10. Love Letters

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A/N: Above is a picture that I think best shows how Sephirah looks (not my artwork). The only difference is that she has light caramel skin. Comment, vote, and leave me your reactions!! Thanks to everyone who continues to support me and encourage me to write <3

 Comment, vote, and leave me your reactions!! Thanks to everyone who continues to support me and encourage me to write <3

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The ink on the paper had just finished drying when Sephirah's brother sat down across from her. Zeid watched as she rolled up the paper swiftly and sealed it with her silver wax ring.

"You're still sending those love letters?" Zeid's voice rumbled with discontent.

Sephirah used the rolled-up letter to hit him on top of his messy red curls. "It's not a love letter, prick."

"Good, that means you've maintained a shred of self-respect." Zeid grinned as he leaned forward on the glossy round table.

"I don't see what the problem is." Sephirah looked out the window next to her.

The castle grounds were below her, and she watched female warriors dressed in red and gold jumpsuits train in chalk-drawn circles. Farther on the horizon, the stone castle's walls soared in an attempt to touch the clouds. Nova let out a soft high-pitched note when Sephirah's eyes landed on where she perched on the wall.

"Nothing." Zeid shrugged, rubbing a hand on the stubble growing back along his jawline. "You should be careful, that's all. Mother doesn't approve, and she'll kill you if she finds out."

"Didn't you know? Careful is my surname," Sephirah said as she attempted to keep a serious expression. She failed, and a wide smile stretched across her face.

"Seriously, Rah." Zeid's lips curved downwards.

"Yes, yes." Sephirah waved away the words.

It was too early in the morning to listen to him lecture her about sending out the letters. Her monthly correspondence with her childhood friend was the only source of tension in their relationship. She couldn't comprehend why Zeid would even begin to imagine that she had feelings for a conniving, womanizing, asshat of a prince. She could never have romantic intentions for such a man. It was humanly impossible.

Come, Nova.

The flapping sound of wings filled the silence that had fallen over the pair. Nova landed on the windowsill, her wings snapping shut with a rustle. Sephirah grinned as she felt Nova probe at her mental walls. Sephirah opened the small box in her mind that belonged to her.

Should I claw his eyes out?

Sephirah chuckled. Zeid's eyes darted between Sephirah and Nova. "Don't even think about it."

"Think about what?" Sephirah blinked innocently, but mischief shined bright in her golden eyes. "Warrior Zeid is scared of birds now?"

He scowled, leaning back in his seat while giving her a death glare. She laughed louder.

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