Chapter 9

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My team and I had gone our separate ways. Tony went with Scott, Bruce went alone, and I was with Steve. We were going to get Loki's scepter first, which should be fairly easy. I'm glad that our time traveling suits disappeared and turned into our normal suits since mine was much more comfortable, and I liked the red jacket that went over it. When Steve and I started in the tower I asked, "So, where exactly is this scepter?"
"Our past selves should've handed it over to 'shield' by now, so it's probably coming down the elevator with them now. We need to get over there, I'll get the package since I'm here in this timeline. You'll wait for me somewhere, okay?"
"Okay, you're the boss this time I get it."
Steve rolled his eyes at me, and when we got to a certain floor he had me wait by the wall. He walked off but was back almost instantly...with his mask on? Turning his head to the side with a confused expression on his face he asked me, "Who are you?"
"Oh Star-Spangled, don't act like you don't know me. I've only lived in the same tower as you for what four years now."
Stepping in front of me Steve started to get more aggressive, "Who are you?"
Now that he was closer I noticed there was something different about him. He looked younger and there was more light in his eyes. I knew I had to keep him occupied so the Steve I knew could get the scepter. Making my fading Russian accent thicker I said, "Please Mr.America, help me for I am just an orphan with no family." Part of that was true so technically I wasn't lying or anything.
Since he's the golden boy he is his eyes softened and then hardened again, "Then why are you here?"
"Down in beautiful Mother Russia most wish for my head on a stake in the hard cold ground."
Looking down at my suit and weapons he grunted and shoved me up against the wall by my jacket, "Loki, how'd you get out?"
Maybe I do talk about kicking Steve's ass all the time but right now wasn't a good time, so I needed to keep him talking until the present Steve had the scepter.
Scoffing I continued my charade, "Won't lie I'm a little offended, I've seen the news reports and I think I'm much more attractive."
"The jig's up, I know it's you."
"Or do you just think I'm Loki? Hate to tell you but you can tell that you're an old man with a brain that dull."
Grabbing me by the collar and lifting me off my feet he shoved me so hard against the wall that I busted through it slightly, "Come on you coward, show yourself!" That's it let's hope I really can take Cap. Throwing my arms up I grabbed his arms and swung around so my legs were up in the air. Next, I let go of his arms and fell forward pulling myself out of his grasp in the process. When I landed behind him he was still surprised and hadn't moved yet, so I kicked my leg under his sweeping him off his feet. After he landed with a hard thud I said, "Sweety I'm many things, but a coward is not one of them." Grunting he got up off the ground slowly, "If you're not Loki, who are you?" Thinking fast I said, "The Red Gool." Not to bad, I'm so making that my superhero name.
"Then what are you doing here?"
"It's very simple actually, you have something that I need. I've come today to take it, and nothing is going to stop me."
"Not while I'm here."
Charging at me he threw a punch at my face, but I caught it swiftly. Looking down at my hand around his fist in disbelief he swung a kick at my legs. Jumping up just in time to miss the hit I did a series of backflips, before landing on one knee while the other leg was behind me and my hands were flat on the ground in front me. Smirking I retorted, "Looks like you've met your match Captain."
Standing up fully I continued, "So, back down. I have no reason to hurt you or your friends, and I advise you not to give me one."
Steve threw his shield at me, which I caught with both hands. Even though I caught it there was a lot of force behind the throw so it sent me back a little and threw me off of my balance. This gave Cap enough time to get behind me and put me in a chokehold, what's up with this guy and choking though I'll have to ask Steve that later. Rolling my eyes I pulled my head forward enough to throw it back and hit him hard in the face. When his grip loosened I slipped away, and out of the corner of my eyes, I noticed the Steve I knew to come in the room with the case. Must be time to go so I better hurry up. Packing all the force I could behind my leg I spun around and roundhouse kicked him in the side of the head, thankfully it knocked him unconscious. Steve made his way beside me and noticed his past self past out on the floor. He was stomach down so there was a large view of his ass, "Hey Steve, can I ask you a question?"
"Are you by any chance related to the Kardashians?"
"Not that I know of. Why?"
"Okay, then did you get that ass from your Mom or your Dad's side of the family?"
"Shut up. We need to go."
Turning around we started to walk back to the staircase. When I got to a certain vent that I knew would lead me to the first floor quickly though I decided to leave Steve to himself. As I was fixing to hop in after moving the cover to the side Steve stopped me, "What are you doing?"
"Making sure Tony and Scott get their part of the job done."
"Hurry up then."
As Steve let me go I pulled myself up into the venting system. Making my way towards the first floor where they were supposed to be getting the tesseract I started to get a bad feeling in my gut. Something bad was fixing to happen I just knew it. Starting to run I was soon in the vents above the first floor. Looking around I saw armed men with Loki and the briefcase that contained the tesseract walking with the past Tony. Continuing to search for Scott and the present Tony I found them over in the corner walking up. I could only see Tony fully but I noticed him flick something off his shoulder, so that must be Scott since he can become super tiny. Tony was also dressed in the same attire as the other men. Staying silent I watched as the past Tony started to flail around and collapsed on the ground. As all the other men gathered around him I watched as the present Tony smirked and started to head towards the tesseract. Once he had the briefcase and made his way back down the hall with the tesseract in hand towards the exit I thought everything was going to work out fine, but that's when I heard pounding. Something large had to be coming down the stairs and they were going fast, I had to stop Tony he was going to walk right in front of the door and get pummeled. Jumping out of the vent I sprinted trying to beat the source of the sound. When I reached Tony he was directly in front of the door and so was the noise. Pushing Tony forward as far as I could he slid away from the impact. I on the other hand had been less fortunate, the door hit my left side with enough impact to send me flying to the other side of the room. All of the noise had caused some people to turn their heads but they were all looking at Hulk. Tony ran over to me, "Are you okay?"
"That big green motherfucker's lucky that I don't beat the living shit out of him."
Hulk looked at me his eyes fiery with rage, "Holy shit, Tony run!"
The big green man charged at me. Tony and I barely moved out of the way when his large fist came down on the ground with him screaming, "Hulk Smash!"
"Lenny I hope you really can take him down."
"Dammit just go, tell everyone to wait for me. I'll make it trust me." Dodging another punch I shooed Tony to leave. Waiting for Tony to leave I continued to dodge hits. I need to stop talking shit all the time, cause karma keeps coming back to bite me in the ass. Once Tony was out of sight I rubbed my hands together, "Hulk you're fixing to meet your match buddy." Even if I couldn't beat him strength-wise I knew I could use my brains against him. Letting out an awful scream he threw a punch at my head, so I jumped up and grabbed a part of the broken ceiling. The momentum of the punch made him go forward slightly. I let go of the part of the ceiling I was holding onto and landed behind Hulk. Since this was an alternate reality I could kill him and it wouldn't affect Bruce, and I don't want to but if it comes down to it I will. Putting both of my hands together in one large fist I slammed it into the side of his head. This threw him off for a second so I ran past him breaking through a window and cutting myself up. Sprinting down the street I tried to stay afar from the reporters and people since I had the Hulk trailing me, but unfortunately, there was one woman that I had to pass to get to the meeting spot. She screamed at me, "Who are you?"
"The Red Gool!"
My suit's awesome and all but it does make me look like some superhero you'd read about in a comic book. That's probably why she'd asked who I was, I only answered because I was in a hurry and believe it or not I'm becoming nice. It's really weird for me honestly. Hulk was gaining on me but I could see our meeting place and everyone was there so my plan should go smoothly. We were only a few yards away so I screamed, "Guys we need to go, like now!"
Everyone got ready to hit their buttons and Steve said, "On three. One...Two.....Three!" Shoving my finger down on my button I got pulled back into the weird lights again. Our trip wasn't long and we were soon back in the time machine. Looking around I saw everyone except Nat. Where was she? Bruce beat me to the question though, "Clint, where's Nat?" He stayed silent with his eyes teary.

Hope you liked this chapter and book. Thanks for the reads and you Black Widow fans out there, don't lose hope for Nat. Who said she was gone forever?

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