Why not me?

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Taehyun's Pov:

I wake up Beom hyung hugging me by my waist as if I'm his pillow. Spooning me. His soft breaths at the back of my neck. All I can do is breath when he pulls me closer and tighter.

This sucks. 'Cause I love it when hyung holds me like his life depends on me.

This sucks 'cause these are not real. These are all fake. These are all for someone else. How long will I keep doing this? Sometimes I feel like telling hyung that I can't do this anymore. But I don't want to see his long sad face or him to be suspicious about my feelings.

Because hyung sees me as a good dongsang, as a good friend. I can lose our relationship just for a feeling that I am feeling. It's okay it hurts. But It will kill me if I lose Beom hyung. He means a lot to me.

And besides I know Yeonjun hyung likes Beom hyung so he'll confess to him sooner or later. So sooner or later, hyung will not sleep with me like this anymore, will not cling to me anymore, will not click selcas with me anymore in his phone, will not use cliché pick-up lines anymore, his hugs, his soft touches..I'll miss them but he will have Yeonjun hyung to do that for him..again, it's okay. Anything for him.

Soobin hyung comes to the room stopping my thoughts.

"Taehyun-ah? You are awake?" Hyung asks.

I nodd.

"Then why are you not getting up?" Soobin hyung asks again.

I point at Beom hyung's hand on my waist holding me tightly.

Hyung makes an 'ah' face.

Then wakes Beom hyung up. He just shakes Beom hyung's hand continueosly till he's up.

Beom hyung shakes his head and hugs me tighter snuggling closer to my back like I'm a pillow not a human.

Soobin hyung smiles and says, "Wake up Gyu-ah. Today is our last stage for our promotion. We need to practise and get ready for it."

Beom hyung just moves but doesn't get up. Hugs me closer. Ugh wake up.

Soobin hyung repeats then hyung wakes up.

"Stop talking ugh. I'm up." Beom hyung says in his groggy morning voice. Still deep and hot.

"Now let Taehyunie go so that he can get up." Soobin hyung says.

I look at Beom hyung. He mumbles a 'sorry' then lets go of my waist.

I get out of the bed.

Soobin hyung leaves.

"Hyunie," Beom hyung calls me.

I look at him, "Huh?"

"I'm sorry for hugging you like that. I swear you felt uncomfortable. I thought Jun hyung came to wake us up. " Beom hyung says.

"You were awake all along?" I ask.

"Yeah. But when I saw Soobin hyung instead of Jun hyung it pissed me off so I didn't wanted to get up." Beom hyung replies.

"Ah, it's okay. I didn't feel uncomfortable, don't worry. I'm not a cuddle person but you can cuddle with me. For making Yeonjun hyung jealous." I say.

Beom hyung smiles and thanks me.

I leave his room to go to my room.

Pabo Taehyun. Pabo Taehyun. Why did you think that he hugged you because he wanted to? Why did you think he cuddled you because he wanted to? Why did you think he snuggled to you because he wanted to? He doesn't love you like that pabo-yah. He likes someone else. And it's not you.

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