I'm falling deep everyday.

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Author's Pov:

They were all tired doing shows for their comeback. Their promotion is still going on but they are really tired. So they got a day break! Finally they were so happy. They were tired but once they heard about their break. They got energetic af.

Hyuning Kai already went out with his friends which he couldn't do because of his busy schedules.

Beomgyu also wanted to go somewhere. With Yeonjun. Alone.  He was about to ask Yeonjun when,

"'Jun hyung, would you go out with me today?" Soobin asks.

"Yah, are you asking me on a date?" Yeonjun joked.

Soobin chocked on his saliva and stuttered, "N-no! Just spend the day with me ugh. Like old times. Before we debuted."

Yeonjun smiled and said, "Sure but where? Please not any bakeries!"

Soobin chuckled and said, "I can't promise that but you can choose where you want to go!"

Yeonjun smiles and says, "Okayy. Then let me get ready!"

Yeonjun was about to go to his room. He sees Beomgyu in front of him.

"Gyu? You wanted to tell me something?"

"You and Soobin hyung..are going out together..?

Bemogyu sounded ...sad. Yeonjun thought. Was he jealous of me and Soobin?

" Yeah! Soobin asked me out to spend the day with him." Yeonjun was trying to make Beomgyu jealous.

Tell me not to go if you don't want me to go with him.

Tell me you want to go with me.
Yeonjun thought.

But, Beomgyu said, "Great! Me and Hyunnie are going out too! Please lock the door when yall leave."

Yeonjun's smile dropped. He was jealous. He's seeing Taehyun and Beomgyu's clingyness these days. It bothers him so much. They are always together. Beomgyu's always with him ugh. At first he didn't admit he was jealous but he couldn't take it anymore.

Yeonjun just frowned and went to his room.

Beomgyu smiled at Yeonjun's frowned face. He gave himself a thumbs up as he was able to make Yeonjun jealous.

But he was in deep shit. He lied. He didn't ask Taehyun! Now they need to go out!

Taehyun's Pov:

I was scrolling my phone. Searching for a story to read and lay all day in the bed. To actually rest. But,

"Taehuunieee!! Taehyun-ahh! Hyunniee!!" Beom hyung comes screaming in my room.

I was so shocked. I mean what happened.

"Yeah hyung, everything's alright?"

"No!! Go out with me!" Hyung says ecstatically.



"Go out with me!! I lied shit. I lied to Yeonjun hyung about us going out together. Now we really need to go out!"

Of course.

I ask calmly, "Hyung, relax. Breathe in breath out."

He listens to me.

I ask again, "Why did you lie to him?"

"I was about to ask him out but ....Soobin hyung asked him out..so when he asked me if I wanted to tell him something. I got jealous and told him that you and I are going out too." Beom hyung finishes.

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