Chapter 7

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We were all set in the lab mostly watching as Banner started to work on planning ideas. It had been awhile in my opinion since we'd brought him here, so I was starting to doubt his abilities. After another five minutes of watching, I got up and made my way to the lift. Scott yelled, "Where are you going?"
"Training room. It's not like I'm getting any younger waiting around all day."
With that, I was off towards the training room. My personal favorites were the weights and punching bags, but I loved the training simulator. First I went to the punching bags since I always saved the simulator for last and I knew I could lift all the weights. Starting with the easier bags I worked my way up to the bigger ones as I knocked them off the hook one-by-one. Usually, I wouldn't knock this many off at a time it's just I had a lot on my mind. I know this is going to sound selfish but I was worried about what would happen to me once-if we got everyone back. The people I was closest to have people that they would choose over me in a heartbeat that was gone. So once they got them back, would they just forget about me? They couldn't. I've almost died for Steve and I would to this day die for all three of them. Shaking my head I threw another punch at the bag powered by my anger and confusion. Watching as the bag flew against the wall beside the others I heard a voice from behind me, "I thought I was the only one who did that." Turning around I found Steve watching me, I was so drowned in my thoughts I must've not realized he came in.
"I almost always bust at least one when I workout, but today I broke, "I looked at the bags across the room, "Thirteen of them."
"Why so many?"
"Just felt like it."
"Understandable. Natasha's going to find Clint, and she wants to know if you want to come."
"Sure, tell her I'll be there in a second."
As Steve walked off I went to the wall with the fallen punching bags. Putting two on each shoulder I walked to the large storage closet, laying them down and going back to get the rest. When I was finished I headed out towards the Quinjet. The backdrop was down and I walked in to find Nat waiting for me. She looked up at me and I said, "Well let's go get Katniss shall we."
Tasha and I walked up to the pilot's seats, she took the pilot seat while I sat in the Co-pilot's. I would've suggested that I drive but I had to no idea where we were going. Once we were in the sky and flying I asked, "So where's the bird boy at this time?"
"I've tracked him down to Tokyo."
"How the actual fuck did he end up there? I'm kind of regretting my life choices right now, last time I was in Tokyo like thirty people were trying to kill me."
"You went to Tokyo?"
"It's a long story but at least if I have children I can tell them I've been all around the world, you get what I mean?"
"I don't."
"Why's that?"
"When the world dusted I guess you didn't have to go through the graduation ceremony, but they make it where you can't have children."
Looking at her bewildered I replied, "Wait, Tasha, you don't know?"
"Know what?"
"That was all fake, the girls who graduated are given fake memories. So they just believe that they're sterilized."
"Why would they do that?"
"In case of a rare event where they were to need more Agents, they could find one of the Widows and impregnate them with one of most skilled trainer's child, to make a more advanced child that would learn faster."
"How do you know this?"
"When the trainers all died there was no one to stop me from escaping, but I stole some information first."
"Then how have I never gotten pregnant?"
To lighten the mood I joked, "Well maybe it's Steve and not you."
"Lenny seriously, why?"
"Maybe it's a sign from...the universe that you've never met the right person, or they ain't got Steve's super sperm." I winked at her. She rolled her eyes at me which soon clouded over, "So you're saying that I'm normal?"
"No you're an Avenger, but you're birthing should be normal."
"Wow, I..I never knew that."
She was silent now and since we were pretty much-having girl talk I decided to ask, "So, do you have feelings for precious little Stevie?"
Having caught her off guard she took a second to answer my question, "Well I've never really thought about it..."
"Honey when you think about it, it's almost not real. Just like I'm assuming you went for Banner all those years ago because you thought you were a monster, which you're not. If anyone is a monster I am."
"I understand your point and all but...why would you be a monster? You haven't done as much wrong as me, I assure you that. So really I'm the-"
"I'm glad I was put in the Red Room, if I was asked to start my life all over again I wouldn't. The Red Room was more of home to me than my own."
Now she was silent. After about five minutes of silence she spoke up again, "So would I that doesn't make you a bad person."
My voice quieted and broke as I spoke, "Really?"
"Of course."
A warming hand rubbed my shoulder soothingly. Breathing in deeply I composed myself, I would never openly show human emotion to anyone. Aside from anger, disgust, and hatred at least. Clearing my throat I went back to the subject, "Even if you don't realize that they're there it doesn't mean they aren't."
"What do you mean?"
"Nat when I'm in the same room as you two I can practically cut the sexual tension with a knife."
"That doesn't mean we like each other."
"You're right you two don't like each other, you're in love."
"Still I don't know if there's chemistry there or not."
"Just answer this question: What do you feel when you're around him?"
"Well...sometimes I feel anxious, but I usually feel safe. Almost like I'm home in some weird way."
"Exactly my point, you don't feel that way about your friends."
Looking at her I could tell I had opened her mind to the thought. Finally, she replied, "If I were to per-say have feelings for him, what if he didn't feel the same? Couldn't I be risking our friendship?"
"I'll find out for you admit that you have feelings for him to me."
"You're right, I've noticed for quite some time now myself, it's just that I haven't wanted to admit it. I guess I was scared I would get hurt again. Like with Bruce you know."
"Steve is too much of a gentleman to hurt you."
"Lenny I just noticed something."
"Besides your feelings?"
"Yep, your accent."
"You've never noticed my accent?"
"No, I mean you're losing it."
"I am?"
"Wow, I didn't realize it."
"Neither did I."
"Anyways I'll find out about Steve for you. Both of you deserve happiness and I'll help y'all find that. Plus I've been wanting you two to get together for years." She laughed at my final remark. We rode the rest of the way in silence aside from our thoughts, I don't know what Nat's were but I was thinking of the future. What would happen to me? After we got everyone back I'd probably stick around with Steve and Nat, but if they got together wouldn't I be alone? That would be okay though since I'm pretty sure that I could become close to some of the people that had faded. Hopefully, I would know getting close to people is a weakness but it would be nice to not be alone again. Drowning out the thoughts I focused on right now. We had to get Clint, he was in Tokyo. He had told me what he did when he left once awhile ago because he had come back cut to hell and I stitched him up. When he still wouldn't tell me why he was injured so badly I threatened him. Just because my life is turning around doesn't mean I can't be mean now and again. Japan was far away so I decided to take a short nap, my hand on my gun per usual. Drifting off to sleep I noticed Natasha glance at me giving me a small smile.

Natasha's P.O.V
As I was landing the Quinjet I slapped Lenny's shoulder in an attempt to wake her. Groaning she rolled over on her side, "Lemme sleep Clint, or I'll put your arrow threw your eye." Laughing at her I walked behind her seat and pulled the adjusting lever and shoved her forward. When she hit the ground she jumped up quickly doing a backflip and landing with her gun pointed at the door. "Chill I was just waking you up, we're here." Sliding her gun back in her holster she replied, "Let's go get his ass."
While we were exiting the Quinjet I said, "Did you know you talk in your sleep?"
"I thought I only did that when I have nightmares."
"Nope, cause you just did it."
"What'd I say?"
"Lemme sleeps Clint or I'll put your arrow threw your eye."
She laughed at herself, "In my defense, he wakes me up pretty early sometimes."
"I bet. Now let's find him you go right I'll go left."
Walking towards the left side of the city I looked around for Clint. Yelling, "Clint!" every so often I soon heard screams. Picking up my pace I was soon to an empty alleyway. Two windows broke, out of the first one fell two men, one of which I could identify as Clint. Lenny and three men had fallen out the other. Watching in the rain that had started to fall I watched as Clint pulls out a sword to kill the man he fell out of the window with. Before he could jab it through the man's chest Lenny ran up and snatched the sword from him. Each of us looked at her dumbfounded as she said something in Japanese and the four men ran off. Nothing could be heard aside from the rainfall until Clint said, "You two shouldn't be here."

Thanks for the reads! Hope you like the book.😉 Also hope you like that Nathalie is becoming a better person  and the fact that romanogers may prevail!

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