Someone Else's Skin

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"Are you alright in there..?"

"Just another minute!" Connor called from the bathroom, a smile present in his voice

I don't know what he's doing in there, he didn't tell me. He just said he 'had a surprise for me' when he entered the house, and immediately rushed off to the bathroom with his backpack in hand.

I'm not really a fan of surprises, I like everything to be planned out. But he insists I'll like this one.

"Alright, close your eyes!" He shouted out


"Just do it! ..Are they closed?"

"Yep!" I sighed, shutting my eyes tightly to appease him

I heard the bathroom door open and shut, the sound of his famously light footsteps following, drawing closer until he reached the living room.

" your eyes"

I flicked my eyes open, the bright sunlight through the windows, forcing me to take a moment to adjust.

There he stood as my vision cleared, leaning slightly against the doorframe, nothing but his teasingly short robe keeping him covered. I haven't seen that robe in a while, not since the night Connor showed up crying. His last night with Steve. Though I'm not sure I'd even call it that. Steve demanded sex, and for the first time in a long time, Connor finally found it within himself to say no. Steve left. He went to some bar and got a blowjob from the first guy with low enough self esteem to go down on him un-coerced. Connor's words.
He came back home with a bloody nose and a drug hangover, smelling of another man. Connor didn't even scold him for the cheating, he was so used to it. He scolded Steve for the drug use. Naturally, Steve threw a fit. He yelled, he berated Connor, who was only worried about an overdose of some sort. He left. He got angry and he left, while Connor begged him to stay. He left, and Connor came over in the middle of the night, crying, wearing that robe. I remember how badly I felt, I couldn't take my eyes off of him.
The poor thing, he was hurting so badly. I was there for him, fully. I did my best to help him the way he's helped me. But I must've looked absolutely shell shocked, seeing him with so little covering. I couldn't look away, the silky fabric showed nearly his entire thigh. I was completely frozen. I think he could tell, I may as well have been drooling over him.

"Oh wow..." I whispered, eyes wide and fixed on him

" like it?"

I nodded rapidly, seemingly unable to give a more dignified response.

"...what's happening..?"

"It's your birthday present." He smirked

"But my birthday.."

"I said I'd make up for your birthday, didn't I?"

"Y-You don't have to do that.."

"Would you rather I change back into my jeans?"

"No!" I quickly blurted out

"That's what I thought" he smirked, sitting down beside me

I stiffened.

His robe rode up just before his thighs. Good lord, what does he have on under there?

Connor set his hand on my leg, and I felt my breath hitch.

"... I really like your robe" I whispered


"...can I touch it?"

"Go ahead... I don't bite." He chuckled

Holding my breath, I reached my shaking hand out to his chest.
I think my heart nearly stopped when i felt the silk on my fingertips.

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