-1- A bad start

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Thank you all for reading my stories and supporting me as an writer.As a small thank you, I have been writing you the "Schoolmate" story within the last 48 hours. Thank you all very much. I hope you enjoy this story.

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-1- A bad start

Zhan sat in his room and thought about his first week at the new school. On Monday morning, as soon as he woke up, he looked forward to his first day at the new school and was very excited.

For Zhan, it was the first time that he went to such a large and respected school. Until recently he lived with his parents in the countryside and attended the school where there were only 56 students.

It was a place where everyone knew everyone and knew everything about everybody. Unfortunately there was no one of Zhan's age at school, so he had no friends and was rather inexperienced in making new friends.

When his father came home from the job center a month ago, he happily said that he had been offered a new well-paid job. Shortly before, he had lost his job because the small company had to close down.

But for the new job they had to move. From the country to the big city to Beijing. The new company even enrolled Zhan in the school and is willing to pay for him, even if neither Zhan nor his parents understand why.

Gusu Lan High School is very well known in Beijing and it is difficult to get accepted there. Zhan and his parents were all the more shocked when Zhan was accepted there overnight. But they were also very happy.

And even his mother got a job. She now works in the kitchen of the CEO, in whose company her husband now works. Actually, she had wanted to stay a housewife and mother. But after she got a call from the CEO and he asked her if she would like to cook for him and his family, she gave it a chance. And already on the first day she came home excited and raved about how nice everybody was to her.

Zhan's first day at school, on the other hand, was anything but good. Even though the beginning was like a picture book. He was brought to school by his father, the principal welcomed him personally, he received his new school uniform and sportswear, and after Zhan had changed his clothes, the principal took him to his new class.

The teacher greeted him warmly and after Zhan introduced himself, the students greeted him very happily. Everything seemed to go well until the sports class came.

The sports teacher, an older man with a big belly, explained to Zhan that he could choose his sport. The only thing he can't do is sit around lazily. But before the sports lessons started, they were allowed to watch the basketball game of their and the parallel class.

But since Zhan never liked this sport much and he could hardly see anything because of all the girls standing around the field, he decided to wait somewhere else until the game was over. He took his water bottle, stopped briefly to drink water when he suddenly developed a cough and accidentally spilled his water. Unfortunately directly on one of the players, who landed because of a foul, right in front of Zhan's feet.

The player jumped up immediately, grabbed Zhan by the collar and pushed him hard backwards, resulting in Zhan falling and falling on his butt. Then the player bent over him and sparkled angrily at him. "Are you tired of living? What the hell was that?" The player shouted.

"I'm, I'm sorry. It was an accident. I suddenly had a cough and spilled the water accidentally." Zhan replied, startled and stuttering.

"I don't give a damn how it happened. Just make sure you don't get in my way again." The player yelled and kicked Zhan's water bottle, which disappeared somewhere in the bushes behind him.

All eyes were directed to Zhan as well. They whispered about him, laughed or shook their heads. One of his classmates told him that he had just made himself the most unpopular student in the whole school because he upset the most popular student in the whole school.

At first, Zhan thought it was a joke because it was an accident, an accident and nothing more. But already during the lunch break he realized that his classmate had not exaggerated. They all avoided him and those who did not avoided him called him names. Some even threw their open water bottles at him. But especially the girls took their frustration out on him and poured their water and juice bottles over him.

One of the girls whose name Zhan immediately remembered, Emily Qin, slapped him right in the face and told him not to come near her boyfriend again.

After class, when Zhan was about to leave the school building, the athlete whose name he now also knew came up to him. Wang Yibo looked deep into his eyes and said, "I never want to see you on the field again. Is that clear?" Zhan nodded silently. Then Wang Yibo handed him his sports clothes and said, "See that you bring them back washed."

Zhan took the dirty sports clothes and wondered why he should wash them. After all, the water had only run over Wang Yibo's head and not over his clothes.

Arriving at home, he wanted to tell his mother about how his day was and wanted to get some comfort from her. But she was not at home and also his father was not back yet. So he went into the bathroom, put his school uniform and Wang Yibo's sports clothes into the washing machine and sat down in front of it.

He watched the drum of the washing machine turn and wondered how could all this happen to him today? Hadn't he planned to make friends for once? But instead of friends, he had only found enemies. And all because of an accident. Just because he had to cough and just at this moment Wang Yibo landed in front of his feet by a foul when the water was pouring out.

Zhan found Wang Yibo's reaction completely exaggerated and didn't understand why he got so angry because of such a little bit of water. He found it ridiculous that everyone hated him now, and that just because of a little bit of water.

When the washing machine was ready, Zhan put the clothes in the dryer, went to his room and did his homework. He then warmed up the leftovers from the day before, took the clothes out of the dryer, ironed them and put the sports clothes properly in his bag. "How can I give him the clothes if I can't get near him?" He asked himself quietly.

Schoolmate [YiZhan FF]✔️Where stories live. Discover now