33. A Grave Mistake (Part 1)

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A/N: Is that a baddie we see up there? *shocked gasp* Yes it is! Your girl is back and starting to realize the desert isn't as cracked out as she thought it'd be. Enjoy the story! Don't forget to vote, comment, and follow <3

Sephirah felt someone shake her shoulder, abruptly pulling her from the peaceful haze of sleep

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Sephirah felt someone shake her shoulder, abruptly pulling her from the peaceful haze of sleep. The motion came again, and her magic flared instinctively. Rolling to her side, she slammed a flaming hand into the ground.

A familiar voice let out a string of curses, and Sephirah forced her eyes open. Drool dripped down her chin, and she wiped it away with her lit hand. The heat of the fire woke her further. Her blurry vision allowed her to see the person hovering next to her stomp on the blazing leaves below him.

"Why can't you wake up like a bloody normal person?" Ren growled at her, his accusatory eyes latching onto hers. He put out the rest of the fire with one last crunch of his boot. The smell of charred foliage attacked her nostrils, and she sat up, stretching out her sore muscles.

The saddle blanket had been a failed attempt to cushion the hard and cold ground. Sephirah yawned, looking up to see Ren still glaring at her. She raised her eyebrows. "I thought I did."

"Like hell," Ren scoffed before turning away and stalking off.

Okay, he obviously woke up on the wrong side of his makeshift bed.

"Don't worry," Aydin spoke from behind her. Sephirah twisted around to peer at him, her tangled red hair sticking up in various spots. "All that beauty sleep did you wonders."

His light hazel eyes ran up and down her figure, sending a slight shiver down her spine. Heat crawling up her neck, Sephirah spun around quickly, huffing out an annoyed breath. She stood up, muscles in her back cramping with the motion. Using one hand to press her fingers into the knots in her right shoulder, she used the other to roll up her blanket.

A soft, hot breeze fluttered through her hair as she rose and walked toward her horse. Nova cawed from above her and Sephirah smiled at her, eyes flashing red.

Good morning, my fiery bird. Did you eat?

An image of a bush of berries appeared in her mind. Nova tilted her head at her, large black eyes gleaming in fading sunlight. Brilliant yellow, gold, and orange feathers puffed out as she stretched her wings, beak opening to let out another caw.

Okay, okay. Don't get your feathers in a bunch. Sephirah scrunched up her nose at Nova, who chirped impatiently.

Sephirah walked past her staring companions to ready the pommel bag she'd be carrying. Alethia moved closer to Nova, grey eyes examining her in fascination.

"That's Nova," Sephirah rushed to explain, pushing the wool blanket into the packed leather bag. Her fingers smashed against a wooden bowl. She winced as they began to throb. Alethia glanced at her before turning her eyes back to Nova, who was watching her intently. "She doesn't like it when people stare."

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