-15- Surprise

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-15- Surprise

A total of four weeks have passed since Zhan ended his friendship with Yibo, ended up in hospital again and was then sent by his parents to his relatives in the USA. He had not attended school there, because his uncle had problems getting him into a school. And when it finally seemed that a school was willing to accept Zhan as a student, his father called and brought him back home.

Only a few days later, he met Yibo again in the evening at a party and Yibo confessed his feelings to him. Zhan had been completely amazed but then confessed his feelings to Yibo as well and both have been a couple since then. And what Zhan found most beautiful was when Yibo put a ring on his finger and told him that it was a symbol of their love. And he was also very surprised when his parents suddenly had nothing against a homosexual relationship of their son.

Zhan had even stayed overnight by Yibo that night, because both of them fell asleep arm in arm after hours of cuddling and kissing.

On Monday morning it was time to get up and go back to school. Zhan was more than happy that he could go back to Gusu Lan High School and would be in the same class as Yibo.

When Zhan came downstairs after breakfast, Yibo was already standing there waiting for him. He immediately ran to Zhan and hugged him. And if the driver hadn't fake coughed to get Zhan and Yibo's attention, the two of them might have stood there like that for an entire hour and forgotten everything around them.

This was the first day again for Yibo, too, since his parents have kept him at home for the past three weeks. He had told Zhan that he was feeling very bad and his parents were so worried that his mother even talked to Zhan's mother and thus started everything.

Yibo held Zhan's hand in the car. He looked at him all the time and Zhan got all red in the face because he was so embarrassed that Yibo stared at him like that. "Yibo, could you please not stare at me like that?"


"Why not?"

"Because I haven't seen you for almost four weeks and I need to catch this up."

"Ah? Are you serious?"

"Of course. I have to catch up every day I couldn't see you. And the only way I can do that, is if I look at you all the time."

"You're really weird."

"And yet you love me."

"Maybe I should change my mind."

"Don't you dare ZhanZhan! You're mine now, and you'll always be mine."

"I'm not your possession. You didn't buy me somewhere."

"But I fought hard for you and because of that, you're mine now. So don't you dare to leave me again."

"I have no intention of doing so."

" That' s better, ZhanZhan. I can't go through that again."

Zhan rolled his eyes, but smiled. While the driver giggled and said, "Young love, it must be nice."

When they arrived at the school, they both got out of the car and Yibo took Zhan's hand. "From now on, we walk hand in hand." He said and took Zhan with him to the school building and the classroom.

Yibo stopped in the doorway to the classroom and shouted loudly, "Surprise" pulled Zhan into the room with him and presented their intertwined fingers to all of them. And also their rings. Besides the applause and cheers of the classmates, only one person was not ready to laugh. Emily Qin!

Although her parents had lost everything, thanks to her and with the help of Yibo. But since they had already paid the school fees for this school year, Emily could continue to go to this school. Yibo had of course told Zhan about his revenge on Emily Qin and Zhan couldn't believe it at first. He never would have thought that Yibo could become so wild and his anger so great. And all because of him.

But somehow Zhan also felt something like mischievous joy. Because he had never done anything to Emily Qin and yet she had been against him from the first day on and even bullied him. He was glad that Yibo was putting her in her place. Zhan was only sorry for her family. Because they had to pay for what their daughter had done to them.

Zhan had also said this to Yibo in a way that he felt sorry for Emily's family. But Yibo said, "Her parents are partly to blame. They raised their daughter to be the person she is today. They never taught her rules or boundaries and always gave her what she wanted. So they are also to blame and that is why you should not feel sorry for them."

Somehow Zhan had to agree with what he said. Of course it was also due to the lack of education, the lack of rules and boundaries. But still he felt it was too hard that they lost everything.

Even though Zhan was glad that Emily Qin learned her lesson, he still didn't dare to look at her. Not because he has a guilty conscience. But because he didn't want to provoke her. He knows she's not the kind of person who would give in and surely find a way to hurt Zhan again. And it's only because she's jealous of him.

Emily Qin's three best friends turned away from her when they learned that she deliberately sabotaged the friendship between Yibo and Zhan and spread lies just to hurt Zhan. They actually liked Zhan very much and liked the friendship between him and Yibo. They liked the way they treated each other. But when they found out that first Zhan broke down and then Yibo as well, they ended their friendship with Emily Qin and regretted that they had listened to her for so long. And now that Zhan is back and Yibo is happy again, and now that they are a couple, the three girls are the first members and founders of the YiZhan Fan Club.

Zhan and Yibo smiled when they heard about the new club during their lunch break and that it already had many new members. "YiZhan Shipper Fanclub" they call it and at the moment they already have 51 members. And that within only a few hours.

On this day Zhan took his boyfriend for the first time into the empty staircase and to the place where Zhan had retired to when he wanted to have his peace. They sat there together and enjoyed their time together. Yibo laid his head on Zhan's lap, held his hand pressed to his chest and smiled: "You know ZhanZhan, I wish we could sit here like this forever."

"I'm sitting and you're lying. I think your position is much more comfortable than mine."

"Mm-hmm. Maybe. But you can lie on top of me, it's probably even more comfortable." Yibo replied with a grin.

"Wang Yibo, what's going on in your head?"

" Nothing ZhanZhan . I was just thinking how nice it would be if we could cuddle right now."

"Is that so?"

"Yes. Because I want to be somewhere with you right now, where we can snuggle and kiss."

Zhan laughed and stroked Yibo through his hair. Yibo closed his eyes and whispered, "I am happy ZhanZhan. Just happy."

After class, they drove together to Yibo's home where Yibo's parents were waiting for them. They were sitting in the dining room eating together when Yibo's father suddenly asked, "What do you think about getting married?"

Zhan's eyes widened because he had never thought about marriage before. Yibo, however, had probably thought about it. Because he said, "If I can marry Zhan, I'll be right on the spot." Everyone laughed, but Yibo's father also let his seriousness show in his question.

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