Silent Scream (Sing Fic)

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I'm caught up in your expectations
You're trying to make me live your dream
But I'm causing you so much frustration
And you only want the best for me

Marinette laced around her room. Trying to keep the rising sadness and anger down. Her teacher was driving her crazy. She keeps trying to shove her job onto her.

You wanted me to show more interests
To always keep a big bright smile
Be that pinky little perfect princess
But I'm not that type of child

She looked around her room and saw a picture of her and Damian on it. She smiled and picked it up. A tear sliding down her face.

Just let me be
Who I am
It's what you really need to understand
And I hope so hard for the pain to go away

And it's torturing me
But I can't break free
So I cry and cry but just won't get it out
The Silent Scream

Damian always supports her. No matter what. But why? He can literally have anyone, and he chooses her. Lila and Alya make sure to ruin everything that is valuable to her. Her designs, her friendships, her emotions, her brain. Listing the things in her head just made the feelings amplify.

Can't you see how I cry for help
'Cause you should love me just for being myself
I'll drown in an ocean
Of pain and emotion
If you don't save me right away

With everything going on, she stopped trying to feel things. She tried to push them down, no matter how desperate she gets, she just seems to keep calling out for help. Damian. Chloé. Luka. Kagami. Nino. Kim. Everyone just ignores her, and the emotions just well up till the dam breaks and everything falls apart.

And it's torturing me
But I can't break free
So I cry and cry but just won't get it out
The Silent Scream

No matter what happens, her silent scream stays locked inside her, like a rock in her throat. For she refuses to let her scream out. That means Lila won, and she refuses to let that happen. Her supposed friends should have know the real her, but they didn't. So, now she is alone. In her room. Wishing the pain would go away.

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