Chapter 5

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Steve's P.O.V

I looked down at Nathalie and saw blood seeping through her torso. Before I could react in any way to help her she pulled a dagger out of one of her many utility belts. She turned around quickly sending the small blade through the man's skull. "Bastard," she muttered bitterly. "Are you okay?"
"Just peachy. Now enough about me let's blow this piece of shit building the fuck up."
"We need to, but are you okay?"
"Of course. See were Nat is."
Bringing my hand up to my comm I pushed the button, "Nat, where are you?"
"Heading your way."
"Okay we're fixing to blow this last building up, so come towards us and we'll hop in once Lennox detonates the bomb."
"Yeah, apparently she carries around bombs."
"Probably should talk to her about that."
"If you two don't stop this chitchat session I'm personally going to beat your asses so bad you have to eat out of a straw!"
Natasha was silent and I finally noticed the Quinjet nearing our location. When I turned around I saw Nathalie quickly pushing buttons on the bomb. "We need to wait for Natasha to get here before you detonate that bomb."
"I'm not a dumbass, we have a minor problem. Which, before you ask, is that the bomb detonated when I dropped it. We're lucky we weren't blown to bits, since the timer was set to five minutes. It will explode and kill us in about two and a half minutes."
"Yeah, like I said minor issue."
"We're fixing to get blown up it's not a minor issue."
"Well running your cocksucker isn't going to change that is it, and now we only have one minute."
"That's just great."
I watched still panicked as Nathalie threw the bomb over the stairwell.
"We better hope Nat is close."
She then grabbed my arm and started to run dragging me along with her. Understanding what she was doing I started to run alongside her. Surprisingly she was ahead of me a little bit throughout our run even though I was giving it my all and she looked like it was effortless for her even though she had gotten shot twice. As we neared the window I was prepared to break it, but Lennox beat me to it. She turned sideways ramming her shoulder through it, and I jumped through the now broken window behind her. We were now side-by-side falling, and Nathalie screamed to me, "I'm pretty sure that I'm fucked, since I'm already bleeding out. So when we hit the ground you land on me and you should be fine."
"No, you can land on me and you should be fine."
"Motherfucker I just took two bullets for you, so there's no way in hell I'm going to let you die now."
Lennox and I continued to fight back in forth when we smacked something hard. Looking around I noticed that we were on the top of the Quinjet? Natasha's voice crackled through the comms, "I'm opening the upper hatch you and Lennox get your asses in here."
Turning to face Nathalie I motioned for her to follow me. Slowly we made our way to the open hatch, once we arrived we practically fell through the hatch. Nat put the Quinjet on autopilot and came back to where we were laying on the ground. Grunting Nathalie rolled on her back and looked at the roof. "Are you two-"
"Damn it, Lennox, you shouldn't have taken those bullets for me! I could've handled it!"
"So could I!"
"Maybe, but they were aimed for me."
"You don't know that he could've been aiming at either of us. I just put myself in a more dangerous area!"
"We both know he was trying to shoot me!"
"Oh shut your patriotic ass-"
"Would both of you shut the hell up! Lennox from what I've heard I'm pretty sure you got shot, is that true?"
"Yeah, in the left leg and lower torso."
"How exactly did you get shot?"
"I jumped the bullets saving his American ass, and I'm starting to regret it." She glared at me harshly.
"Steve you can drive the Quinjet. I'll help Lennox with sewing her wounds."
Sighing I nodded and made my way to the pilot's seat.

Nathalie's P.O.V
Natasha was behind me sewing up the bullet wound that was in my torso. We had already sewn up my leg at this point and we were just setting in peaceful silence.
"So, you took the bullets for Steve?"
"Yes, and I swear that's the last time I do that. He dared to yell at me, he's lucky I didn't knock his ass into next month."
"He freaked out so bad Lennox because when we lost that fight, and all those people died I know that he blames himself for that. I blame myself to honestly because maybe if we would've done more, worked faster we could've saved them."
"I'm not the most encouraging person, but I do know everything happens for a reason. So, maybe there's a bigger picture out there that we haven't found all the way and half of the world fading away was a part of that."
"I hope you're right."
"So do I."
Nat continued to sew my wound with me wincing now and then when the needle went through my skin. Soon enough the poking pains stopped, "They're all set, you should be good now."
"Don't worry about it."
She walked up to the pilot seat and said something to Steve who gave her the controls. He came back where I was and sat in the seat across from me. Not wanting to talk to him I pulled out some of my blood-covered knives and a large white handkerchief. Steve eyed me suspiciously so I said, "I'm not going to stab you or anything so don't give me that look." Nodding he turned away, so I started to clean my knives. Once I was almost finished with all of my knives I felt the Quinjet land. Jumping up I slid the knife I had been cleaning back in its place. The back of the Quinjet slowly descended as I made my way towards it with Steve and Nat close behind. When it was lowered all the way I walked out and made my way towards the tower I stopped right above the entrance where a vent was. Using my enhanced muscles I jumped up and grabbed the cover. Shifting to the right I made the vent cover slide over and I crawled into the venting system. Shutting the cover I watched as Nat and Steve walked through the doors glancing up at the vent. My stomach let out a low growl, I shrugged my shoulders, "Kitchen it is." As I was making my way towards the kitchen I started to think. Why did I take those bullets for Cap? That's when I realized something. Even though I never thought I'd be capable to-I loved. Loved so much I was willing to die. Maybe love is a weakness, if it is then I suppose it's one of my few. We all have our weaknesses, yes, but I'd never thought mine would be love.
Three Years Later
Cap, Nat, and I were all talking in Natasha's room. Steve was over by the doorway leaning on the wall, Nat was at her desk fixing to eat a peanut butter sandwich, and I as usual was hanging from a vent. Don't ask me why I love the vents so much but I do. We continued to talk Nat's eyes were teary since she was thinking of everyone they had lost. Me and Steve were mostly trying to comfort her. Clint had left early this morning and said he would be back in a few days. Honestly I wished he would've stayed because he's by far my favorite. I'm not one hundred percent sure why, but I've always felt closest to Clint. Our conversation was interrupted when the screen beside Nat flashed on and a white man with dark brown hair was flashing through the feed, something about him was familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it. He started to speak and wave his arms around, "Hey guys, is anyone there?" Nat and Steve's eyes widened and they looked at each other shocked. "Is that a recording?"
"No it's live feed."
"Someone get to the door."
"Okay," me and Natasha answered together. Pulling myself up into the vent I took off running towards the front of the building. Since I was exceptionally fast I was to the vent above the entry way in no time. Looking down I saw the man from the cameras still waiting so I guess I beat Nat and Steve here. Moving the cover I dropped down out of the vent landing behind him. He turned around quickly looking at me confused, "Who the hell are you?"
Squinting my eyes I scanned him then snapped my fingers, "Now I know why you seem familiar. You're the Ant-Man guy, right?" When he nodded I continued, "Wait, I thought you were dead."
"Who are you?"
"Depends how you know me."
"Where are the Avengers? You know Captain America and all them."
"The ones that alive are scattered in areas I'm not sure of. The only ones I know about are Steve, Nat, and Clint. Well, Clint was retired so I'm not sure if he's still an Avenger."
Steve busted through the doors with Natasha close behind. They looked at the man I could now identify as Scott Lang or Ant-Man.
Breathlessly Steve spoke, "Scott?"


Sorry that this chapter is a little shorter than the previous. Either way I hope you enjoyed. Thank you to my readers out there!

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