Hate how it hurts.

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Author's POV :

Taehyun's tensed. He's stressed. He's sweating. It's not because tomorrow is  their comback. It's because he is in deep shit. He is deep in love with his bandmate. It's suffocating. It's growing everyday. And he can't do anything about it. So he goes out of his room and finds himself in front of none other than Beomgyu.

He sees him taking something from the fridge. After closing the fridge, he sees Taehyun.


Taehyun comes to sense and replies, "You are still awake?"

"I was about to ask you that!" Beomgyu laughs but sleepy.

"I always sleep late hyung." Taehyun smiles.

"But it's like 4 am! I know you sleep late but not this late. The maximum time you stayed awake was 3 am."

Taehyun smiles again with a tint of pink on his cheeks. "Well then I just can't sleep. How about you? You never sleep late. What's wrong?"

Beomgyu sits in the table and pours himself a glass of orange juice. "I couldn't sleep too I guess."

Taehyun sits across Beomgyu and asks, "Why? Is something wrong?"

Beomgyu smiles and says, "Nothing. Just that tomorrow's our comeback."

Taehyun says, "It's actually today."

"Yah~You are making me feel worse!"

Taehyun laughs.

Beomgyu smiles and sips on his juice and looks somewhere else like he's thinking something. He's never quiet. Always loud. Maybe it's because everyone's asleep now.

"Taehyun-ah, have you ever been in love?"

Taehyun was studying Beomgyu's face. But that sudden question made him choke on his saliva. He asked,  "What?"

He looked at Beomgyu to know what he was thinking. But he shouldn't have done that. Beomgyu was staring right at his soul. With those eyes and that fierce gaze.

Beomgyu says, " Have you ever been in love?"

Taehyun's puzzled. Shocked. Speechless. Doesn't actually know what to say but he does because Beomgyu looks at him like he wants an answer.

"N-No. I have never been in love.."

Beomgyu seems unhappy with the answer so he looks away. Expression skeptical. Hard to guess.

"Why hyung? Are you in..love with...someone? Taehyun asks quiet quitely like it's a whisper. He really doesn't want to ask. Because what if he actually loves someone? He won't be able to take it..

" Not love. Deep crush maybe," Beomgyu chuckles.

It hurts. So much. Taehyun can feel his heart clench. He wants to hold it but he can't. At least not now.

"Who? W-who do you have a crush on?"

"No one. On MYSELF DUH! Ever seen a guy this handsome like me?! I don't think so!"

Taehyun laughs. He feels somewhat relieved. He wants to say 'yeah you are the most handsome guy i've ever seen.' But he doesn't. He just laughs. But something still doesn't seem right.
He sounded quiet serious when he said that. And his sigh before leaving for his room says something else. But Taehyun doesn't let him consume these thoughts. He thinks of Beomgyu smiling. Suddenly he's asleep.

Taehyun's POV :

Our comeback ends. Quiet well. MOA's reactions were GREAT. I mean i myself love the songs. 'Can't you see me?' is a nice song. I love the MV. Not only the part where *coughs* Beomgyu hyung throws the blanket over me. I like the MV overall.

I see Beomgyu hyung in the dressing room. He looks beautiful and etheral like always. Even if he's covered in sweat. He's...hot. Okay stop Taehyun. Control yourself. But he looks....distracted. He's staring. At something. I follow his gaze. It falls on Yeonjun and Soobin hyung laughing about something. I look at Beomgyu hyung again. He frowns?


He ACTUALLY has a 'deep' crush on someone else..

Can anything hurt this much? I hate how it hurts. This much. Is this what unrequited love feels like? I can't feel my heart anymore. It's like completely broken. 

Then I see Yeonjun hyung calling him.
"Beom-ah look!"

Beomgyu hyung's face lifts up. He smiles. And literally bounces to Yeonjun hyung.

So it's Yeonjun hyung..

It hurts. I feel numb. Hyuka hugs me from behind,  rubbing my belly. I try to smile. He says, "What's wrong? Is it about the comeback? You did GREAT.  If i was gay like you, I would've dated you!" I smile and say, " I thought you'd date Soobin hyung. You are always with him."  Hyuka makes a disgusted face and says, "Ew no! And he's straight." I laugh and say, "So are you?" Hyuka hugs me tighter and says, "That's not the point hyunnie! It's just that You . did . great. Now don't act like you are heartbroken or something."

But I am. But I just smile.

I look at Beomgyu hyung. My love of life. Fondly looking at someone else. It hurts but I'm happy that he's happy.

Hope yall like it!

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