-5- I stick to it

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-5- I stick to it

Since Zhan was supposed to stay at home on Thursday and rest a little more, not much happened. He slept most of the time and when he was awake, he wondered why his heart beat faster every time he looked at Wang Yibo. And he wondered how he should behave towards him in school now?

Yibo had claimed in the hospital that they were friends, but that was not the truth. They are not and never were friends. On the contrary, Wang Yibo can't stand him and through him, Zhan had become the most hated person in the whole school.

And yet, Zhan saw concern in his eyes as he sat at Zhan's bed in the hospital, held his hand and stroked it. What was the meaning of that?

He spent a lot of time thinking about it. But he didn't come to a conclusion and instead thought about how to behave towards him and the others, at school. In the end he told himself he would stick to it. He avoids Wang Yibo and his girlfriend and all the others.

On Friday morning Zhan was driven to school by his father. He was afraid that his father would see the others avoiding or attacking him. But when the car stopped in front of the school gate, nobody paid any attention to Zhan. So he said goodbye to his father in relief and went to his classroom.

Zhan again expected doodles on his desk, garbage or whatever else malicious things the others might think up. But there was nothing. His table had been absolutely clean. Not even a speck of dust on it. And, someone had put a bottle of vitamin juice on his table. It was still locked, so Zhan didn't have to worry about anyone putting anything in it.

His classmates suddenly seemed especially friendly to him. Well, aside from Emily Qin and her three best friends. They were still staring and glaring at Zhan angrily.

Since all this had seemed very strange to Zhan and he thought it might be just one of the others' tricks to lull him into a false sense of security, so he neither drank the vitamin juice nor even dared to look at any of the other students.

When it was breakfast break, Zhan was about to get up and go to the toilet when Wang Yibo appeared in the classroom. Zhan immediately panicked and took quick steps out of the classroom through the back door. He still had no idea how to behave towards Wang Yibo. And then there was Emily Qin, his girlfriend.

Somehow, Zhan was also troubled by the thought of seeing Wang Yibo and Emily Qin intimately and as a couple. Just the thought of seeing the two together made his blood boil in his veins. Was he jealous? Could he really be jealous of Emily Qin?

Zhan didn't want to think about it anymore. He hid in the restroom the entire break. He was upset that he hadn't at least taken his breakfast with him. Because his stomach was rumbling really loud.

The break bell rang and announced the end of the break. Zhan left the toilet cubicle, washed his hands and went back to his classroom. Where now, besides the vitamin juice, there was also a melon bun. Confused, he looked around the classroom, but nobody said, "It's from me." In wonder, he pushed aside the buns and juice and ate his packed sandwich as fast as he could.

Two minutes before lunch, Zhan laid down his sandwich, put a bottle of water next to it and counted the seconds until he could grab them both and run out of the room.

The school bell rang, Zhan jumped up, grabbed them both and ran out of the classroom. He rushed past the parallel classroom and into the stairwell, which he knew none of the other students were using. He ran all the way to the top, where the door to the roof is, and sat down. Relieved, he took a deep breath and listened to see if nobody was using the staircase. When he was sure, he unwrapped his sandwich and ate in peace.

Strengthened and relaxed, he sat quietly singing in the stairwell and enjoyed the peace and quiet there. He wondered who put the juice and the melon bun on his table. Was it a classmate who felt sorry for the way they treated Zhan?

When the lunch break was over, Zhan went back to his classroom and was terrified when he saw Wang Yibo sitting at his table. Zhan stopped in the door in shock and would have loved to run away again immediately. But unfortunately Wang Yibo had already noticed him and waved him with his index finger towards him.

Slowly Zhan went to his table. Wang Yibo stood up, looked Zhan in the eyes and asked, "Where the hell have you been? Why didn't you drink the juice and eat the bun?" Everyone stared at them in confusion and Zhan shook his head in horror.

"I, I was on my lunch break. I made sandwiches this morning and ate them and I had water with me." He didn't even know why he had answered these questions in the first place. He could have said it was none of his business.

"I've been looking all over for you! Where have you been?" Asked Wang Yibo and Zhan swallowed hard. Why was he looking for him again? Had he done something wrong again?

"Like I said, I was on a lunch break."


"In a quiet place." Zhan replied. He didn't want to reveal his secret retreat and prevent anyone from taking his quiet place at all costs. Zhan sat down on his chair. Yibo bent over to him and looked him straight in the eyes.

"You better tell me where this quiet place is, I don't want to have to search for you again. And drink the juice, it is healthy and good for you. Besides, you should eat more, you are much too thin. So eat the melon bun later, I brought it especially for you."

Zhan was completely speechless and didn't know what to think. Besides, his classmates were staring at him and Emily Qin was looking at him too. And her look told him that if he kept this up, he'd really be in trouble with her.

Luckily, the teacher came and Zhan was spared to answer Wang Yibo. "Wait for me after class. We'll drive you home." Wang Yibo whispered in Zhan's ear and then left the classroom

There's no way I'll wait for Wang Yibo. Who knows if I'll still be alive the next day when Emily Qin finds this out. I really don't feel like getting into trouble with her. And besides, I don't have to listen to him. I can take the bus home or walk, it's none of Wang Yibo's business! Zhan thought so, but he had a strange feeling. As if Wang Yibo wouldn't accept a no.

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