Damian Surprise- Pt 2

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When I walked into school the next day, Chloé instantly rushed over.
"So what happened?"
I grabbed her hand and forced her to look. I don't want anyone less knowing. She squealed and tackled me into a hug.
"Will you be my Maid of Honor?" I asked her.
"Does a Ladybug have spots? Of course I will!"
We hugged again and started talking about anything and everything. I told her what I wanted for my wedding, and she instantly went into Party Mode. She started listing color schemes and themes. I had to literally slap a hand over her mouth to shut her up.
"Chlo, I love you but you gotta stop talking." I said with a sigh
"Sorry, Bug. Just really excited. Do you know if Jon's here?"
I shook my head. I think he's coming to the gala tomorrow. Does someone miss their boyfriend?" I teased.
Chloé smirked and whispered something incredibly dirty, that I'm never going to repeat. I made a face, then gagging noises. Chloé fell to the ground laughing so hard that I nearly tackled her. Then Alya showed up to ruin everything.
"Marinette, what in the living hell do you think your doing?!" She yelled
I glared at her. "Well, I'm sitting here talking to my best friend, Chloé, and listening to one of my bullies yell at me. So I'd say 'doing my usual.'" I said as sarcastically as I could.
I wasn't expecting the hit. But when I felt it, I was flung back.
"You little bitch!!! Do you know what you've done to Lila?! You ruined her reputation?!"
Now I was pissed. "I ruined HER reputation!!! Every single one of you guys have ruined mine!!! Did you know I lost clients to false reports about my business!!? Of course you know, it was you that did it?!! So don't you dare accuse me of doing something I've never done! Stops thinking your all might-"
"Hello Accuser. I am Hawkmoth. I have the power to get revenge on those that hurt you. All I ask is for you to get me Ladybug and Chat Noirs Miraculous. Will you help me?"
"Go. To. Hell!" I yelled.
I don't know if Hawkmoth was shocked enough to pull it back, or if I pushed it out, but then their was nothing. I felt exhausted and I fell back against Chloé. She wrapped her arms around me and helped me stand.
"You fought back. You fought back against Hawkmoth, how?"
"It's easy when you hate yourself more than others." I mumbled. I didn't care who heard it, but Chloé walked me to the Bakery and helped me upstairs. Where we were greeted with Damian and Jon. Sighing I pushed up to my room ignoring the looks I got to those present in the room, and took a long nap.


It took Damian three second to follow Marinette upstairs. He saw his Angel curled into a ball and pasted out. He walked over and joined his fiancée in her nap.


I woke up to arms around my middle. I smiled and shifted so I was facing the person I love the most in this world. Damian looked peaceful and happy in his sleep. I kissed his cheek, and nudged his shoulder.
"If you don't stop, I'll tickle you for eternity."
I giggled "you couldn't do that, even if you tried."
And just to prove me wrong he kissed me then tickled me. I burst out laughing.
"......D-D-Damian.......S-S-Stop!!!....." I laughed
"Nope. Eternity, remember."
I took a deep breath and tackled him off the couch in my room. I straddled him and kissed him fiercely. Damians hands made circles up and down my behind. And kissed me back just as fierce. I placed my hands on his chest and sighed. When I pulled back he cupped my left hand and traced the ring that sat on it. His smile was bright, and I swear if he didn't propose already I would have.
"I love you." I said
"I love you too," he kissed my ring. "You wanna tell me why you decided to take a nap instead of going to school?"
I sighed and leaned my head against his chest. He stroked my arms in comforting silence.
"Two words....... Alya, Hawkmoth."
"Alya pissed you off, Hawkmoth got you, but you fought back so you took up to much energy forcing him out of your head."
"Yes." I mumbled.
He kissed my head again and sighed. "They're not going to get any where near you. Not if I, or any of your other friends, have something to say about it."
Letting his words digest I sighed and nuzzled further into his chest. After sitting up here for a few more minutes we went downstairs and grabbed something to eat.

"The gala is tomorrow. I'm assuming, Chloé, you have been reunited with your boyfriend long enough to come help me with the finishing touches on your dress. And I have that new date night dress you asked for." I said and stood up. Chloé followed me up and smirked.
"Thanks for the date night dress. I suppose to wear it tonight for my date with Jon. I still can't believe he came early." She sighed and flopped onto the couch.
Giggling I pulled out her Gala dress.

"I love it!!!!" She yelled and hugged me

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"I love it!!!!" She yelled and hugged me.
"Good, and there are pockets for Pollen to stay in. And it has a honey smell to it. A latest MDC creation."
"Like the sticker you made for Jagged's cover."
I nodded. The. Turned around. "Now go put this on. You need to get ready for your date."
I giggled as she turned red and rushed to the bathroom. Taking the dress with her. It was white and gold, with nude pumps, and a white hand bag. When she came out she looked gorgeous.

 When she came out she looked gorgeous

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"Sit. I'll do your hair."
"Thanks Mari."
"No problem. Put on the dark pink lipstick, it will compliment the dress more, along with your eyes."
I used a comb and pulled her bangs back and braided them, and stuck the Bee miraculous at the top of the braid. I curled the ends of her hair and stepped back. A quick hug and goodbye she left.

~~~~~~~~~~three hours later~~~~~~~~~

"I'm getting MARIED!!!!" Chloé shouted as she barged into my room at two in the morning. I was working on my dress for tomorrow. Well today.
"That's amazing Chloé. Congrats!!!" I told her and hugged her. "How did you get in?"
"Spare key."
Giggling she told me how Jon took her to the Eiffel Tower and set up this whole meal and he stuck the ring on top of the tower and he flew them up and proposed looking out onto the city of lights.

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