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Sighing I replied, "Let's start talking about my wonderful past."

"Okay, start when you're ready," Barton said. I took I deep breath to prepare for the long story ahead. "When I was ten my parents were murdered while I was at school because my father got involved with some messed up people. Anyways, I walked in while they were making the scene look like a double suicide. You can't leave behind a witness, so they drugged me. I woke up in an empty cold room which I later learned was the Red Room. They didn't want me to be a master assassin like the other girls though. I was a bait girl for some other ten year old, but I didn't just let her simply kill me. Putting up a fight I ended up...killing her, because of this I was let into the training program with the rest of the Red Room Widows. There I learned to fight, kill, use a variety of weapons, and become an adaptive spy and assassin. Even at a young age, I was the best of the group and one of the best in all Red Room history. So, they chose to inject me with this serum that was supposed to enhance you physically when I was fourteen. After this, my missions were deadlier, and life got harder. Last year the trainers and everyone who ran the Red Room faded to dust. A few other Widows were left including me.
This past year I've been roaming around America." He finished wrapping the last of my wounds and looked up at me sadly. "They injected you with Super Soldier Serum?" I shrugged, "Yeah, I'm way stronger than I look, trust me."
Looking into his eyes I noticed the same sad glint I saw every time I looked into the mirror. "I know the feeling, Barton." My words confused him, "What feeling?" Looking down at my lap I continued, "To lose your family. I see it in your eyes-you lost someone." His eyes started to glisten over as he nodded. We sat in eerie silence until it got to me and I broke it, "Can you tell Romanoff my past? I don't like to think about it much."  "Sure, no problem." After a few minutes of comfortable silence he stood and started for the door Romanoff had just gone through, "You should get some rest, Natha-Lennox." At first, I was just going to agree but then I remembered I was leaving off an important detail, "Don't freak out if I scream." This caught his attention and he stopped to turn around and face me. "Why would you scream?" "My...nightmares they're...pretty bad," the thought made me shiver because it was no secret that I was-am a monster. "Okay. I understand it happens to the best." With that, he turned and walked into the pilot room. Now alone with my thoughts, I laid my head back. It's been a year since the world changed so dramatically, but I was surviving-physically anyways... Talking quietly to myself after handcuffing my right arm to the seat, I slowly drifted to sleep.

Clint's P.O.V

As I was explaining everything I knew about Nathalie to Natasha I heard a blood-curdling scream. Jumping up frantically I started to sprint towards the door but was stopped by Nat. "She said to not freak out if she screamed remember?" The red-head said softly. My pulse started to slow to a more normal rate, as her words came back to me. "Well...I'm still going to check on her." Before she could reply I was out the door. Her fingers were tangled in her light blonde hair, cupping her ears as she screamed, "I won't do it! I won't kill them!" Setting in the seat beside her I wrapped my arms around her and whispered, "Shhhhh, it's okay you're safe now." Her screaming started to quiet down as he repeated the words over and over again. Finally, her whimpers faded away and she slept silently in my arms. My eyes became heavy and started to droop in defeat as I fell asleep.

Nathalie's P.O.V

"Do it, Nathalie, kill them!" The woman continued to scream at me as I cupped my earsand sobbed. "I won't do it! I won't kill them!" Sending me a dirty glare she continued, "It's them or you Nathalie!" Trembling I pointed the pistols at the two people's heads. Closing my eyes I pulled the trigger and shivered as the blood speckled my face. "Open your eyes!" The woman hissed coldly, her words dripped with venom. Opening my eyes I saw the awful scene. Blood. Blood everywhere the floor, the walls, the ceiling, even on her. She thought she would get used to it but she hadn't-not yet at least. "Good girl, but because of your behavior you have to be punished." I needed to grow up and be brave, so I took the beatings. Just screaming with every hit. Until I soft voice whispered, "It's okay you're safe now." I was enveloped in protective warmth. My screaming stopped and I finally was peaceful.

Natasha's P.O.V

It had been a few hours since Clint had gone to check on Nathalie. I was just landing the Helicarrier at the launch pad. Looking out the window I noticed Steve waiting for me down at the runway. Since I was driving I wasn't able to get up and talk to Nathalie, but from what Clint had told me, this girl was tough. She was also a Red Room recruit so she obviously could fight. According to Clint, she had also mentioned something about being given Super Soldier Serum, or at least something similar. As I killed the engines I grabbed my small bag of supplies headed out. When I made it to the seating area I saw something I wasn't expecting. Nathalie and was sound asleep in Clint's arms. They were both sound asleep. I was so surprised because Nathalie seemed like the type that didn't open up to people well, and Clint was hurting, I just knew it. I didn't want to wake them but I needed to get them to their rooms. No one knew the two were coming, but we had plenty of spare rooms in the Avengers Tower. Gently I shook both Clint and Nathalie's shoulders. They stirred quietly yawning and stretching their arms. If it were under better circumstances I probably would've laughed at the duo. Finally, they were fully awake and looking at each other, clearly surprised. Neither said a word as Nathalie un-cuffed herself and, they stood, "Let's get going guys. I'll show you to your rooms, and Nathalie I'll introduce you to Steve." They nodded along casually. "Romanoff, remember Lennox, I go by Lennox." "Okay, my bad." I started to lead them to Cap who gave me a strange look when he noticed my guests. Approaching him I said, "The murderer we've been after was...Clint. I convinced him to come back here to Avengers Tower with me, and while we were talking Lennox-" I was cut off, "I saved their asses, and fell out a window. That's going on my list for stupidest shit I've done."  Clint chuckled slightly, "I like her." "Ehhh, don't be surprised if that changes," she winked at me mischievously. That brought a small smile on my face. Steve cleared his throat to remind us he was still here. "Steve Rogers," he shook the young girl's hand, as she replied, "Nathalie Lennox, but just call me Lennox." After a pause, Steve spoke again, " can fight, Lennox?" She smirked, "Fight, shoot, hack, and lots of other things." Their small conversation continued, "You must have been trained well." Her smile fell as she nodded and ended the conversation, but I could hear her mumble, "Maybe but not for good reasons." My heart silently broke for her. Having to go through the Red Room myself I understood her pain. Steve and I started walking side-by-side motioning for Clint and Nathalie to follow. Behind me, I could tell they were having a small discussion, but I couldn't hear what they were saying. Once we made it in front of the tower Nathalie whistled, "Damn, this place us nicely." Clint's lips twitched with a smile and I chuckled slightly. While Steve replied, "Language." Nathalie rolled her eyes, "You are America's Golden boy aren't you, Star-Spangled." This time Clint smiled it was a small smile, but I was glad she could make him feel a little better. "Star-Spangled, really" Steve questioned. "Oh, you're stuck with it now buddy." At least she could still joke even after everything she's been through. "Well let's stop messing around and show you two your rooms," Steve and I started into the tower Clint and Nathalie close behind.
Going through the lobby to the elevator I asked Steve, "Do we have any rooms that are side-by-side." "Yeah, why?" "Just a hunch." He clicked button forty-five, and the machine slowly started to go up. Tension filled the silent air up until the doors opened up revealing the floor. "Let's show you your new room."
Hope you enjoyed it.

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