Chapter 1

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I sat on the wide window sill as the rain started to fall harder. Duke and I had been watching some mystery man. He seemed oddly familiar, but I doubt that I knew him since I was all the way in Tokyo. The man continued fighting -more like killing-people. He and the last man fell out of the window and into the streets. A woman approached the man, an umbrella in hand, she stood also watching. The second man began to say something in which I couldn't hear from where I sat, but I could assume he was begging for his life. As the man replied he stabbed him through the chest with a long sword. He pulled off his mask revealing his face. The woman behind him finally spoke, but it's not like I could hear her over the rain anyways. I continued watching the pair when I heard a faint click. That sound I knew far too well. Turning my head to the upper left window I saw a man aiming his gun for the man I had just been watching's head. Normally I would have just let the man have his fun and watch as their bodies fall lifeless to the ground, but something about these people made me feel as if I was connected to them. Reacting fast I kicked the man's wrist up making him fire a shot in the air. This caught their attention from down below they looked up in bewilderment. I didn't pay attention to them and jumped up on the window sill. As I dragged myself through the window he charged at me, and since my balance was still of we both went tumbling out the window. We were each unfortunate and landed on our sides. As he was groaning in pain I rolled over and started punching him in the face. He hissed in pain and tried to defend himself as I grabbed locks of his hair and slammed his skull into the hard street over and over. His nose gushed blood, his face was scratched to bits, and his lips were busted when he finally took his last breath. Taking a deep breath I glanced at the people which I had just saved. Both of their expressions were what I assumed, each was utterly shocked. As we sat in the rain just looking at one another I started to become more aware of the throbbing pain on my right side. Setting up fully I started to apply pressure to the right side of my ribcage. Like I expected I felt four of them collapsed inward. The man approached me first, "Who are you?" Me being the cocky smartass I am replied, "The crazy chick who fell out of the window while saving your ass." He gave me a look that clearly stated "Really?'. I groaned since I would have to make up yet another fake life and backstory. "Nevada Springs," the lie rolled of my tongue smoothly as I held my long mastered poker face. "I'm Cli-" the woman cut him off. "Your lying," she said flatly. "No, I'm not." I kept my face neutral. The man gave her another look, "I don't think she's lying, Nat." She studied my face again, "Yes, she is. I know because she's using my technique." He raised an eyebrow and faced me. I sighed, "Fine whatever, names Nathalie Lennox. You know you the only one who has ever figured out when I'm lying." The man was obviously still suspicious, "Are you here alone, Nathalie?" I cringed, "First of all doesn't call me Nathalie just Lennox. Second of all always have been.". I cleared my throat to try and break the awkward silence. Realizing I was still setting on the ground in a huge puddle I pulled myself up and turned to the two people. That's when I noticed why they seemed familiar. My eyes widened and my mouth dropped, "Holy shit! I just ran my smartass mouth to my favorite Avengers. I do stupid bullshit, sometimes." "Wait we're your favorite avengers?" The women which I could now identify as the Black Widow questioned, I nodded. We had at a lot in common actually, let me give you some of my background knowledge. All of my fighting techniques and skills I learned in the Red Room, which I broke out of. I didn't really know my family very well either. The reason I didn't know them well was that my father got involved with some pretty bad people. They came after him when I was at school, and shot both him and my mother. Unfortunately, I walked in as the perps were staging everything to look like a suicide. Knowing they couldn't leave an eye witness they drugged me and brought me to the Red Room. Since I was only ten going on eleven at the time they used me as a bait girl, but when the other girl tried to kill me I fought back. We tussled back and forth before I managed to get her pistol away from her. She was my first cold-blooded kill. My fighting skills and determination impressed them so they let me join the other girls' training. Last year the trainers and Red Room workers turned to dust, leaving me and a few other Red Room Widows alone. That's how I found my way to America since it was the 'free' country. I've managed to live this past year efficiently using my skills to survive. Now that's enough about my past for now. Shaking away my thoughts I stared at Hawkeye and Black Widow. I still couldn't believe it was them. Once the silence became unbearable I spoke up, "Well I told you both my real name-which I never do by the way-so can I know yours?" They glanced at each other a moment before Hawkeye got off started towards me, "I'm Clint Barton. How badly did you hurt yourself?" Standing straight I looked down at my body, which was covered in bloody patches, "Now answering your question Barton, it's just some scrapes and like four broken ribs. Minor stuff." He gave a sad look, "No sixteen year old like yourself should think broken ribs are minor." I shrugged, it really was minor in my opinion. Black Widow finally spoke up, "We'll take her back to the Avengers Tower with us, patch her up, and maybe on the way she can tell us some stuff about herself. Oh, and by the way, names Natasha Romanoff." Thinking about this and all my other options I agreed. Mainly because I was sick of roaming the streets alone. Natasha led us to a fancy jet thing which Barton told me was called a Helicarrier. Walking into the Helicarrier Barton showed me to some seats while Romanoff continued walking to the control room. Once I sat down Barton walked off towards a small closet. After a few minutes, he returned with a small first aid kit. "I can't do anything about the ribs right now, but I can patch those cuts and scrapes," he said reassuringly.
"I'm going to trust you guys, and my trust doesn't usually come this easy so don't push it, I'll tell you both about my past."
"Anything else?"
"Oh I almost forgot, I'm speaking normally now I can't handle speaking in this American accent," I switched to my Russian accent, which was more natural for me.
  Barton raised an eyebrow, "You're Russian?"
  Swallowing the lump that had formed in my throat I replied, "Let's start talking about my wonderful past."


What do you think? I'm trying to keep things similar but they will be very different from the legit movie. Some events will be kept the same while others will be left out completely. I'll also be adding extra and original scenes to help the plot. Plus bonus chapters! 😃❤ Hope you enjoy it!


This is not in Tokyo. They will not fight Thanos for a few years. So they will be sad. Natasha came for Clint because she thought he was another assassin, but realizing it was him she knew the family had faded. Not wanting him to be alone she convinced him to come to the Avengers Tower.

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