19. A Bloody Massacre (Part 1: Fire of Death) Continued

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A/N: Per usual, enjoy the story :)

A/N: Per usual, enjoy the story :)

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The sound of horns jerked Ren out of his short-lived nap. He was standing in an instant, hands itching to yank out his axes until he realized he was still in Aydin's room. Ren wiped the sleep out of his eyes and looked over at Alethia and Sabrina, who were both standing and alert.

Ren glanced at the window and noticed the barely bright sky. That demon-sired woman couldn't even wait until bloody sunrise to attack. He hadn't been able to sleep longer than a couple of hours in the past couple of days.

The wretched woman was practically begging him to shove his axe up a place where the sun didn't shine.

While Ren made sure all his weapons were strapped into their proper place, the door slammed open. Aydin stood in the same armor he'd worn when they first met. He had a half-lid helmet tucked underneath a shielded arm and gripped his spear in the other.

"It's time," Aydin's voice rumbled with restrained anger.

Ren's heart sped up at the words, and he gave the prince a savage grin. "Lead away, princeling."

The group followed Aydin out of the room and through the torch-lit hallways. Their shadows bounced and stretched across the walls as they jogged towards the main gates. Ren noticed the lack of presence in the empty castle. No guards or servants passed them. He could only assume that the prince had them evacuate during the cloak of night.

A perfect time to move a large group of people around. Ren couldn't help the bit of respect that flared with the thought. At least there was someone out there that cared about their people. As they rounded a corner, the Nixian princess was waiting in the hallway with two dark-skinned females, and they joined the group.

They exited the castle, and Aydin slowed to a swift walk, forcing them to match his pace. Rows upon rows of armored guards with flapping red cloaks etched with golden dragons sat on horses in front of them.

Ren frowned. Did their army only consist of only a thousand men? They were doomed if that was the case.

Aydin led them down the path between the soldiers. Ren looked around at the helmeted faces and felt a surge of adrenaline kick through him.

He glanced up at the sky, which was beginning to shift from a light navy blue to a scorching red. The worst bloody omen possible during wartime. Ren's jaw clenched at the thought.

Aydin approached a set of vacant horses, climbing gracefully onto the center one armed with silver barding. Ren climbed onto a jet-black stallion horse who tossed its head. Ren grasped the reins firmly, and the horse settled down. The prince turned around to address his soldiers.

"We knew this moment would come." Aydin's voice echoed across the silent grounds. Not even a bird made a sound, and for the first time, Ren noticed the absence of Sephirah's bright companion. Where did her bird go? He glanced at her, but she seemed utterly calm.

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