I love you too idiot !

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Author's Pov:

Jeongin was shocked. He didn't know what to do or what to feel. What was he supposed to do when his bestfriend was in love with the one who he is dating. What was he supposed to do when the one he is dating was in love with his bestfriend too. And Jeongin's not blind. He can see Taehyun frowning and sighing whenever Beomgyu and Yeonjun becomes clingy and how Beomgyu's flashing him glares and fake smiles whenever he even talks with Taehyun. But he just didn't think that it was this case. Jeongin's blank. He's speechless. He feels suffocated all of a sudden. Sure he likes Taehyun and that's the only reason he's dating him but he can't have his bestfriend suffering like this. He just can't. His bestfriend is suffering because of him. He doesn't want that. He can never think of hurting his bestfriend like that. He's completely zoned out until Taehyun calls him.

"Hyung, are you okay?"

Jeongin looks at Taehyun and smiles. Then takes his hand and they both sit inside a cube, much far from Beomgyu and Yeonjun's one. Taehyun was confused but still followed.

Taehyun asks again, "Hyung what happened? Is something wrong?"

Jeongin just smiles at Taehyun and says, "Do you like me Hyunie?"

It caught Taehyun off guard. He stuttered, "H-Hyung what are you s-saying?"

Jeongin asks again, "Do you like me Hyun-ah?"

Taehyun answers, still confused and flustered, "Y-Yeah, I do."

Jeongin smiles and says, "Are you enjoying this double date?"

Taehyun doesn't wanna lie but he also doesn't wanna tell the truth so he goes, "What do you think?"

"You are pretending you are loving it but inside you are just hurt to see the one you love with someone else." Jeongin shoots.

Taehyun didn't expect that. He clearly didn't. His eyes went wide. His mouth felt dry. He didn't know what to say.

"W-what are y-you talking a-about hyung?" Taehyun tries to ask.

Jeongin chuckles at Taehyun's cute but shocked expression and says, "You are in love with Gyu, aren't you?"

Taehyun's eyes go wider with every sentence Jeongin says.

"Wha- no! W-what are you-"

Jeongin laughs and says, "You look so cute when you stutter. And Hyunie, you suck at hiding."

Taehyun just stares at Jeongin. He doesn't know what to say.

Taehyun exhales and says, "Yeah, I was in love with Beomgyu hyung. But that's past now. I-I uh like you. And Beomgyu h-hyung and I never h-had any 'thing' going on. It was completely one-sided.." Taehyun frowns a bit in the end but still smiles at Jeongin.

Jeongin laughs and says, "If you could see from my point of view, you'd also see how hopelessly you are in love with Gyu still now. I know you like me. I like you more than you like me. That's why it's kinda hard to let you go. It hurts me. But you should know your own feelings first. And give you and Gyu a chance again. Trust me, you won't regret it."

Taehyun was speechless. But still he wanted to say something but he was interrupted but Jeongin's sudden hug. Slowly brushing his hair and saying, "It's okay. I'm gonna be okay. But you talk with Gyu. About this." Jeongin tears up a bit. Because he actually liked Taehyun. After Hyunjin, he finally learned to like someone else but sadly that person can't be his too. It hurts Taehyun too. He cries too. Because he liked Jeongin too. Jeongin cared for him a lot when he was dying because of Beomgyu. But he also feels kinda light realising that he is actually still in love with Beomgyu.

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