Just make it disappear.

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Author's Pov:

Soobin wakes up as he gets text from their dance instructer that they need to practice. Soobin goes to Yeonjun's room still sleepy and wakes Yeonjun up.

"Junnie hyung, wake up. I just got a call from instructer-nim that we need to practise our next song."

Yeonjun moves a bit but wants to sleep more.

"Hyung, get up. We need to be there at 10. It's already 9.15."

Yeonjun moves and sits up. Yeonjun yawns and looks at Soobin and says,
"Why did I even wanted to be an idol tell me again?"

Soobin smiles because Yeonjun looks cute in his bed hair and says, "Because you love it and you are good at it. Now help me wake up the others."

Yeonjun nodds and says, " I'll wake up Gyu and Hyun. You wake up Kai."

Soobin whines, "Why would i wake up the difficult one~ It'll take me at least 30 mins to wake up Hyuka~"

Yeonjun says getting out of bed,  "C'mon he looks up to you the most. He'll wake up fast if you do that and also i'm gonna wake up those two. It's hard too you know. Gyu never leaves the bed."

Soobin smirks and says, "Eh, it's because 'Gyu~' is your crUsh and you want to be the one to wake him up."

Yeonjun becomes a little flustered and says, "Y-yah! Shut up!! It's nothing..!"

Soobin smiles at Yeonjun being flustered . It's weird how cute he looks.

Soobin says, "Okay okay stop being gay and wake up your favourite dongsang~~ Wish me like on this one."

Soobin looks coyly at Yeonjun. Yeonjun sighs and smiles, "Good luck."

Soobin smiles and leaves for Hyunning Kai.

Yeonjun's Pov:

Aish Soobin. That little bastard.

I really shouldn't have told him about my crush on Beomgyu.

I didn't want to tell him. But I was too obvious and zoned out a bit on that. And Soobin noticed. Ugh. Little prick.

He asked me when I was thinking about that and I...told him?!

I was expecting Soobin to be judgemental and disgusted by it but he was calm and comfortable. He just smiled and said, 'I knew' Then I told him everything. How I feel about Beomgyu. He listened to me by being quiet interested. I was surprised. I mean Choi Soobin, a straight guy with disciplines listened to my gay cliché ass crush story? It was unbelievable but I felt good that I had someone to talk to about it.

Glad it was Soobin but his teases ugh. It's annoying as fuck. He sometimes teases in front of Beomgyu! Glad that Gyu's dumb that's why he doesn't get it but yeah.

I go through the hallway and stand infront of Gyu's room. I'll wake Gyu first because it's gonna take a lot of time to wake him up. Not that I'm gonna stare at him sleeping it's just that he is a heavy sleeper. And Taehyunie always gets up early. If i go to his room, I'll see him being ready for practise.

I open Gyu's room. It's a mess. Like always. But then I see...

Gyu sleeping hugging Taehyun .

I mean it's okay if they sleep together being this cuddled up. No space in between. Literally glued to each other but it's just that...Gyu never slept with me like that...

And he and Taehyunie are never this clingy like Taehyun hates clingyness and here he's literally pressed to Beomgyu..what the fuck is happening?

Too many questions pop out in my mind. I can't think straight. I hate this feeling. The jealousy.

I hate seeing Gyu with Hyun like this. Though Hyun is my dongsang too. Ugh.

I try to seperate them at first because I can't just watch them like this anymore..

I try to push Taehyun out of Beomgyu's grasp and both of them wakes up.

Taehyun's eyes go wide when he sees me. He looks like a deer caught eating grass and I'm the tiger. He shots himself up.

"Y-yeonjun hyung?"

Why is he shocked? What the hell happened?

"Get up you two. We have practise today. Instructer-nim called."

Taehyun shakes Beomgyu.
"Hyung get up. Beomgyu hyung get up. Hyung~we have practise."

Beomgyu moves a bit and whines, "Just five mins more hyunie~"

Ugh a Qt.

Taehyun's POV:

Why doesn't he get up?! Yeonjun hyung is literally throwing daggers at my face.

"Just five mins more hyunie~"
Beomgyu hyung whines.

Aww. How can I wake him up? I look at Yeonjun hyung, he was glaring at me first and now he's fondly looking at Beomgyu hyung. Well Gyu hyung is the cutest. But we need to get up.

"But hyun-"

Before I could finish my sentence, I feel an arm on my waist and next thing I know, I am pressed to Beomgyu hyung. Again.

He snuggles closer and says in the sleepiest voice possible, "I'm sleepy Taehyunie~ please wait a minute~"

I shiver. Ugh I hate how he has this kinda affect on me.

I look at Yeonjun hyung and his eyes are shocked. He's wide-eyed now. And when he meets my eyes. I feel a sudden chill ran through my body. He glares at me. In the coldest way. I've never seen Yeonjun hyung like this.

He's jealous.

That means, He also likes Beomgyu hyung..

I thought i had hope. Even for a bit. If Yeonjun hyung didn't like him then he can or could try to like me..? But Yeonjun hyung likes him..

It's okay, Taehyun-ah. I want nothing but Beomgyu hyung to be happy.

I nudge Beomgyu hyung to wake up.

Beomgyu hyung whispers, "Just go along with it Taehyun-ah. Let's see if Yeonjun hyung is jealous or not."

Ah. He was awake the whole time. He hugged me to make Yeonjun hyung jealous not because he wants to..Why did I even sign up for this?

Just for Beomgyu hyung. The dimwitt who I'm hopelessly in love with.

I look at Yeonjun hyung.

Shit. He's mad.

"Yah! Yall need to wake up! Just," He removes Beom hyung's hands from my waist, "Get," moves beom hyung's head from my neck and finally completes, "Up! We are gonna be late guys! Get up!"

He looked really mad. I quickly got up. He says, "Taehyun-ah, I've never seen you being this late to wake up, what's wrong with you today?"

I look at Jun hyung and was about to say something but Beom hyung gestures me not to tell him anything from behind.

"I wanted to sleep with Beom hyung. So I fell asleep and It was...comfortable so I couldn't get up early..Sorry hyung."

Yeonjun hyung smiles at me still glaring. Yk the bitchy smile. I've never seen Yeonjun hyung like this.

"Never seen you this clingy so I'm just surprised..Now go get dressed."
Hyung sounds like he just wants me to go now. He doesn't want me to be near Beom hyung.

I laugh to myself.

Don't worry hyung. He likes you.

Not me.

Another update!
Hope yall like it!
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Thank you.

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