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Author's Pov :

Yeonjun yelled while running, "Taehyun! Taehyun wait!

Taehyun didn't stop. He couldn't even hear anything except his heart crumbling into pieces. His tears flowing non-stop. He kept running. Until Yeonjun caught him.

"Wait." Yeonjun looks at Taehyun. And he regrets looking at him. Taehyun was a mess. Eyes red with tears. Swollen and puffed. Lips so red because of biting too hard to stop crying. It hurt Yeonjun to see Taehyun like that. This broken. This hurt. And he felt responsible for it. Even for a bit. Though it wasn't his fault.

He just hugged Taehyun. Tightly. Letting Taehyun drench his tee in tear and snot. Taehyun also couldn't help himself and cried hard on Yeonjun's shoulder.

"Shushh agh Taehyun-ah." Yeonjun says rubbing Taehyun's back. Taehyun just cries more.

Yeonjun chuckles, trying to calm him down, "Who knew our bratty strong mature Taehyunie could cry this much? I can feel your tears on my bare shoulder!"

Taehyun laughs a little. A muffed laugh. Then backs away and says, "Sorry, hyung."

Yeonjun says, "I am sorry, Taehyunie."

Taehyun looks at him. Rubbing his tears. Confused.

Yeonjun continues, "I should've backed out. I shouldn't have dated him. I'm so-"

Taehyun cuts him off, "Hyung, you didn't know. It's not your fault. It's not your fault that I fell in love with him and he didn't. It's not your fault that he dated you not me. Not your fault for liking him back too. It's no one's fault. It's just my unfortunate luck. I fell in love with the wrong person. I was destined for this kind of unrequited love. So please don't apologise."

Yeonjun smiles but says, "But I can't still help but blame myself for coming between you and Beomgyu. Letting my two precious dongsangs suffering like this. Though I didn't know, I should've known as a hyung. As the oldest hyung. As your bandmate."

Taehyun smiles and says, "You are the best hyung. Please stop apologising. It's not your fault. I'm just unlucky."

Yeonjun laughs and says, "That's where you are wrong. Beomgyu always loved no one but you. His Hyunie. He always loved you the most. As a dongsang. As a friend. As a bandmate. As a lover too. But the only problem is he's WAY too dumb. Too dumb to realise his own feelings. Too dense about everything. You know, even when we were dating, Beomgyu won't stop talking about you. Like of every topic we talked, Gyu had to bring his Hyunie. I used to get jealous and we used to fight about it a lot too. Sometimes when we'd go out to shop. He'll always be like 'This will look good on Hyunie, right hyung?' 'It's too cute like Hyunie.' And I've observed Gyu looks at you like you are his universe. His everything. He's always heart eyed when he's with you. You are the only one who can take Gyu's attention without even doing anything. And ugh I will never forget that day. I have never seen Gyu this mad. The day you said that you were going out with Jeongin. He was pissed the whole time. Didn't eat anything. Didn't smile. Just whole day, locked in his room. He was really pissy even today! Was about to rip a book in half just because you were talking with Jeongin.  And I knew he loved you when I saw him being aggressive with you when you went out with Jeongin that day. I tried to make him understand but he was a stubborn idiot. Still confused of his own feelings. Until he couldn't see you and Jeongin together anymore. He broke into tears and cried to me how much he loves you. How much you mean to him. How he can never love someone like he loves you. Yeah, it sounded wrong that he just broke up and he confessed about loving you but we've been broken up since the day I saw him being this jealous and protective for you. He was just stubborn and oblivious to his own feelings. In short, Beomgyu is really in love with you."

Even Taehyun didn't notice, he was bawling his eyes out. He didn't know what to say. He feels so happy. His love of life, his Beom hyung, finally loves him back. He feels his heart's gonna burst. He just wants to run to Beomgyu and hug the fuck outta him. And yell to him about how of a dumbass he was to not know his own feelings. To let him suffer and suffer himself too. He loves Beomgyu way too much. He never stopped. He just wanted to move on but he also knew falling in love with Beomgyu was never easy so it won't be easy to even move on.

"Hyung, I love him too. I love him so fucking much. I never stopped." Taehyun gasps out.

Yeonjun laughs and says, "I seriously don't get why yall confess yall's feelings to me. Confess it to each other, dumbasses."

Taehyun laughs and says, "H-Hyung, I need to see him. I need to tell him I still love him. No matter how stupid and idiot he is, I still love him more than anyone. I am fucking in love with him."

"I am fucking in love with you too, Hyunie."

Taehyun gasps and looks behind him.

Beomgyu smiles at him. His eyes also puffy and swollen from crying.

Taehyun runs to Beomgyu and hugs him. Beomgyu hugs back. Both melting in each other's arms. Beomgyu buries his face on Taehyun's neck, sniffing the vanilla scent he missed so much. The scent he wants to tattoo on his mind. Taehyun feels so warm in Beomgyu's arms. So comfortable. Just like home. They could stay like this forever. Until Beomgyu breaks the hug and looks at Taehyun. Taehyun looks back. They stare each other for a moment when Taehyun says, "Yes, you can kiss me hyung."

Beomgyu smiles but wastes no time and kisses Taehyun.

Taehyun's heart started beating so fast as he felt Beomgyu's lips on his own. Softly at first, then a swift gradation of intensity that made him the only cling onto him as the only solid thing he could balance himself. His mouth parting to give Beomgyu more access. When wild tremors run through his nerves, making him feel things he never thought he'd feel. Before he knew, he was kissing him back too.

Yeonjun smiled seeing them happy. So in love. It hurt him. A little. Thinking if he'd have someone like this special or not. Someone who will love him unconditionally. Soobin gets Yeonjun's expression and shoulder hugs him. Yeonjun smiles at Soobin and Soobin returns it as always.

Later that night,

Hyuka enters the dorm with 3 plushies and sees Yeonjun and Soobin in the kitchen, making dinner smiling like two idiots who have a crush on each other and Taehyun and Beomgyu being CUDDLY and GROSS with each other while watching Titanic.

Hyuka literally screamed in dolphine, "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED WHEN I WAS GONE?"

Yeonjun and Soobin both look at each other for a while and then bith burst into laughter while Taehyun and Beomgyu glared at Hyuka for ruining their comfortable cuddle time.

Hyuka just sighed in frustration and talked to his plushies, "No one tells me anything in this household. I don't like them. You guys are the only one I love."

Just after he finished saying that, he's ears burst hearing the other four saying 'We love you the most, Hyuka~'


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