40. Godforsaken Wasteland

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a/n: Sorry for the long wait on this latest chapter! I've got a lot going on with college starting and my work schedule. It's taking me a moment to find a way to balance everything. Regardless, I hope you enjoy this chapter. Don't forget to vote and comment :)

Kai paused at the edge of the designated training area marked by a small circle of dark grey clay stones within a larger one

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Kai paused at the edge of the designated training area marked by a small circle of dark grey clay stones within a larger one. Later on, the group would be separated and taken to tents where they would hone their magical gifts. 

Lugo rubbed against his leg, bringing Kai back to reality. The drifting sounds of Sephirah's reprimanding voice filled his ears. He pressed a light finger to his earrings, loosening his headcloth in the process. Magic trickled through his veins as he muffled the noise of his surroundings.

He was tired of their bickering. Kai let out a long sigh as he turned on his heel gracefully to address the people trudging behind him.

"Ren and Aydin, your fight will commence within that small circle." Kai gestured in its general direction while Kaleb rocked back and forth on his heels next to him. He could feel the waves of excitement and mischief rolling off his brother. Kai shook his head slightly before clearing his throat. "The rules are quite simple. If you step outside of the circle, you lose. However, unless one of you has the other in a killing position, neither of you will be declared the winner."

Kaleb reached inside the sleeve of his long cloak, pulling out a small hourglass. Sand piled the bottom of it, and the glass glistened in the rising sun.

"Your fight will be timed," Kaleb stated cheerfully, the corners of his mouth quirking. "If neither of you wins, then I get to determine your punishments."

"We will observe and assess your battle accordingly," Kai continued smoothly. Ren glared at him with a discontent scowl tattooed on his face while Aydin kicked at the sand. Kai's lips pressed together as he studied the two of them. "After you, Sephirah and Alethia will duel each other. Until then, you two are welcome to observe the battle as well."

Alethia turned her eyes away from Kai, crossing her arms across her chest tightly. Sephirah jumped from one foot to the other. Her golden eyes were lit with delight as she bounced with joy. The Nixian princess glanced at Alethia, a smile breaking across her face. "This is great. I've been wanting to spar with you since the moment I met you. Let's have a good fight."

"Fine," Alethia murmured stoically. Sephirah dropped her raised fist, her expression was crestfallen.

"Are you ready?" Kai redirected the focus of the conversation as he glanced between Ren and Aydin. Sand swirled in his vision as the hot breeze fluttered his cloak and protection cloths.

Ren craned his neck and scoffed. "Are you? Hope y'all got some graves ready in this godforsaken wasteland. He's going to need one."

Aydin's hand tightened on his spear until his knuckles whitened. Kai's eyes narrowed as he noticed Aydin's taut muscles and the intense focus in his gaze.

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