyun, of course after his boyfriend but yeah.

He would just find an excuse to hug Taehyun. He would just find an excuse to ruffle Taehyun's hair, lay on his shoulder or lap, would play with Taehyun's ears. He didn't do that in front of Yeonjun as Yeonjun gets really jealous.

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