23. The Tartian Twins

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A/N: I'm probably going to end up breaking this novel into two parts since this is kind of starting the second arc of the plot in a sense. Here's a bit of a glossary for the unique language in this chapter :)

Doas - dear

Buqa oura - wise one

Ni lave - my love

Ruyas - lover

Kraaduk - freedom of death

I hope you enjoy these new characters! I assure you they have a purpose that you guys will notice fairly fast :) Don't forget to comment, vote, and follow! ALSO, if you look above, the twins look like him. Not my artwork, credit belongs to anonymous artist.

Kai pulled his green headcloth further over his tanned face, and the matching cloth loosely across his mouth

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Kai pulled his green headcloth further over his tanned face, and the matching cloth loosely across his mouth. The sun blazed down on the vast dunes, creating heat waves that blurred the horizon. A hot wind fluttered through the air, ruffling his draped white cloak.

"They're getting closer, brother," Kaleb's voice sounded from behind him. Kai continued staring forward, eyes darting to the east where a herd of people was shuffling through the sand.

"Shall we lead them to shade?" Kaleb pressed, moving to Kai's side.

"No," Kai replied, voice muffled from the cloth across his face. Sand stirred in the air as a gust of wind blew past. Kaleb coughed, wiping a hand over his mouth as he hastened to wrap his green cloth over it. "They're headed in the right direction without our interference."

Kai tilted his head to the side, sending his magical energy to the silver hoops in his ears. Despite the distance, the voices of the people were comprehensible as if they were speaking right next to him.

"We have to get to the Nix Kingdom," an older lady's voice rasped. "The empress will have mercy on us and allow us to stay in her kingdom."

"What if she doesn't?" A young woman responded with a voice light and trembling with fear. "That wicked queen will surely have our heads if she finds us."

"Don't fret, child," the old woman said. "Have faith. Empress Ianthe is a merciful woman of compassion. I've heard great stories about her."

Kai let out a slow breath, and the voices of the people muted. Kaleb pulled down his cloth and sniffed before saying, "It seems the queen has finally conquered the Gera Kingdom."

"Yes, the time has come for us to prepare." Kai turned away from the group of wandering people stumbling across the desert. The torrid heat made his loose-fitting clothing stick to his body, and Kai narrowed his vivid silver eyes. After so many years in the Dreary Wastes, he had only barely started getting used to its stifling heat.

The tan-furred desert lion at his side stood as Kai started back towards the tents that stood in circular rows. Tarps of various colors ranging from dusty pink to light blues hung over them. A stone well where they obtained their water was at the center of the camp. A bucket was attached to a string on the top of its wooden roof.

Serpent's Daughter (Four Kingdoms #1) ✓Where stories live. Discover now