How The Body Falls Apart

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I laid back on the sofa, Connor McKinley's comfortingly familiar lips dancing over my neck. We'd been like this for hours, my friend laying on top of me, shifting his focus between my lips and my stiff, though receptive body.

"That feels very nice" I whispered, red faced, for what must've been the millionth time

"So you've told me.. are you feeling okay, Kev?" He slowed to a stop

"Yeah... Yeah, I'm good."

"Do you want me to stop?"

"No! No, definitely not.... I just don't- I don't really know what I'm supposed to be saying."

"You don't have to say anything... or if not speaking makes you uncomfortable, you can talk"

"About what..?"

"Anything you want.. space. Movies. Whatever makes you comfortable.."

"...i-it's not exactly a 'turn on."

"I don't mind it... besides, I like hearing you talk... you could read out the phone book and I'd listen."

"'re a very nice man."

"Well, thank you... now stop chewing your lip like that, you'll bleed" he warned, gently flicking the pad of his forefinger across my cheek to get my attention

"A-Am I biting it again..?"

"Yep. I swear, we have to get you some sort of mouth guard." He teased

"Like in sports?"

"Yes, like in sports" he chuckled

"God, no.. I-I've seen the spit that collects in those things, it's disgusting.."

"When did you even see that?"

"In middle school I auditioned for the football team so people would like me.. obviously, I didn't get in, but I had to wear a mouth guard, it was horrible"


"Whatever it's called! I'd rather have bloody, chapped lips than ever wear one of those things again"

"I adore you, but I don't want to kiss bloody lips"

"Well, maybe I-I just have to put.. put them to use" I replied, my anxious stammering ruining my delivery, and any attempt at seeming smooth

"Oh yeah?" He half-smirked, overlooking my embarrassing first attempt at seduction

As embarrassed as I was, he thought it was cute. He always thinks its cute. I don't know, if I'm going to have to be this person all my life, I'm at least glad to have somebody who actually likes me for it. He's not annoyed by it. That's more than I thought I would ever get.


"Well, why don't you show me?"

"...W-Well, you have to look away."

Rolling his eyes playfully, he averted his gaze to the side, allowing me to more confidently go in

"Woah- hello, there!" He giggled in surprise with the sudden pressure on his neck.

I'll be frank, I didn't know kissing somebody's neck as a thing, before Connor showed me how. I'd heard of a hickey, but I had no idea what it actually was. I didn't know people kissed other people on the neck, I didn't know that was an option. I didn't realize anywhere beside the lips was an option unless you were just delivering little pecks, which although they make my stomach feel warm, don't deliver the same tone that these kisses do.
The first time he asked me, I had no idea what he was talking about. He asked me if I'd ever been given a hickey, and I wasn't a hundred percent sure.

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