The Passage

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"Amy BELLAFONTE!" Boomed Brad aka the agent. "What did I say about leaving your bag at the door step as soon as you walk in?" He asked down to his fourteen year old.

"Not too." She said as she turned back around and pick it up.

"Exactly, so why do you do it? You are well aware we must stay alert at all times." He lectured.

Every since Brad tried to kidnap Amy three years, and turn her in to be used as a science project They have been On the run for four years.

The both of them have been safe from project Noah for four years now and Brad was not about to stop now. Living in the outskirts of the UK has been rough but they have managed to do and do it good. Switching up where they are staying every few months, moving from country to country coast to coast, Brad does admit it has been hard but necessary.

On those four measly years Brad has become like a father to Amy. Let her tell it he is her father in more ways than one. One of those ways are his disciple method. Brad being an X army special ops officer has a zero tolerance, for disobedience, back talk, and disrespect.

Amy being Amy, took her a few years to learn the exact new rope of her parent but after a while she learned pretty fast. Like how her dad hates for her to leave her bag at the door step.

"The next time you leave it miss Bellafonte, you won't like the consequences." He said arms crossed. "Okay?" He asked for verbal conformation. "Yes sir." She saluted him being cheeky.

"Hey dad I wanted to know if my friend could come over and spend the night?" She asked as she put her book bag away.

"Do I have a choice?" He looked at her. "What do you mean do you have a choice?" She asked confused.

"I mean did you already invite her over here without telling me?" He looked at his daughter know she already did.

"Caught me red handed.." Shw blushed.


"Sooooooooo, can she?" She asked again.

"Well I don't see why not, just as long as your room and bathroom are clean then I guess she can." He couldn't finished as she started jumping up and down. "THANKSSSSZ!"

"What time exactly is she coming over?" He asked her as the door bell rang.


"Now I guess..." She shrugged her shoulders as he rubbed his eyes.

"Heyyyy Amy." A girl walked in about Amy's age.

"Hey Jaz ..." Amy said as the girl walked through the door. "Wow Ames you live in a freaking mansion." The girl smiled at her.

"Well ugh not really." Any has took her bags from her. "Bro my house could literally fit three times in here. Y'all are like rich as fuck." She whispered the last part.

"We are like totally rich as fuck.." Amy smiled as she whispered too. She turned around to meet a very sort of pissed masked dad expression.

"Oh heyyyyyy, dad, this is ugh, my friend Jazmine." She smiled. "Hey Jazmine, and I must warn you that their is no cursing in our household." He looked at her armed crossed then turned to his daughter.

"Amy...." He started. "Please show Jazmine up to your room, get her settled and then we'll have dinner." He smiled finally breaking the ice.

"Yes sir." She said as she walked up the stairs, when a swat was brought brief swat to her backside. "AH!" She yelped as Jazmine turned around. "You okay?" She asked.

"Ugh, yeah, just stepped on something." She turned around to her dad who just smiled.

When the two made it upstairs Jazmine immediately started to ask questions.

"Are you adopted? Where is your mom?"

"Woah woah, calm down Jaz, I am adopted and my birth mom OD'D."

"Wowwww..... you living life bitch."

Amy smiled. "You have no idea."
A couple of hours later along with a couple of swats here and there, the day was finally done. After dinner, the three had settled down on the couch to watch a movie.

"Hey dad?" Amy looked up to her dad. "My stomach kinda hurts." She said as she laid on him.

"Hurts?" He questioned. "Hurts like what sweetheart?" She grimaced. "Idk, I just don't feel good may I go up to my room?" She asked.

"Of course sweetheart, you and Jazmine can go watch some more tv in your room." He said as they both got up and made their way to her room.

"Goodnight Daddy." Amy smiles and gave him one good night kiss.

"Good night honey, good night Jazmine."

"Good night Mr. Brad."


Jazmine's  POV

"AMY! It's time to get up." Her dad called up to her. "Ugh." I heard her groaned. "My stomach.." She got up and went to the bathroom.

"Ammmmy." I groaned. "Are you ok?" I asked.

"JAAAAAZZZZZZ!" She screamed.

"Amy?" I said as she  ran out the bathroom.

"Jaz- I- I- I- I'm- I'm- dy- dy-dying.." She cried as I went out the bathroom door to her.

"Amy, what are you talking about?" I asked.

"I'm bleeding.." She whispered. "Bleeding? Bleeding where, Amy? What are you talking about?"

"I'm bleeding down there Jazmine." She said as she pointed down. "Amy you are bleeding down-." I stoped as she pointed down. "Oh AMY!" I yelled as I finally knew what she was talking about.

"You got your period?" I asked.

"My What?! NOOOO IM DYING DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!" She cried. "Oh Amy, have you never had your period? Do you not know what it is? How do you not know what it is?" I asked.

"Yes Jazmine, I know what it is but no I've never had it, idk, Ugh, I'm just in denial." She cried. "Wellllll, ok you have to tell your dad." I said.

"Tell him what?" She looked up at me. "Tell him you got your, you know, period." I smiled at her.

"I can't do that." She stated. "You have to, I mean I would help you out, but I don't have any pads or tampons or anything like that with me sooooo I'm sorry, but you have to tell him." I tried.

"Jazmine that's just too embarrassing.." she shook her head. "I'll go with you?" I said as she looked up

"Well, ok." We got up and she looked at the blood stain on the bed. "Hey it's ok, it be like that sometimes girl."

Once we got downstairs, Amy and I walked into the kitchen. "Hey Mr. Brad." I said. "Good Morning Jazmine, Amy." He smiled at us. And then looked at Amy's teared up face. "What's wrong girls?"

"Amy, you should tell him." I urged her.

She sighed. "Dad, somethings happened."
He looked at me then back at her. "Okay What?" He said as he sat down our plates of food.

She started. "IT HAPPENED."

"It happened?" He questioned.

"It happened." I repeated again.

"It?" He asked.

"THE IT." Amy said.

"THE IT." He said as his eyes buckled in realization.

She shook her head.


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