I don't exist now.

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Author's Pov:

Beomgyu and Yeonjun comes from the balcony after confessing their feelings for each other. Beomgyu was really happy. He wanted to thank Taehyun for making that happen.

He was right.

He only saw Hyuning and Soobin in the drawing room.

"Where is Hyunie?" Beomgyu asked.

"Well he ra-" Soobin stopped Hyuka and said, "He had a phone call from home so he went to his room."

Hyuka was confused but Soobin eyed him to stop talking so he didn't say anything.

"Oh, guess who's dating!" Beomgyu asked being chirpy af.

Soobin asked who though he knows.

He shows them the intertwined hands of Yeonjun.

Hyuka was shocked.

Soobin says, "So you finally confessed, huh?"

Yeonjun blushes," Yeah.."

Soobin smiles.

Beomgyu asks, "Soobin hyung knew about your crush on me?! Woahh."

Yeonjun says, "Soobin's the reason how I'm still sane because of my feelings."

Beomgyu pouts a bit.

Yeonjun boops Beomgyu's nose, "But I like you, Gyu-ah~~"

Beomgyu smiles and pecks Yeonjun.

"PDA ugh. Not infront of me oof guys!" Hyuka screams.

Soobin just sighs.

The couple laughs.

"Gyu hyung, I thought you and Taehyunie were something. I mean you guys were joined to the hip these days." Hyuka asks.

"It was to make 'Jun hyung jealous. Nothing else." Beomgyu smiles.

"Brat. It hurt me so much." Yeonjun said.

"But you still like me." Beomgyu smiles at him.

Yeonjun smiles back and says, "That I do."

Yeonjun was about to peck Beomgyu.

"TAKE IT TO YOUR ROOM UGH." Hyuka exclaims.

Then they go to the room still smiling at each other.

Soobin just looks down. Sighing every second.

After the couple went to the room, "So you are in love with Yeonjun hyung and I guess Taehyunie is in love with Gyu hyung. That's why he ran crying to his room after coming from the balcony."

Soobin chuckles sadly, "Yeah. Sucks. It's okay. I'm gonna move over him sooner or later."

"As if that's easy." Hyuka says.

"Yeah but I'll try." Soobin says.

"Am I the only one in this group who's straight? I mean why? I should be gay too!" Hyuka jokes.

"Believe me, you are lucky that you aren't." Soobin says before going to his room, sighing. Again.


Taehyun gets up in the morning. Eyes swollen and red. Shit. He can't face his members like this. Not Beomgyu.

He remembers everything that happened last night and his heart hurts again.

He washes up and puts on his surgical glasses so that it will be less obvious.

He woke up really late today. It's almost 1 pm. He's never this late.

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