Double date went wrong.

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Author's Pov:

They all head to the comic cafe.

Yeonjun's face lights up when he enters the cafe. He always loved reading comic books. Whenever he'd be sad or mad about something, he'd just put on his airpods and finish a comic.

Yeonjun legit ran to shelves to find comics to read. He looks adorable. Beomgyu, Taehyun and Jeongin smiles at him.

Jeongin intertwines his hands with Taehyun and smiles when Taehyun looks at him. Taehyun smiles back. Hesitantly. Because he could legit feel eyes staring right through his back.

"Do you want to read something, Hyunie?" Jeongin suggests.

"I'm not that much into comics but I guess I'll see what I can read." Taehyun says.

Jeongin says, "You don't read comics?! Ah really? You never read one before?"

Taehyun shakes his head.

Jeongin just smiles because Taehyun looks so cute.

"It's okay! Let me choose your first ever comic. I'll be honoured." Jeongin says.

Taehyun smiles amd says, "Please be my guest."

Jeongin then pulls Taehyun in front of a shelf. Then he pretends to search for books. Still holding Taehyun's hand. Jeongin sees a Haikyu manga and pulls that one out.

"This one! When I tell you it is an awesome manga, I ain't lying." Jeongin exclaims.

Taehyun jumps at Jeongin's excitement and says, "Haikyu? What does that mean?"

Jeongin says, "It's volleyball in kanji language."

Taehyun nods, acknowledging.

Taehyun smiles at Jeongin's excited behaviour and expectant eyes.

"I'll read it for you." Taehyun smiles at Jeongin.

Jeongin smiles back.

Beomgyu was not having it. He was trying his hardest not to stare at them. But he just couldn't. He saw how Taehyun was smiling to Jeongin. Giving him heart eyes. He feels like thousand pricks just stinged him. He hates this feeling. This outraging jealousy. He sees how they were both holding hands the entire time. He just wanted to grab Taehyun's hand from Jeongin's hand and kiss the shit outta him right there and right in front of Jeongin so he gets that Taehyun is his. Beomgyu knew that he was jealous. He wanted Taehyun all to himself though he's the one who rejected him in the first place. He is still in denial though he gets he's suffering. He's suffering so much. He actually doesn't know what to think anymore. He just knows that he hates how Jeongin gets to hold hands with Taehyun. He hates how Jeongin gets those heart eyes and smiles from Taehyun and how he doesn't.

Here, Yeonjun was trying to reach for the One Piece manga but he couldn't reach it because it was on the top shelf and his hands didn't go that up. He was struggling to take it. Then he sees a pale slender arm reaching for it. He turns to see the guy.

"SOOBINIE?!" Yeonjun literally screamed. (Also they were the only ones in the cafe as they rented it.) 

Soobin smiles at Yeonjun as he hands him the manga.

Yeonjun smiles wider. He feels really happy all of a sudden. Not only because this place is literally heaven for him but also seeing that Soobin was a part of it.

"What are you doing here?" Yeonjun asks. Excitedly.

Before Soobin can answer, Hyunjin calls, "Binie where are you?" Then sees Soobin and approaches him.

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