Authors Note (please read its short :)

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I wanted to write this to ensure that all of you are ok and safe. The riots have been mad and I just wanted to make sure you all are sleeping ok and are, in general, ok. My heart goes out to George and every other person who has lost their life's to police violence. What happened is not okay and sickens me...

2020 has been the worst year in awhile, and I hope it will get better but my hopes are low, but (from the wise words of my dad) '2020 is hard, but we are still alive. That's something we shouldn't take for granted'

I hope you all are safe and are holding your loved ones right now. If you are part of the riots and protests please be safe and remember that making a difference is ok, but being extremely harmful (as in burning buildings) is dangerous and I don't want any of you to get hurt.

I love you all, thanks for reading my story so far and be prepared for an update soon. Stay safe and keep practicing some social distancing yourself ensure you aren't getting the small end of the stick.

While I'm here I wanted to thank you for 7K reads. I've written tons of books. (I literally have 97 drafts saved) but I never got views. But don't worry that's not me complaining! I'm grateful. Super grateful. There have been so much positive feedback and love for this book it can get me overwhelmed 😭🥺

I'll see you guys in the next update <3

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