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It was around three in the morning, and I was unloading and reloading my pistol. I only do this when I'm bored, stressed, mad, and on rare occasions sad. Romanoff and Rogers dropped Barton and I off at our rooms about an hour ago. Since I slept on the Helicarrier I was restless. Sure it may have only been for an hour or two, but I only ever get about three hours at the most of sleep. Reloading my pistol one last time I got up and walked to the two glass doors that led to a balcony. Almost every room had its balcony or maybe they all do, I don't know. Opening the door a swift chill swept through the room, so I walked back to the bed and grabbed my black leather jacket. Finally stepping outside I started to brainstorm all the things I could do.
Can't shoot my gun, I'll freak everyone out.
Sharpen my few knives? No.
Of course, why didn't I think of that sooner? Usually, I'd wait for sunrise to do my workout, but when you're bored-you're bored. Plus I'm on a balcony, and who in their right mind would pass up the opportunity to work out on a balcony. Before I started I cracked my knuckles and stretched a little. Jumping up I made sure to land on my hands. Once I found my balance I turned my hands to fists, knuckles down, and started to go up and down. I'll do this until I feel the need to stop or tire out but I rarely tire out. After about fifteen minutes of this I sensed a presence to my right, I chose to ignore it since it was probably just a bird. My workout continued until I heard I faint cough. Quickly I jumped straight grabbing two knives out of my boots pockets in the process. Next, I threw them towards the sound, but luckily I faltered my shot at the last second once I saw what it was. "My bad-Barton," I said while the knife hit the wall and fell forty-five stories. "Didn't mean to startle you," he replied. "It's fine." With that, I slid my remaining knife into my boot pocket once again. I don't get how he was so calm, if someone nearly hit me with such a fatal shot I probably would've killed them. "Well, guess it's time for me to get a new knife."
"You should always carry more than two in this line of duty by the way."
"In my defense, you did just watch me overpower and bash a guy's head in a few hours ago."
"True, couldn't sleep?"
"I've slept plenty."
"An hour or two isn't plenty."
"It is in my book, besides I have something to drown tiredness."
I pulled my flask out of my inner jacket pocket.
"What's that?"
"One of my few bodies, Jack Daniels." As I went to take a sip, my eyes closed and something snatched my flask out of my hands. My eyes flew open, and I saw Barton pouring my drink over the far side of his balcony. In hopes of salvaging some of my alcohol I jumped on the top of the railing and hopped down to his side. Sadly I wasn't fast enough and it was all gone by the time I reached him. He handed me back my now empty flask, as I stared at it sadly. "Why did you do that?!" I practically yelled. "You're sixteen, not twenty-one. Which means no alcoholic beverages for you."
"So, you're staying with us now and I'm gonna help you out. We'll clean our lives up together, okay?"
This was a new concept for me. People don't care about me, or try to help me. So, why is he? Maybe I should give him a chance, he does seem different from others.
"Alright, but I must warn you I'm like a broken record that just keeps spinning."
"Aren't we all."
"I suppose but some are worst than others,and I'm definitely in the ranking of worst."
"Well you saw what I was doing, so I am too."
"Damn man, I can not handle this anymore."
"Handle what?"
"Staying cooped up in this tower. It may be nice but I have to do something."
"Okay. I'll come with you."
"Fine, what do you wanna do? Knock people of our hit lists, rob McDonalds, or chuck throwing knives at people that walk by."
"Huh, I'm down to rob McDonald's if you are being serious. I mean that's not something you do every day."
"Boom baby! Let me grab my supplies."
"Same here."
Gracefully I flipped over to my balcony ledge and walked into the empty room. Walking to the bed I grabbed my black army pants and put them back on over my leggings. In case you're wondering my pants are covered with pockets along with my shirt, jacket, and boots. I'm prepared but always travel light. Once all my stuff was ready I walked back out and hopped to Barton's side. After a few seconds, he came out and joined me.
"I don't know about you, but I'm scaling the building." As I walked over to the railing and threw my leg over the side someone grabbed my shoulder and pulled me back to the ground. Opening my mouth to protest he quickly shut me down, "I never said we couldn't do it, but at least let me grab us each a grabbling hook." Groaning I replied, "Whatever." This guy would have been easy to overpower, but my gut was telling me to give him a shot. Going back inside his room he came back with the grabbling hooks.
"Do I wanna know where you got those?"
"Each room has a stock of weapons, I'll show you yours when we get back."
Nodding I took the grabbling hook he was offering.
"Let's do this!" I yelled, but not loud enough to wake anyone.
One Year Later 
Duke ran off I a few months ago so I'd became closer to Nat, Steve, and Clint. Ever since that day   Clint and I scaled the Avengers Tower and robbed McDonald's we had become pretty close. He would mysteriously up and leave now and then, and right now was one of those days. When I had nightmares he would often comfort me, so now I don't have to handcuff myself to the bed like I used to. I'll probably never admit it to the remaining Avengers that I live with, but I liked them. Cared for them more than anyone I had ever met even though I had only known them for a year. Right now I was setting in the large living room eating pizza and watching 'The Game'. The show was a little stupid but I am bored as hell. "Lennox, come here!" Natasha screamed for me. "Why?"
"We have a mission." Quickly I bolted up since I'm always down to do a mission, but since I'm me I had to make a grand entrance. So I stood up on the couch and slowly pushed open the vent. Crawling inside I pulled the vent cover back on and started to head towards the meeting room. I've gotten pretty good at navigating the venting system since I'm an idiot at times, and it's fun to scare Steve. After five minutes of sneaking, I made it over the vent closet to Steve. I would scare Nat but she always caught me, in fact, she probably knew I was here and just wasn't saying anything. Quietly I lifted the vent inwards and flipped out upside down, hanging from the ceiling with my legs. "So, what's the mission?" Steve jumped at my sudden entrance. "You know if you would stop doing that I would probably dub you as an Avenger a lot faster," he replied flatly. "Maybe but that isn't funny to watch." Nat shook her head and chuckled at us, "The two of you argue like children."
"Well technically, I am only seventeen, so I am a child. But a badass awesome one of course, and he is an obnoxious chicken shit, old man."
"You're such an asshole!"
"Why won't anyone forget that it was literally like two times."
"Oh calm down Rogers, we both know Lennox loves you."
"We won't forget because it was a) funny and b) you're a fucking Avenger that was in World War 2 who finds it necessary to say language when someone curses. Also, I do not love him, love is an avoidable weakness."
"She's got a pretty good point, Steve."
"Let's just get this mission done." They both seemed to dismiss what I had said about love which I was thankful for really.
"Eyy eyy, Captain!"
This time they both gave me major 'What the Fuck' looks.
"What? I've been watching random TV shows for a year, what do you expect?"
Nat rolled her eyes, "Suit up and meet us in the Quinjet."
"Stealth or normal?"
"Normal will work just fine, and I'll give you information about the mission when we get on the Quinjet." Pulling myself back up into the vent which I had been hanging from our the whole conversation, I started making my way to my room. Don't ask me what's up with the vents around here, but they are huge-so big I can walk around in them at my full height. After about eight minutes of walking, I made it to the vent that's above my room. Moving the vent cover I gracefully jumped down landing beside my bed. I walked to my large closet and threw the doors open. Sticking my hands in the middle of the clothes I pushed half the clothes to each side of the closet revealing a small black button. Slowly I pushed it making a panel slide upwards to reveal my suits, weapons, and other supplies. Pulling out my leather blood red catsuit I threw it on the bed. Natasha offered for me to use some of her older black catsuits, but I declined and got my redone.
Grabbing my needed weapons I quickly pulled on my catsuit and started to place them in their normal spots. When I was finished I pulled on my matching blood red cut off gloves that had brass knuckles sewn in and my red mask that covered my eyes, I head out the door. Walking into the elevator I pushed the first-floor button and waited as the lift started to lower. Since the elevator operates pretty fast I was to the first floor in no time. As soon as the elevator doors opened I was off to the Quinjet. When I arrived Nat and Steve were already waiting for me, "Well let's get this show on the road guys."

Hope you're enjoying the book! Don't worry I'll skip to the time of the endgame battle and stuff pretty soon. This chapter is just necessary for me to show character development.

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