Three broken hearts.

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Author's Pov:

Beomgyu was so jealous. He wouldn't even admit it. Jeongin sent him pictures of him and Taehyun enjoying ice-creams and how he's so happy to be with Taehyun. How Taehyun is the most etheral being. Beomgyu just wanted to yell at Jeongin for taking Taehyun away from him. He wanted to tell Jeongin to back off and to stop clinging onto him. But he couldn't do that. He had no right to do that. He has a boyfriend and Taehyun is his dongsang. Only.

Then why was he so annoyed? Why everything made him mad after he saw Taehyun going on a date with someone else? Why did it effect him so much? He was having an internal war with himself.

And Yeonjun saw how annoyed Beomgyu looked when he saw Taehyun going out with someone else. It hurts him a little. Like why was Beomgyu annoyed? Does Beomgyu like Taehyun? More than him? Yeonjun didn't want to believe it but you can't turn a blind eye on what's actually happening.

He saw how Beomgyu wasn't interested in watching the movie anymore. He didn't even want to cuddle anymore. Beomgyu didn't want to talk about anything. He was just mad. He looked mad. So Yeonjun let him be and Beomgyu went to his room and slammed it hard. Yeonjun jumped because of the noise. Even Hyuka came out of his room and said, "Did something break?"

Yeonjun just sighed and said, "Yeah, my heart."

Hyuka was comfused but didn't say anything as he was more interested in the new game he's playing.


At about 11 pm, Taehyun comes home. Their dorm looks quiet and dark as the lights were off. Taehyun got that everyone was already asleep. So he quietly went to their kitchen and went towards their fridge, taking out the grape juice when he hears someone coming in. He looks up and sees Beomgyu standing, not actually standing, leaning a little on the wall, hands in his pockets. Staring sleepishly at Taehyun.

Taehyun was shocked for a moment. But then he saw how adorable Beomgyu looked. With his half open eyes. His chubby face. His bed hair. His cute blue pajamas. He looked like a baby. And Taehyun wanted to squish those cheeks and hug him close. But he couldn't.

Beomgyu says, "You're back?" Opening his eyes fully. Rubbing his eyes while asking. He looked so cute.

Taehyun just said, "What do you think?"

Beomgyu opened his eyes a little more and said, "You are."

Taehyun ignores Beomgyu's dumb reply and tries to move past him but Beomgyu holds his wrist, stopping him from going.

Taehyun feels a bloody grip on his wrist. It's so hard. That it hurts.

He looks at Beomgyu, who's looking directly at him. Just few inches away from him.

Taehyun unconsiously gulped. Beomgyu looks all woken up. He looks like he never actually slept. He's sharp features showing more as he looks like he's clenching his jaws. Like he was just a puppy and now he's a wolf.

Taehyun says, "Hyung?"

"Did you have fun today?" Beomgyu asks, gripping Taehyun's wrist harder like asking that question is breaking Beomgyu.

Taehyun winces in pain on his right wrist. But Taehyun answers anyway.

"Yeah I did."

Beomgyu grips harder. It hurts Taehyun. Taehyun doesn't know why Beomgyu is acting like this. But his wrist hurts like crazy like it's gonna break.

"Ah! Hyung it hurts!" Taehyun yelps.

But Beomgyu doesn't leave his wrist but comes closer to Taehyun. So close that Taehyun and Beomgyu's lips are inches apart. Taehyun feels suffocated all of a sudden. It makes it even more hard when Beomgyu is directly looking at him. With that gaze.

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