Chapter 4

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We had been flying for about three hours before Natasha called up from the pilot seat, "We're here, get ready." Steve and I stood from our seats prepared to fight. He usually went for hand-to-hand combat, but I most likely would just shoot everyone down until I got close and then start fighting. Nat slowly started to lower the Quinjet so it hovered over the bundle of buildings. "You to head in while I take outbuildings with the Quinjet over there, and make a distraction in the process." "Okay," Steve and I answered together. The back hatch started to open slowly as Cap and I made our way over to it. Once it was open completely Steve glanced at me sideways, "You ready for this?"
"Hell yeah!" I replied and jumped out of the Quinjet with Cap close behind. "You two need to invest in using parachutes," Natasha's voice crackled through my earpiece. "And why is that?" Steve's voice followed. "Y'all are going to mess up and kill yourselves one day."
This time I answered, "Well we all die eventually, so at least it would be something people would laugh about years later."
"You're sense of humor is dark."
"Thanks, Star-Spangled!"
I landed on the roof ruffly but quickly recovered and started to move forward.
"I'm fixing to enter the second east building. What's y'alls status?"
"I'm in the third west building, work you're way towards me and we'll meet in the middle." Cap gave me quick simple orders so I settled for a simple answer, "Okay." As I started walking towards the roof's door shots rang out from a few buildings over. "Damn Cap, you sure know how to be discreet."
Suddenly the door was thrown open and ten men ran out armed with guns. "But you're weapons down or we'll shoot!" The one upfront addressed me cautiously. Smirking I replied, "Easy now big boys, put the guns down and no one gets hurt." Not one of them lowered their guns so I shrugged, "Fine have it your way." Grabbing two of my pistols out of there holster I lowered them and myself towards the ground slowly. Each of the men seemed to relax a little more, that is until I hopped up and started raining my bullets on them. I'd shot three of them within seconds while the remaining seven-shot back at me. "Hey y'all have machine guns that's not fair," I said as I shot another one, and picked up his gun. "Let's even that out." Pushing my finger on the trigger I shot all of the men as quickly as possible. They all lay dead on the ground as I stuck my guns back in their respective places. Walking through the now open door I noticed more men coming up the long staircase. Since I was badly outnumbered I scanned my surroundings and noticed a vent to my right. Well, that's some good luck. Swiftly I opened the small vent cover and pulled myself in using my feet to shut the cover. Once inside the venting system I found it was much bigger than the entrance had let it off to be. Backing into the far shadows I watched as men ran onto the roof armed heavily. After I watched the last man exit through the door I started making my way down towards the lower floors. The mission was to take out these individuals who were supposedly working to bring back Hydra. When I found the vent that leads straight down I attached my heavy-duty hook and rope to it. Grabbing ahold of the rope I fished a bomb out of my pocket. "Stay as far away from the second east building as you can."
"You'll see."
Jumping off the ledge I started sliding down the rope at a rapid speed. Detonating the bomb I shoved it against the wall and swung to the side landing on the left side of the vent. Pulling out a grabbling hook I started running to the last vent cover. Right as the bomb went off I ran through the vent cover knocking it stories down. The explosion threw me forward even more giving me the perfect opportunity to shoot the grabbling hook at the side of the next building. Gravity then came into play by making me fall, but I kept holding onto the hook. My ride was over once I came in contact with a window and fell into the next building surrounded by glass. Coughing I stood up and checked my surroundings, while also making sure my mask was still on my face. I didn't care about my identity or anything it was just something I wore often and had gotten used to. Reaching up I pressed the button that was located on my earpiece, "Well, I took care of a few of those men."
"That was you?"
"Sure was, Cap."
"One of these days you are gonna kill yourself."
"Nope, I'm gonna live forever!"
I could almost hear Natasha's eye roll through the comms.
"Nice talking to you guys, but I have some more people I need to put back in their place."
Making my way over to the door I cracked it slightly and saw men moving up and down the stairs. Clearing my throat quietly I faked my most realistic male  voice," She's in here!" They all turned their heads towards the door right as I ducked out of sight. Loud footsteps soon approached the door and hushed talking was barely audible. Keeping my hands on my guns I waited impatiently for the enemy to enter. Finally, my wish was granted when they pushed open the door and started to file in. Waiting in my spot behind the door no one noticed me, so I continued to wait until the last person came through. Quickly I pulled out my guns and started to fire at the unaware men. By now I was also being shot at and my ammo was running low. I'm an expert marksman and all but anyone would miss a few shots when about fifty guys are shooting at you. Fortunately, I noticed that many of the men were also nearly out of ammunition. Aiming at one of the bigger guys I pulled the trigger and heard the one sound I didn't want to hear, an empty click. I tried the other gun the same problem. Shoving the empty pistols back in their holsters I pulled out my last two and resumed fire. Soon enough I was out of ammo again but there were only five guys left, so I pulled out a few throwing knives. Taking them down one-by-one there was only one soldier left. "Well big guy, this is about to get messy." Sadly he still had bullets so I was in for a dangerous fight. Charging at him he pointed his gun at me ready to shoot but I was faster and kicked the gun to the floor. He didn't stop and came at me throwing punches at my face. Blocking myself I reached down to one of my pockets and pulled out one of my longer knives. Before he could notice my weapon I jabbed it through the side of his throat, blood sprayed on my face. Pulling the knife out of my victim I walked around the room picking up my fallen weapons before I left. "Fixing to blow this bitch up, so stay away from it."
"You have awful grammar skills."
"Well, Steve you have an awful face."
"Stop arguing guys, shit."
Exiting through the door I looked around the stairwell to make sure no more Hydra agents were coming. The room was all clear so I got my other grabbling hook and prepared a large grenade. Looking down the staircase I noticed more agents coming. This made it the perfect time to do my plan, I pulled the pin and dropped the bomb. Not wasting time I turned and ran through the next window immediately shooting my grabbling hook at the next building. Holding my legs together tightly I stuck them forward and landed with my legs spread out and one hand down. Oddly there were no men in sight, suddenly I heard a huge explosion. Turning my head towards the noise I saw the Quinjet near the explosion now shooting at another building. "Good one, Nat."
"Lennox, what building are you in?"
"First West."
"Steve needs backup, he's in the same building fifteenth floor."
The floor I was on was around the thirtieth, so I ran to the side of the railing and jumped. Acting fast I grabbed the side of the next floor's rails and so on. Finally, I was on the floor right above the one where all the fighting was at. Cap was at the far wall surrounded by men. Thinking fast I jumped down to the floor quiet enough so the men didn't notice me. One of the men seemed to stray away from the rest, so I crept up behind him and put him in a chokehold. Before he could get any words out I covered his mouth with my opposite hand. Overpowering him was fairly easy and as he went unconscious I grabbed his fallen gun. Turning it to the men I prepared to shoot. "Really a party, who forgot to invite me?" They all turned to me except the ones that were hand-to-hand with Steve. Shooting around the edges first so I didn't kill Cap I took down the men rather quickly. I'd shot most of them down before I ran out of bullets. "Well boys, guess we're gonna have to get physical." Running at one of the soldiers I knocked the gun against his skull, putting him to sleep. The next soldier that came at me took a hard slap in the face from the barrel of the gun. Now, most of the men were on Cap so I threw the gun to the side and jumped on one of the soldiers that were directly behind him. We begin to fight back and forth, me getting more hits than him. Once we were closer to the window I grabbed him by the front of the shirt and threw him through the glass. Whipping out two, much larger knives, I stabbed the man Steve was fighting in the back. Steve and I were now back-to-back fighting off the Hydra agents. Cap was just fighting hand-to-hand, but I was using my two knives mostly. They were by far my favorite weapons, but I didn't use them often. Continuing to fight the men Steve and I soon had them all down, either unconscious or dead. I turned to Steve, "What about the other buildings?"
"Nat's taking care of the rest, but we need to go ahead and blow this one up. Got any more of those bombs, and are you okay you're bleeding?"
"I do and most of this blood isn't mine"
"Okay. Well, set it up."
Grabbing another bomb I looked at Steve and noticed something behind him. Focusing my vision over his shoulder I noticed a soldier with a gun? Without thinking I grabbed Steve's shoulders and turned him around positioning myself in front of him. Two shots rang out as I felt a stabbing pain in my left leg and torso.
This cliffhanger probably could've been better, but I wanted to update it for you guys. Hope this story is interesting, and that you like Nathalie's character. Her snarky remarks and talking to herself are her fun little quirks so I hope you like them.

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