Chapter 13

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Author's P.O.V

There were many people at the hero's funeral. All of the remaining original Avengers were there, people who even resented Stark showed up. Everything was silent as Pepper and Morgan put the arc reactor onto the lake, it read 'Proof Tony Stark Has A Heart'.

Nathalie's P.O.V

I was standing beside Steve since he had been alone, Nat wouldn't have let him be alone so neither was I. While the arc reactor floated out towards the middle of the lake people started to walk up to Pepper and Morgan to say they were sorry and stuff. When it was Steve and I's turn I just went with a simple," I'm so sorry for your loss, I didn't know him well but I could tell Tony was a good man."
"Thank you."
While Steve was talking to Pepper I looked down at Morgan who was hugging her mother tightly. Morgan must've noticed who I was since she moved away from her Mom and wrapped her little arms around my knees. Even though it hurt my stomach and may have busted a few of my stitches I got down on my knees and wrapped her in a big bear hug. Softly I said, "Hey, Morg."
"Hi, Aunt Lenny."
"Are you okay?"
"I'm sad, I miss Daddy."
Pulling back from the hug I put my hands on her shoulders and put our foreheads together. "Your Daddy's still with you right, "I pointed my finger at her heart, "there." Her frown and tear-stained eyes were hurting my heart so I tickled her knees to try and get her to smile. Like all my other plans, this worked and she giggled slightly. Tapping my finger on my chin I told her, "How about to help make you feel better, I give you a present?"
"Like what?"
"How about some ballerina shoes?"
"That sounds cool."
"Okay, I'll bring them to you tomorrow right before I leave."
"Where are you going?"
"Back to where I belong."
Steve jumped into the conversation, "Yeah Lenny, where is that?"
I'd decided earlier this morning, there weren't many reasons for me to stay in America now. So I was going back to the place I resented, the place I was born.

~skip to later in the service~

Clint was introducing me to his family, I wasn't going to tell him I was leaving for Russia. As I was shaking his wife's hand I felt I tug on the hem of my dress. Looking down it was, as I had assumed, Morgan. Giving me pleading eyes she said, "Aunt Lenny, you wanna play with me and Peter while we wait for Happy?"
"Do you want me to?"
"Well, then I guess I will."
Waving to Clint and his family I said a quick goodbye, before letting Morgan drag me to wherever she was going. Taking me in the house she took me to a room which I assumed was her playroom. A teenage boy was waiting for her, he was the Spider-Boy or whatever it was called. I hear him and Tony were pretty close back in the day. Morgan introduced us to each other, "Aunt Lenny, this is Peter. Petey this is Aunt Lenny." Firmly shaking his hand I said, "Well I'm sure you'd rather just call me Lenny if you want though you can use Lennox."
"As Morgan said, I'm just Peter."
"Let's play!"
After a few minutes, Morgan decided to play tea party. She had the two of us set in some of her little chairs around her table. Giving me a weird look Morgan turned her head to the side and tapped her finger against her chin. "Oh, I know."
Walking over to me she slowly started to take my leather jacket off me, "Silly, you're supposed to take your coat off." Before I could stop her she'd taken it all the way off of me, revealing my shoulder wounds. My dress had an open back and it was a V-Neck, so she could see most of the stitches that were along my shoulder area. The only reason I'd even worn the jacket was so she didn't have to see something so brutal like I wished someone would've done for me when I was younger. Gasping Morgan asked me, "What happened?" Giving Peter a glance I could tell he didn't know how I was going to answer either. Thinking fast I replied, "There was this big mean raisin, and it wanted to beat me up because I of I....broke his toys. So his even meaner friends attacked me, but don't worry because my super cool friends helped me out."
"That sounds like one bad raisin."
Peter looked at me and chuckled a little, "Yeah I remember that raisin well."
"I should put my jacket back on, so people don't know I got attacked."
When Morgan handed my jacket back to me I pulled it back on quickly to cover the awful stitchery.

~skip to when Steve returns stones~

Steve was fixing to go back in time to return all of the stupid stones. Bucky, Sam, Bruce, and I were all there but that was about it. Though I'm pretty sure Scott was here, in case you're wondering I often don't pay attention. Now that I think of it I have no clue how I'm still breathing. When we got back to the compound Steve was going to take the Quinjet and drop me off back in Russia. I'd finally convinced him into letting me leave earlier, but I would've gone either way I just didn't want to book a flight or anything. Bruce had been saying some shit about he missed Nat and stuff, like what the hell does he want a medal? Fuck life is so goddamn depressing, especially when your just another Russian fuck up. "Well, I guess I'll be seeing you guys in a minute."
"No shit Sherlock, don't kill yourself while you're gone. Fighting people bigger than you is pretty stupid."
"Says the girl who tried to fight Hulk, Thanos, oh and how could I forget myself. Plus you'd fight anything that pissed you off."
"Whatever Star-Spangled, now get your ass out of here. Shoo."
As Steve stood in the middle of the time machine Banner pushed some buttons on the panel. The machine lit up and Steve disappeared into a large beam of bright light. "Do you like to fight people bigger than you to?" Bucky asked me while we waited.
"I've always liked a good challenge I suppose."
"Now there's two of them," he told Sam and Bruce.
"Not for long I'm heading back to Russia in the morning."
Sam spoke next, "You were being serious about that?"
"I'm always serious."
"Last night you fell through a vent and landed in the middle of the hallway, then you practically laughed yourself to death."
"In my defense, I was listening to a really good song."
Starting back up the machine flashed again to reveal Steve and...."Tasha?!" Running up to her I threw my arms around her shoulders. Maybe I do hate hugs but she was here, she was alive! Pulling back Nat studied my face for a second before whispering, "Are you crying?"
Wiping my eyes quickly I shut her down, "Of course not, I never cry. Last time I cried I was some stupid child."
From behind us, I heard Sam say, "Didn't see her cry but she sure as hell almost drank every drop of alcohol in the compound."
Letting Natasha go completely I looked at Steve's other side, there was Tony!
"Stark you better get in there with your family, they miss you a lot." We had the time machine in Tony's backyard at the moment, so he could go straight inside to see his family.  As Tony ran up to the house I pulled  Natasha into another strong hug, she hugged me back tightly which made me suck in some air between my teeth.  Giving me a look once we'd pulled away Nat said, "What'd you do to yourself this time?"
"I jumped on top of the Thanos dude because I thought he was gonna kill Steve. Then I took an alien bullet thing for Bucky, and this weird dude stabbed me because I killed his woman. That last one was pretty normal though."
"I'm not even going to ask."
"Good, the stories are pretty long."
Sam jumped in, "Stories, plural?"
"Oh definitely, it's happened like twice here in America and about five of six times in Russia."
Bucky asked me, "So are you still going back to Russia, Lenny?"
"Well, I guess I'll stay, but only because of Nat."
All of us started to walk back to the cabin together after Bruce shut down the time machine.
"You were going to go back to Russia?"
"Maybe, maybe not."
"She was, it took her forever but she talked Steve into taking her there."
"Shut your cakehole Wilson or I'll do it for you."
"Sam, I'm pretty sure she's not joking."
"Let her came at me Banner, I could take her."
"Then let's go bird boy, in the street right now."
"Can you two-notch it down a bit?"
"Bucky, he wants to talk all that shit. I just want to put him back in his place."
Nat gave Sam and I stern looks, "Really calm down, at least wait till we get home before you kill each other."
Rolling my eyes I smiled. Tasha was back, my cocky attitude was back. Today started shitty as hell but ended better than any other day of my life.

Thank you for all the reads! There's one more chapter of this story that's nearly done. It should be out in another day or two. I told y'all I would bring Tony and Nat back. This next chapter will be rather.......interesting...

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