When you meet him(Leonardo)

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You were walking home after your night shift at work. You hummed to yourself not realizing you were being watched from the shadows till suddenly you felt a tug on your waist found out to be a purple dragon gang member.
"Aye,sweet cheeks what Chu doing here all alone at a night like this?" He purred obliviously drunk.
"Please leave me alone..."You mumbled so that he could hear, he merely smirked slipping a hand under your shirt causing you to almost puke in your mouth closing your eyes tightly. But instead of getting your shirt pulled off you heard thrashing blade noises and a thud. You opened your eyes to see the man lying dead with a blade sticking out from his chest, you gasped in fear and relief.
"Are you okay?" I heard a male voice ask in concern a teen most likely.
"Yes um I'm fine, thanks..."You stammered shyly.
"Your welcome,um well excuse me I have to go now stay safe..." He mumbled nervously.
"Wait!" You called out.
"What?"he questioned in response.
"What's your name?I'm (Y/n)."
"Leonardo,Leo for short....Beautiful name (Y/n), but I really have to go see ya."
You sighed hearing nothing  but silence and trailed off to your apartment building.

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