Chapter 14

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~3 years later~

"Are you sure this is a good idea?"
"Sammy when am I ever wrong?"
"Honestly Lenny, like over half the time."
"Whatever. We go on my three."
Dumping the bucket of ice water over it splashed out of the vent and on top of Scott. Scott and Hope moved into the compound two years ago because they are superheroes too. If that's even what you'd call the team, we haven't been the Avengers since the fight with Thanos. Jumping up quickly Scott ran around the room freaking out from the coldness. Sam and I burst out into laughter rolling out of Scott's view. I've wired the vents up so they'll close and open automatically. Today had been my brilliant plan and I'd invited Sam because he was less of a buzzkill than the others. Nat and Steve didn't live here anymore, they got married last year because I finally got them to confess their feelings for one another. Tasha was pregnant too so I was going to have a fourth niece or nephew, I'm Aunt Lenny to Morgan and Lucy. Nathaniel called me Auntie Lenny, Clint's other kids were more of my pals than niece and nephew since they were older and didn't want to have much to do with me or any other adult. Looking at each other Sam and I listened for Scott, who eventually yelled, "Assholes!" We burst into laughter again and started to make our way to the living room's vent. When we arrived I pulled down the rope later I'd installed, carefully we both climb down onto the floor. Without looking I flopped back on the couch and hit someone with full impact, they fell off of the couch with a loud thud. Putting my hands behind my head I looked at my victim, "My bad Barnes, but if you move your feet you're gonna lose your seat." Bucky had short hair now and I had to say he was hot.


"Sam truth or dare?"
"I dare you to put gum in Bucky's hair, and if you do it I'll give you five dollars."

~flashback over~

Yeah, I was out five bucks that day and ended up cutting Bucky's hair for him. I was going to shave him bald but something in the back of my head told me not to, I think that I may actually have developed a conscience. "If you don't move I swear I'll set on you."
A large weight sat on top of me making me set up.
"You just brought on the war."
Lunging forward I grabbed his shoulder to pull him off but because of our positions, I knocked both of us off the couch. Landing underneath Bucky our faces were only inches apart. Neither of us did anything...that is until Sam said, "Can you two love birds at least get a room?"
Flipping Sam off I pulled myself out from under Bucky, or at least I tried to. Suddenly I was engulfed in a red orb that pushed up against Bucky who was also covered in one. Turning my head to the doorway I saw Wanda moving her hands to make the orbs do what she wanted. "What the hell, Wands?"
Cracking up Sam said, "What are you doing Wanda?"
Shrugging and releasing us Wanda said, "Just trying to make my ship come true."
"Does anyone know what a ship is?"
Maybe I am a genius but that doesn't mean I know what she means by 'ship'.
"It means you want two people to go out."
I'll admit I'm pretty surprised, Wanda and Bucky were like a...thing for a little bit. Rolling my eyes I pulled my buzzing phone out of my pocket, checking the caller i.d it read 'Nick [baldy] Fury'. Answering it swiftly I said, "What do you want, got another mission for me?" Sheild had been rebuilt and was now fully operational, so I was now an Agent but most still know me by 'The Red Gool'.
"We need you and the team there's been an incident. Make it to Sheild's HQ as soon as you can, I'm expecting you to bring the rest of the team for me." He hung up the call and I looked at the three curious people around me, "Round everyone up, we have somewhere to be."
"Where's that?"
"Sheild HQ."

~skip to when they make it to HQ~

All of us were seated around a large table, and so was some other girl and Peter. Looking at her skeptically I asked, "Who are you?"
"Kate Bishop, but you probably know me by 'Hawkeye'."
"Oh, so you're the new Hawkeye."
"Do you know Clint?"
"He's helped me out a lot."
"Same here."
Fury walked into the room and looked at us.
"Why'd you bring us here?"
"The world is in trouble, and it needs it's heroes back. We need to assemble the Avengers."
"Well with all due respect, I think you and almost everyone else in this room know I'm not the best when it comes to following orders." Smirking cockily at my remark I crossed my arms over my chest, but his next words wiped that smirk right off my face. "I know Agent Lennox, that's why you'll be giving them."


So I did it, I finished the book. This is my first completed story and I hope you enjoyed it. The sequel to this book will be Book 2 of The Young Spy series. I'm not giving out the title yet, you'll know it's the book if you read the description. Thank you guys for everything, bye!

Omg, I just realized my first chapter hadn't been saved right when I published it. The dog Duke wasn't supposed to be in the story so I'm going to go back and fix that somehow.

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