39. Low-Life Commoner

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A/N: I hope you guys enjoy this chapter! Don't forget to leave behind your lovely thoughts and vote <3

A/N: I hope you guys enjoy this chapter! Don't forget to leave behind your lovely thoughts and vote <3

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Ren trailed after Kai's light steps as the hairs on the back of his neck raised. He could feel eyes following them like the vultures that were flying in the sky. The group moved between various tents in a tense silence except for the rustling of the tents. The temperature was slowly beginning to drop, and the sun followed suit, setting into the blood-red horizon. Ren narrowed his eyes.

The last time he saw a red horizon, it hadn't ended well.

Knowing their awful luck, it was another bad omen. Ren cursed under his breath. Kai turned his head slightly from further ahead in disapproval. The lion prowled close to the man's legs, its large furry tail whipping from side to side.

After revealing information about Icarus, Naevia had herded them out of her tent, insisting that despite their youthful appearance, they grew weary during the early hours. Ren had scoffed at the words, garnering a glare from the old woman.

He couldn't wrap his brain around everything the woman had claimed. An evil ancient magician from a foreign land was possessing a gemstone to wreak havoc on the Four Kingdoms and for what? What did he want? What was his goal? Ren craned his neck until it popped, relieving the tension that was building up in his muscles.

"Something bothering you?" Sephirah questioned from next to him.

"The real question is, what doesn't bother him?" Aydin jumped in, rolling his eyes. "By the goddess's lovely bones, if he keeps up that attitude, he'll never get a woman."

"What does that have to do with—" Sephirah threw her hands up as she glared at Aydin.

Ren's jaw clenched as he interrupted her, "Drowning yourself in alcohol to get some doesn't count, little princeling."

"Please," Sephirah dragged out the word while pressing her hands together, tilting her head back to glance up at the sky. "Do not argue again."

Alethia trudged through the sand on Ren's other side. Her head turned as her observant grey eyes took in their surroundings. Ren ignored the new conversation between Sephirah and Aydin as the princess tried to convince the drunkard to get along with everyone.

In all honesty, Ren didn't give a rat's ass about the prince or friendship. His only concern was Alethia and protecting her at all costs.

At the thought, he rubbed the back of his neck, eyebrows lowering as he allowed himself to look around. There wasn't much to see aside from the innumerable piles of sand and colorful assortment of tents. A cold wind blew lazily as the sky darkened, fluttering their cloaks and mouth cloths.

He could still feel the dull, pulsating pain in his ribs from Sephirah's boomerang. Each step sent a shockwave of discomfort up the side of his body. Sand had invaded his leather boots, digging into and itching the bottom of his feet. Despite wearing the mouth cloth, particles continued to elude it, resting on his parched tongue.

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