Vampires AU

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Marinette looked around slowly.
Her blue/black hair in her face as she stood up. A burning sensation in her throat. A hunger burning through her like fire, or poison. Something set her off. She hasn't had an episode in years. But what?
She looked around the big city, before a smell hit her like a ton of bricks. Cinnamon and Burnt wood.
Frantically, she followed the sent. Sent. Not smell. She ran around buildings and streets trying to catch whatever was making that amazing smell, till she crash into a building and fell down.
Groaning, Marinette looked up and saw something dangling above ever. But as it got closer she noticed the really bad colors of a vigilante.
"Great." She muttered
"What are you doing, Little V?" He asked.
Marinette took a deep breath to try and calm down, but it wasn't working. That smell was coming from him.
"Your running around, and caused an episode. So go away before you overwhelm me." She hissed. Talking a step back. She couldn't tell if he was a vampire or not, and she didn't want to take the risk.
"Me? I think it's the other way around, Miss." he said taking a step closer.
"Stay away." She warned, the scent filling her nostrils and body. She backed up till she hit a wall. She held her hands up try and keep some distance between them, but it was no use. He pushed them down and stepped into her face.
"You should know that this is an inaction of privacy, Damian." She hissed
He gently cradled Marinette's cheek, looking her over and committing to memory.
"I don't think so. I think this— is something I should look into further."
Both of their eyes glowed red for a second. They didn't know what was happening, all then knew is that the other in front of them was important to them.
"I have to get out of here." Marinette said as she moved around Damian. She needed to lock herself inside and wait till morning. I'll have to give myself vervain to keep myself down, just in case.
She ran home, locked all twelve locks on her doors and windows, before grabbing her vervain and shaving it in her arm. She held her tongue as it burned her system before she was succumbed to darkness.

Damian watched from a nearby roof as she ran around her house, before giving herself vervain. He was shocked, he's never seen someone do this to themselves. And that scared him. She smelt like cookies and pine. To him a perfect combination. His fangs tingled just a little as he watched her still form on the floor. Against all the evidence that she doesn't want him in there, he broke in anyway.
Turning her over, Damian traces his hand along her cheek and chin. He's not trying to be creepy, but for some reason she's different.
Just like werewolves, vampires have mates as well.
Damian gently lifted Marinette up before carrying her to bed. Then it all clicked into place. She didn't want to hurt someone. She said she hasn't had an episode in awhile. She was scared.
He smiled at the sleeping girl in his arms.
"I'm sorry I made you freak out, but I wouldn't have let you kill anyone even if your tried." He whispered.
"Thank you." She mumbled.

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