30. A Fragmented Heart (Part 1)

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A/N: Let's dive into what our little princeling has been thinking about on this journey :) Don't forget to vote, comment, and if you don't mind the abyss...follow too haha (jk, there's nothing but love over here :D)

follow too haha (jk, there's nothing but love over here :D)

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Aydin groaned. His head felt as if a horse was repeatedly stomping its hooves on it. He could barely open his eyes against the relentless sunlight streaming through the lush trees. The light pierced his eyes like arrows, intensifying the throbbing in his brain. His stomach bubbled with nausea as he shaded his eyes, forcing them open.

As he used a hand to push himself off of the ground, he knocked aside multiple flasks. The clattering sound attracted the attention of Ren and Sephirah, who were readying their horses. Aydin narrowed his eyes, his blurry vision clarifying as he looked past Ren and noticed a slight figure leaning against a tree.

Stark grey eyes pierced into his own. Aydin's breath hitched. He forgot about the pain in his head and the sour aftertaste of rum on the back of his tongue. Anger roared inside of him as he scrambled to his feet, gripping his spear until it dug into his palm painfully.

Those cursed eyes were the reason for everything. Aydin's body coiled with tension. His vision narrowed in on the girl who observed him apathetically. Her hand rested on the hilt of her sword.

Aydin stalked toward her, a menacing scowl on his face. The girl's face distorted until the only thing he could see was the queen and her conniving red-stained smile. Stormy grey eyes that had looked upon his dying father with glee and arrogance. Aydin's accumulating anger mixed with the sorrow clawing at the broken pieces of his heart.

He heard Sephirah's voice come from beside him, but the words didn't register as he prowled across the clearing, sticks and foliage beneath his feet cracking in his wake.

Suddenly, a broad shoulder appeared in Aydin's peripheral vision, along with a swinging axe. Aydin snarled, his spear flashing in the air as it slammed into the axe. The impact numbed his stiff arm. Aydin met Ren's narrowed eyes. The axe remained stagnant despite Aydin's attempt to push it away.

Ren's hand shifted behind him. He pulled out another axe, twirling it around his index finger as he glared Aydin down. "Stand down, prince, or I'll make you."

Aydin's hazel eyes looked over Ren's shoulder at the girl, pure hatred coursing through his body. She was the product of that wretched queen. Yet, he was supposed to travel with her and fake pleasantries. It was humanly impossible.

The pounding in Aydin's head resurfaced with a vengeance. He winced, stepping back and dropping his spear. Ren edged closer to the girl, a dark scowl on his face. A hand grasped Aydin's shoulder, startling him.

"Drink some water and eat some bread," Sephirah spoke softly as if trying to defuse the situation. Aydin grit his teeth in annoyance. "You'll feel better, Aydin."

"Run along, princeling." Ren jerked his chin toward the sound of the river between the trees. Aydin's lips curled as he glared at the man. He had never met someone with such audacity. His hand tightened on his spear again, the urge to choke the life out of Ren overtaking him.

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