Chapter 11

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Author's P.O.V

The group of heroes charged from the ground and sky at the evil Titan's army. Soon the two groups met and started to fight. Most were just trying to win the fight, but to others this was personal. Most of the original avengers were going at Thanos along with Wanda Maximoff who was making her way towards the villain. Nathalie Lennox was fighting against some of the mutants when she noticed a bigger female warrior, Proxima Midnight. Lenny being Lenny decided to try and fight her. Pulling out her whips and knocking them into staff she charged at the woman. Their weapons clang together as they started to brawl.

 Their weapons clang together as they started to brawl

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  Nathalie's P.O.V

I and the weird-looking blue lady were still fighting. I wasn't going to let her beat me but I feel like her long sword gave her an advantage. Slapping my staffs on each wrist they turned back into whips which wrapped around my wrists like bracelets, I'd designed my weapons over the years to get them to this point. Cracking my neck I said, "If you're so big and bad why don't you put down the sword, we'll fight this out the old fashioned way. Of course, if you're too big of a bitch though I can just take it fro-" She swung the sword at my head, but I ducked and kicked her in the knees knocking her off balance. Swiftly I threw my leg up and smacked her wrists as hard as I could. The sword flew out of her hand and into the air, I jolted up on my feet and snatched it out of the air. Facing the soldier I waited for her to charge at me again, when she did I spun around sending my foot against her legs. Now that she was down on her knees I held up the sword, "Guess you chose the hard way." Jabbing the sword through her chest I watched as the blade poked out of her back. In the distance, I heard a male voice yell, "No!" Laughing bitterly I yelled, "If that 'no' was for this bitch I'm going to kill your ass too! All though I would've anyway!"
Picking up where I'd left off I started to fight the army again. Slowly I made my way towards Thanos, he was the reason Nat was dead and I'm going to make him pay. Right now I was side-by-side with Bucky or The Winter Soldier, Steve had told me many stories about him. Before a mutant completely jumped on the back of his head I pulled out a knife and stabbed it through the thing's skull. Pulling my knife back out of its the dead form it fell limply to the ground. We were now only a few soldiers away from Thanos. There was another line of warriors directly in front of us, and up ahead of them was...Steve fighting Thanos. I can't lose another one of them so I told Bucky, "Barnes, can you give me a boost? Steve's dumbass is always fighting people bigger than him, and he could probably use some help."
Squatting down with his metal hand over the other he said, "You've got a point." Taking a few steps back I ran and jumped on his outstretched hands, he then launched me through the air gracefully. Doing a backflip I pulled out two pistols and shot the mutants that were coming at Bucky in the head. Sliding the guns back into their holsters I smacked my wrists together making my staffs come back. Flipping forward again I landed on the ground with my arms to the sides and on one knee. Standing up I spun each staff around with my fingers, "I'm going to beat your raisin looking ass into the fucking ground!" Running at him I went to stab the sharp end of my staff through his chest, but he was suddenly engulfed in a red orb. Turning around I saw Wanda Maximoff, her eyes were red and she was floating through the air too. Flailing her arms she started to rip the armor off of Thanos. As he was screaming he yelled, "Fire!"
There was a slight pause, "I don't care about the troops just fire!"
Oh, hell no. I can't let him getaway. Yanking my staff out of the ground I ran up some rubble while watching as the guns started to point at us. "Hold him, Maximoff!"
Jumping off the top piece of rubble I stuck both of my staff through his back. Guns started to fire towards the ground, Wanda dropped Thanos as she tried to shield herself. I fell back onto the debris I'd just jumped off of. "Fuck!" Looking around at my surroundings I noticed that the guns were now pointing at the sky, but a few stray bullets were still coming down. One was going straight to Bucky and there was no way he'd notice since he fighting mutants. Sprinting off the rock I was quickly beside him, and I shoved him out of the way right before the bullet hit. As the bullet tore through my skin I fell on the ground, because the impact was so large. Groaning I looked to the sky I watched as some yellow glowing thing busted through the ships. Maybe it's some backup, I'm not one hundred percent sure really. Groaning from the pain in my stomach I tried to get up, but failed and fell back to the ground. I've never got hit this bad, looking down at my body I watched as the blood-soaked through my suit. Bucky got off the ground, I guess I'd pushed him a lot harder than I thought. It was getting harder to see what was going on around me, but I saw Bucky crouch in front of me. His mouth opened to say something but I cut him off, "If you're fixing to ask me why I did that, it's because hanging with the Avengers turns you soft. Give me a hand real quick."
When he reached his hand out to me I grabbed ahold of it tightly. Once I was setting up I scooted myself over to some rubble, lying my back against it. Breathing in deeply I pulled out two of my guns, "Today didn't go as I planned." Shooting the mutants one-by-one I continued to take them down from the ground. Soon though I started to become light headed, Bucky has no idea how thankful I was that he didn't leave me alone. Feeling a presence behind me I was fixing to shoot whatever it was when I blade went through my left shoulder. At least it hadn't hit my heart or else I would've been completely fucked. The male voice that had screamed 'no' earlier when I killed that lady now said, "This is for Proxima." Mustering all my remaining strength I shoved myself forward harshly, pulling my flesh off the blade I rolled to the side. Grabbing one of my fallen guns I squeezed the trigger and found my gun empty. Sighing I watched as the male soldier lifted the sword to drive it through my heart. Right before the blade stabbed me an arrow came through the air and landed in the side of his head, killing him almost instantly. Turning my head to the side I saw Clint," Thanks, Clint I appreciate it! " Nodding at me he looked at Bucky," Barnes you watch her or you're next."
"I can handle myself!"
"Not with a large bullet and stab wound, plus god know what else with you."
Rolling my eyes I fished through my pockets for more ammo, as I was still searching something shot me in the left arm. Why is everything hitting my left? Looking back I saw a soldier with a weird staff looking thing shooting at me. Since he was a good distance away I pulled out a small hand grenade, chucking it at him I hollered, "Pathetic, aiming for people already down you pussy!" Watching him get blown up I felt an odd wave-like thing hit me through the air. That's when it hit me, I felt the same thing when Bruce had snapped. Looking around I watched as the remaining soldiers slowly faded into dust. From where I was on the ground I couldn't see who had done it so I asked, "Barnes who did it? Who snapped?" His eyes clouded over, "Stark." What? He couldn't- shouldn't have. Using the last of my strength I started to stand, Bucky helped me up the rest of the way. Squinting I saw everyone gathered around him, his wife Pepper was right in front of him. It was hard but I walked over there, when I'd finally made it I could tell he wasn't going to make it. Falling on my knees I bowed my head in respect. Everyone else followed in my lead starting with Clint and then Steve. My only thought about this whole ordeal was that this would be the only time when soldiers, gods, and other important people all bowed before one man. One human man. Tony closed his eyes and I watched as his breathing stopped. Many people had tears in their eyes as Rhodey flew a Quinjet over and Pepper, Bruce, and a few others went inside with Tony. Another Quinjet came to get the rest of the Avengers, everyone else like the Wakandins and Asgardians went through some of Dr.Strange's portals back to wherever they were staying. Getting off the ground I tried to make my way to the Quinjet but tripped after a few steps before I hit the ground strong arms wrapped around me. Glancing up I saw that it was Bucky, he pulled me up straight and let me wrap my arm around his shoulders. Passing by a pile of dust I saw my two staffs in it, bending over I snapped my wrists against them making bracelets. With help from Bucky, I walked into the Quinjet taking the nearest seat. Taking a deep painful breath I whined, "Does anybody have any kind of alcohol?"

Once again for all of you, Tony and Nat's lovers don't lose hope in the story. I've got it all figured out.😉

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