Chapter 8

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"You two shouldn't be here."
"Neither should you."
"Sorry Clint, but I agree with Nat on this one."
They both seemed shocked since I almost always side with Clint, unless it's just Nat, Steve, and I then I'll usually side with Nat. I don't get why they're so shocked people and their opinions can change as they please. Tasha resumed her speech, "We may have a solution, to bring them all back."
He looked at his feet and whispered, "Don't do that, don't give me hope." Nat and I stepped up close to him each of us taking one of his hands. She quietly spoke, "We wish we could've sooner." Nodding I continued for Nat, "Come with us, we can't do it without you."
After a few minutes of silence aside from the rain, Clint spoke again, "I'll come."
Nat and I answered together, "Then let's go."
All of our hands were connected as we walked towards the Quinjet. It was a few miles away so it was going to take a while to get back, but we walked in silence. Each of us was drenched because of the rain when we finally reached the Quinjet. Letting go of Clint's hand I walked up to the side panel on the jet, pushing a few buttons I opened up the back hatch. We all walked in together me once again shutting the hatch. Nat realized Clint's hand and walked back to the pilot seat. Making sure Clint wasn't looking Nat mouthed to me, "Go set with him. Try and get him to talk to you." Nodding I walked backward to the row Clint was setting in and took the seat beside him. His eyes looked up to me sadness present. I hated to see him like this. So broken and alone. If I could take his place for him I would, I really would. Rubbing his back I soothingly said, "We'll get your family back Clint, whatever it takes. I'll help you the whole time, okay?" He nodded but his face still held the same sad expression. To cheer him up I said, "You know the Hulk?" When he nodded I continued, "Well he looks like a big bitch now. You've got to see him, he's wearing normal clothes and everything. I'm telling you I'm going to get in a fight with him just to prove that Hulk isn't so high and mighty." Chuckling at my remark Clint said, "Someone better video that for me."
"I'll hold the camera and everything."
"It's your funeral."
"Pfft, you mean Banner's."
"One day you're gonna get yourself killed."
"That's very true, but at least I could go out in a cool way."
"We have very different definitions of 'cool'."
Shrugging I started to notice the dark circles under his eyes, "Clint you get some rest, it'll take a while to get back anyways."
"I've slept plenty, Nathalie."
Clint was the only person in this world who I would let call me by my first name.
"Barton I'm a spy, I could've noticed those bags under your eyes from a mile away."
"I do not have bags under my eyes."
"Sweety, the bags under your eyes are so big I could fit my groceries in them."
"Get some sleep, if you're being paranoid I'll stand guard."
"That's not it."
"Boy if you don't take a nap I swear I'll tie you to that seat and drug you."
Sighing he rested his head back on the seat and closed his eyes.
"You know you're terrible at faking, Clint." He had been fake sleeping for ten minutes so I decided to call him out for it. Groaning he looked at me, "Can't I just be awake?"
"Not why I'm alive."
"The way you act that'll be soon."
"That'd be good on everybody's part."
"No, it wouldn't."
"Yes it would, I am nothing but trouble."
"Won't lie that part is a little true."
"Dammit just take a nap."
"Fine, for real this time."
Eyeing Clint carefully I watched as he soon fell asleep. Blowing air through my lips I walked up to the Co-pilot's seat once again. Nat side-eyed me, "How'd it go."
"Oh, I threatened him till he took a nap."
"Good he needs it, you know I think you were the only reason he fell asleep sometimes."
"That's true, some nights I knew he couldn't sleep so I faked nightmares."
Raising an eyebrow at me she turned to look at me, "Really?"
"I told y'all that my heart isn't as cold as you all think. Don't tell him I said that though."
"Lenny, we know that you're a good person it's just that we never expected you to care so much."
"No it's okay, I understand."
"Now enough chitchat let's get back to the tower and bring everybody back."
/skip to when they get back/
While Nat was landing the Quinjet I punched Clint hard in the shoulder. Jumping up quickly he looked at me rubbing his shoulder, "What was that for?"
"We're here Katniss, now let's go."
"Oh, okay."
Standing up together we walked out the back hatch behind Natasha. Glancing around the tower I saw Steve standing at the front entrance, it seemed like he was waiting for someone which was odd. The three of us walked towards the back entrance, that is until there was a vent cover right above my head. Doing my usual crazy stunts I jumped inside the venting system leaving Natasha and Clint behind. Hastily I made my way towards the front of the large building. Steve was waiting for someone, but who? When I was nearly there I saw a nice car pull up into the driveway. Full-on sprinting I was soon to the hatch above Steve. Quietly I watched as Stark got out of the car. They started to have a steady conversation about how Stark wasn't going to come and how he had changed his mind and figured everything out the night before. When they were done talking Stark said, "There's one more thing." He walked around to the trunk of his car, opening it up to reveal Cap's famous shield. This was the first time I had seen it up close and my only thought was: Why hasn't anyone just shot him in his legs? Steve started denying the offer, "No Tony, I cant."
"Yes you can, he made it for you." As Steve took the shield Tony said, "Besides if I didn't do something with it soon Morgan was going to take it sledding." Smiling at that I decided to make my grand entrance. Silently moving the vent cover I got ready and jumped down grabbing the shield, and landing perfectly on each of my spread out legs with my fist on the floor. Holding the shield behind my back with my free arm I smirked at the surprised men. Standing up to my full height I held the shield directly in front of me. Looking down at it I shook my head, before looking to Stark, "So Tony, since you're the only genius out here, why doesn't anyone every aim for his legs? I'm not covered with it much and he's a fucking giant." Tony turned his head to the side before answering, "Now that I think about it, why haven't they? Most the time you're just clumsily holding it in front of you."
"I do not-"
"Steve does everything clumsily, I'm pretty sure even after one hundred years he still hasn't gotten used to his new size."
"Haha, I like this girl."
Steve shot us each a glare, "Probably because you two both talk crap about me, but may I remind you that I could whoop both y'alls asses." Side whispering to Tony I said, "He's bluffing he can't take me, so if he comes at us I'll just kick his ass."
"Can you do that either way?"
"Maybe when this whole ordeal is over we can sneak him into some empty dark room and I can jump him."
"It's a plan."
Handing back the shield to Steve I finished our conversation, "Now back to business, let's get this shit done."
The three of us walked into the tower with Steve in front and Tony and I side-by-side. Soon we were into the room where we had been building the time machine. I whispered to Tony, "Banner looks like such a little bitch now, I think I can take him too."
"What do you mean?"
"You'll see."
When we entered the room Banner shouted, "Tony I haven't seen you in forever." Once Stark had taken in the sight that was in front of him he turned to me and shrugged. Looking across the room I saw a man with long matted hair; who I'm assuming was Thor, Rocket who I'd met a few times when Nat was getting reports, Nebula, and a few others. Tony looked at Bruce's progress then shook his head, "It's a good thing I decided to come, you'd be hopeless without me. Let's get to work."
/skip to when the time machine is finished/
Finally, the time machine was finished and ready to use. We'd each decided to go in a few teams. Nat and Clint, Rocket and Thor, Nebula and Rhodey, and my team were me, Steve, Tony, Bruce, and Scott. I'm not a hundred percent sure which stones each of us is getting, but I knew that we could do it. Steve looked around the room at each of us and said, "Whatever it takes." We all put our fists in the middle of us forming a red and grey circle. Each of us pushed the button that was on our gloves and got sucked into the machine. Looking around I noticed that I and everyone around me had become extremely tiny. There were also lots of bright colors flashing around us, but as soon as it had started it was over. We all landed side-by-side in New York, but the destruction around us made it almost completely different. Looking around at everyone I took charge per usual, "Let's get this done boys."

Thanks for the reads guys. Y'all are awesome. Don't worry I'll get to the more interesting part in the next chapters.

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