Breakout Kings

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Requested: Anonymous

"Erica and Ella you two come here now." Charli the leader of the breakout kings task force called out to two younger members on the team, both treated like his own flesh and blood.

"Yes sir?" They both called out as they made their way to the front of the safe spot to Charlie's room.

"You two have been on each other's heads lately? Why is that?" Charlie questioned/demanded of the two.

"Nothing I don't know what your talking about." Erica the more stubborn of the two said.

"Yeah Charlie there is no problems here." Ella responded also.

"Their ARE no problems here Ella. Have you been working on your English and studying?" Charli asked going off topic for bit.

"Yes." She responded, the truth is she hadn't.

"Okay, and I think their might be a problem, I would rather we solve it right here and now vs. it blowing up in the field." He said arms crossed.

The two girls stared at each other neither one of them saying anything, truth be told, right now both girls hated each other's guts, but they just couldn't let papa Charlie know why or it would for sure end blowing up in both of their faces.

"Nobody? Nothing?" Charlie asked again. He sighed, this task force took so much out of him sometimes.

The Breakout kings task force is a group of two U.S. marshals who team up with a group of 4 cons to work together on tracking down prison escapees in exchange for getting time off their sentences.

Charli and Ray are the leaders and supervisors of the task force. They are the glue that holds the group together. Both with tasks, and outside of tasks. Charli is more of the strong father figure out of the group and a hard ass. Ray is also like a father figure, although is exterior is more like Charli's he is more of a softie at heart.

Ella and Erica are the two girls in the group of cons.

Ella, was originally sent to prison for allegedly killing her mother's boyfriend who use to rape and abuse her. Ella is the baby of the group and she make sure that everybody knows it.

Erica, was sent to prison on gun charges. Erica is the second youngest of the group and also a big hot head.

Floyd and Shea are the boys.

Floyd was sent to jail for writing a bad prescription and a girl overdosed on medication.

Shea, gang stuff.

The four cons, or the children of the group had been with Ray and Charlie going on five years, with their ups and downs.

The team was a family, at first for their work in catching other criminals who broke out of prison, they each would receive one month if if the entire sentences, but because the kings had gotten so good as what they did, it had upgraded to 6 months of if their sentences, with the fact that about 2 years ago, they were upgraded to not having to live in prison anymore, but now they all lived in a witness protection house.

At first the change wasn't so easy, but thanks to Rays and Charli's fine tuning of rules and structure in the home, the kings or kids had settled in great.

"Fine if nobody had anything to say, then we have a case and YOU two are going to be partnered up the entire day." Charlie said.

"Wait what?!" Ella said

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"Wait what?!" Ella said.

"Yeah why can't I go with Floyd or Shea." Erica asked.

"Because I said so, and last time I checked, I run this operation, if you don't like it both of you can miss out on this six month off of your sentence, and consider yourself grounded to the house." Charli's suggested. "Or you can just tell me what's going on, I can punish whatever you did wrong and we can leave it like that."

"It's fine." Ella said.

Charlie took one last look at the both and headed out. He had a feeling this day would end badly for both of them. Not only were both girls on his task force and team, but not like every other con, they were treated like family and his own daughters.

"Let's roll." Charlie said as both girl walked out from the office.

"You know you could just give me back my picture and we can let this entire thing go." Erica whispered to Ella.

"I DONT HAVE YOUR FUCKING PICTURE, and you PUNCHED ME." Ella whisper yelled back.

"WELL YOU HIT ME FIRST ELLA!" Erica whispered.

"Umm...Problem girls?" Ray spoke as everyone was waiting in them to get started.

"No sir." They both said at the same time.

"Are you sure, because I don't want any of that funny business when we get out in the street." Ray said.

"I think they are fighting Ray." Lloyd said.

"Shut up Lloyd." Ella snapper back.

"Definitely fighting." Added Shea " I will knock your teeth in" Erica threatened him.

"HEY! You do that and I'll take my belt off and knock some sense into you ya hear me?" Charlie said.

Erica blushed. "Yes sir."

"Alright let's move out, we have an escapee who just killed someone."


"Lloyd and Shea, you two do and talk to the boy see if he knows anything about his mother." Charlie said.

"Girls, you look for anything that could be out here." Ray said as he followed them into the house.

The two looked around for a little bit.

"I shoved you, you punched me in my face." Ella told Erica out of no where.

"Well give me back my picture." Erica said.

"I DONT HAVE YOUR DAMN PICTURE!" Ella screamed finally fed up of her "sister" accusing her of somethings he didn't do.

"Hey! Hey!" Charlie screamed running out of the house.

"What's the hell going on out here?" He questioned as he eyed boy of the girls, embarrassed.

Completely ignoring him, Erica went in. "Of course you stole it, you're a thief, who cares about nobody but yourself." Erica yelled.

"Oh I'm at thief? Well I'd rather be a thief than a dead beat mother!" Ella screamed back emotions running high.

Erica slapped her.

Ella taken back at first but immediately lunges back to Erica getting on top of her choking her.

"Hey!" Ray called out as he pulled Ella off of her. Charlie grabbed Erica.

"You two in the CAR NOW!" Ray yelled out.

The two girls looked at each other and realize they had messed up. Both ran to the car and were on opposite sides, after a while Charlie had made his way to the car.


He held his hand up.

"Not another word." He silenced them.

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